31 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Our Clinical Experience

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    Aim:Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy, developed by entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Despite widespread use, the effectiveness of physical therapy agents in the treatