92 research outputs found

    Earthquake response of R/C frames with reinforced infill walls

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 48-49)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 54 leavesMost of the reinforced concrete structures that are built in the past few decades are in lack of ductility and lateral stiffness. In the content of the present work, a fast and economical remedy was searched to rehabilitate these type of buildings that are under high risk of earthquake damage.The strengthening technique needs to be finished in a short time without the people that live inside the buildings to move out. Furthermore, the chosen strengthening technique needs to be economical enough so that the home owner would not hesitate in making a decision of the rehabilitation.In regard of the above mentioned two criteria, existing infill clay brick walls may be strengthened by the addition of a wire mesh on the surface together with a layer of plaster. In order to investigate its effectiveness, a numerical investigation is carried out to study the behaviour of a strengthened infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame using wire mesh under lateral reversed cyclic loading. A single span, one-story clay brick infilled RC frame is modeled and a nonlinear analysis is made.The analysis results indicate that the technique of strengthening with wire meshincreased the peak lateral load, ductility and energy dissipation

    Mulberry Affects:Ecology, Memory, and Aesthetics on the Shores of the Tigris River in the Wake of Genocide

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    How can the Armenian genocide be considered in terms of its ecological roots and remnants? Umut Yıldırım explores the more-than-human flora and fauna indigenous to the banks of the Tigris river in Upper Mesopotamia — in particular, centenarian mulberry trees — as resistant roots that register the evidentiary ecologies of the Armenian genocide through the Turkish state’s denialist present and its ongoing war against the Kurds.Umut Yıldırım, ‘Mulberry Affects: Ecology, Memory, and Aesthetics on the Shores of the Tigris River in the Wake of Genocide’, in War-torn Ecologies, An-Archic Fragments: Reflections from the Middle East, ed. by Umut Yıldırım, Cultural Inquiry, 27 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2023), pp. 27-66 <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-27_2

    War-torn Ecologies, An-Archic Fragments:Reflections from the Middle East

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    War-torn Ecologies, An-Archic Fragments: Reflections from the Middle East identifies a conceptual intersection between war, affect, and ecology from the Middle East. It creates a counter archive of texts by ethnographers and artists, and enables divergent worlds to share a conversation through the crevices of mass violence across species. Delving into vital encounters with mulberry trees, wild medicinal plants, jinns, and goats, as well as bleaker experiences with toxic war materials like landmines, this volume expands an ecological sensorium that works through displacement, memory, endurance, and praxis.Foreword by Françoise VergèsWar-torn Ecologies: Human and More-​​than-​Human Intersections of Ethnography and the Arts | UMUT YILDIRIM | 1-25Mulberry Affects: Ecology, Memory, and Aesthetics on the Shores of the Tigris River in the Wake of Genocide | UMUT YILDIRIM | 27-66Who’s Afraid of Ideology? | MARWA ARSANIOS | 67-83Note the Ghosts: Among the More-than-Living in Iraq | KALI RUBAII | 85-103Great Sand: Grains of Occupation and Representation | NADINE HATTOM | 105-120Hide Your Water from the Sun: A Performance for Spirited Waters | JUMANA EMIL ABBOUD | 121-138Of Goats and Bombs: How to Live (and Die) in an Explosive Landscape | MUNIRA KHAYYAT | 139-166ReferencesNotes on the ContributorsIndexWar-torn Ecologies, An-Archic Fragments: Reflections from the Middle East, ed. by Umut Yıldırım, Cultural Inquiry, 27 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2023) <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-27

    War-torn Ecologies:Human and More-​​than-​Human Intersections of Ethnography and the Arts

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    Umut Yıldırım’s introduction combines the genres of literature review and commentary. It re-examines contemporary works on posthuman life to articulate ecological life-and-death politics within the context of colonial, imperial, and genocidal mass violence, and their entangled environmental legacies and actualities. A dissident repertoire of anthropological and artistic research is offered, which examines the ecological impact of war through the perspectives of human and more-than-human actors whose racialized and geographically regimented lives endure and counter ongoing environmental destruction.Umut Yıldırım, ‘War-torn Ecologies: Human and More-​​than-​Human Intersections of Ethnography and the Arts’, in War-torn Ecologies, An-Archic Fragments: Reflections from the Middle East, ed. by Umut Yıldırım, Cultural Inquiry, 27 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2023), pp. 1-25 <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-27_1

    Glaze:Or Formulas to Get through Bad Weather

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    This short story is set during the military junta of 1980 in Istanbul. On the run and underground with her family, Ö searches for ways to bestow meaning on numerous encounters her father had with thieves

    Investigation of empty container shortage based on SWARA-ARAS methods in the COVID-19 era

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    A shortage of empty containers has become a global crisis with more devastating effects than during previous periods when combined with various problems arising from the COVID-19, such as an increase in an imbalance of global trade between supply and demand, a decrease in the workforce, and restrictions by countries or regional quarantine practices. The absence of empty containers in regions where they are needed slows down industrial activities and locks the global supply networks, necessitating the use of alternative methods that are inefficient. Although this shortage causes many disruptions in global trade, solutions to the issue have not been studied in detail. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the issues caused by the shortage of empty containers and to rank the appropriate solutions. Four main criteria and sixteen subcategories used to define the issues, as well as a multi criteria decision model comprising five criteria for the solutions, were proposed based on information from the literature, sectorial publications, and expert opinions. The issues’ weighted order of importance in our proposed model was calculated using the SWARA (Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) method; solutions were ranked using the ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment) method. The results of the study revealed that the issues were ranked in importance as cost increases, uncertainty in the supply chain, volume loss, and increases in blank sailing announcements. Appropriate solutions were ranked as booking guarantee applications and information communication technologies, using shipper-owned containers, inducement calls, and E2E (end to end) delivery services

    Anarchism as a criticism in the political philosophy and on critique of the criticism

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    Anarşizm, genel manasıyla devlet başta olmak üzere tüm otorite/tahakküm biçimlerini ve modern kapitalist sistemi reddeden, bu kurumların olmadığı kendiliğinden işleyen bir toplumsal düzen kurma amacındaki felsefi geleneği ve siyasal ideolojiyi tanımlar. Bu anlamıyla anarşizm, modern siyaset felsefesi geleneklerinin fikir ve iddialarına eleştirel bir siyasal düşünce sistemi olarak konumlandırılır. Anarşizme yönelik bu konumlandırmanın kaynağı da anarşizmin o güne kadarki temel felsefi tartışmalardaki kabullerin aksi yönündeki argümanları ve yeniden yorumlamalarıyla ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bu anlamda, anarşizmin ortaya çıkışının siyaset felsefesi bağlamında bu araştırmaya gerekçe oluşturan iki temel meseleyi gündeme getirdiği görülmektedir: Anarşizmin var olan düzene yönelik eleştirel yeniden okumasının anlaşılması ve bu düzen eleştirisinin diğer geleneklerce nasıl ve hangi bağlamlarda eleştirildiğinin açıklanması. Bu doğrultuda araştırma, ilk olarak anarşizmin ortaya çıkışını, gelişimini ve anarşizm içindeki bireyci ve kolektivist geleneklerin ayrışma noktalarını ortaya koymaktadır. Sonrasında anarşizmin siyaset felsefesinin temel tartışmalarından devlet, özgürlük, eşitlik, mülkiyet ve siyasal sistem meselelerine getirdiği eleştirel yorumları, anarşizmin içindeki bireyci ve kolektivist ayrışmasını da dikkate alarak klasik anarşist kuramcıların fikirleri üzerinden irdelemektedir. Son olarak da diğer felsefi geleneklerin anarşizmin bu eleştirilerine yönelik karşı eleştirilerini tartışmaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinin benimsendiği araştırmada anarşizmin devlete, eşitliğe, özgürlüğe ve adalete dair yaklaşımının kendi içinde görece uyumlu olduğu fakat mülkiyet ve siyasal sistem meselelerinde ayrıştığı savlanmaktadır. Anarşizmin diğer felsefi geleneklerce eleştirilerinin ise eşitliğin ve adaletin tam olarak sağlanabileceği, devletin ortadan kaldırılabileceği ve kapitalist üretim sisteminin çökeceğine dair anarşist fikirlere odaklandığı görülmektedir.Anarchism, in general, is defined as the philosophical tradition and political ideology that rejects all forms of authority/domination, especially the state, and the modern capitalist system, and aims to establish a selffunctioning social order without these political and economic institutions. Therefore, anarchism is defined as a system of political thought critical of the ideas and claims of modern political philosophy traditions. The source of these definitions towards anarchism is associated with anarchist arguments and reinterpretations that contradict the assumptions in the central philosophical debates up to that time. In this sense, the emergence of anarchism raises two main issues that lead to the research in the context of political philosophy: understanding anarchists’ critical re-reading of the existing order and explaining how and in which contexts this order that criticized by anarchism has been criticized by other traditions. Accordingly, the research first reveals the emergence and development of anarchism and the points of divergence of individualist and collectivist traditions within anarchism. Afterwards, the study examines anarchists' critical comments on the state, freedom, equality, property, and the political system, which are among the main discussions of political philosophy, through the ideas of classical anarchist theorists, considering the individualist and collectivist divisions within anarchism. Finally, the research discusses the countercritiques of other philosophical traditions to these criticisms of anarchism. From the article, which uses qualitative research methods, it is argued that anarchism's arguments on the state, equality, freedom, and justice are relatively compatible within themselves. However, there are different perspectives on the issues of property and the political system. The criticism of anarchism by other philosophical traditions has focused on anarchist ideas arguing that fulfilling equality and justice in all its parts, abolishing the state, and collapsing the capitalist economic system is possible

    Karadeniz’de Petrol Alanlarının Gemi Trafiğine Olan Etkisi ve Petrol Kirliliği Riskleri

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    Karadeniz gemi trafiğinin yoğun olduğu ve 6 kıyıdaş ülkenin ihracat ve ithalatında kullandığı bir denizdir. Bu su alanı deniz ticareti ile birlikte deniz canlı kaynaklarından yoğun olarak yararlanılan ekonomik ve ekolojik değeri yüksek olan bir yerdir. Son yıllarda Karadeniz’in ulaşım ve canlı kaynakları yanı sıra yer altı kaynakları da önem teşkil etmiştir. Özellikle petrol arama çalışmalarına önem verilmiştir. Petrol arama alanları gemi trafiğinin yoğun olduğu Karadeniz’in kuzey güney geçiş alanlarında bulunması platform ve gemi kaza risklerini artırmaktadır. Aynı zamanda platformlardan kaynaklanabilecek bir kaza sonrasında dağılacak olan petrol çevresel açıdan önemli riskler ve sorunlar doğuracağı gerçektir. Yapılan çalışmada, Karadeniz’deki petrol arama alanlarındaki gemi trafik rotaları belirlenmiş ve bu rotaları üzerindeki riskli alanlar ortaya koyulmuştur. Daha sonra bu bölgelerde oluşabilecek bir platform gemi kazası akabinde oluşacak petrol dağılımı alanı ve bütçesi simülasyon yolu ile tespit edilmiştir. Gemi trafiği açısından başta Sinop ve Ereğli açıkları, riskli alanlar oluşturduğu anlaşılmıştır. Petrol kirliliği açısından ise en önemli risk alanları Batum cayrosu etkisinde kalan güney doğu Karadeniz kıyıları ile Kefken kıyıları olarak tespit edilmiştir

    The Use Of Incentives In Fostering Green Buildings

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    Earthquake response of R/C frames with reinforced infill walls

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 48-49)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 54 leavesMost of the reinforced concrete structures that are built in the past few decades are in lack of ductility and lateral stiffness. In the content of the present work, a fast and economical remedy was searched to rehabilitate these type of buildings that are under high risk of earthquake damage.The strengthening technique needs to be finished in a short time without the people that live inside the buildings to move out. Furthermore, the chosen strengthening technique needs to be economical enough so that the home owner would not hesitate in making a decision of the rehabilitation.In regard of the above mentioned two criteria, existing infill clay brick walls may be strengthened by the addition of a wire mesh on the surface together with a layer of plaster. In order to investigate its effectiveness, a numerical investigation is carried out to study the behaviour of a strengthened infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame using wire mesh under lateral reversed cyclic loading. A single span, one-story clay brick infilled RC frame is modeled and a nonlinear analysis is made.The analysis results indicate that the technique of strengthening with wire meshincreased the peak lateral load, ductility and energy dissipation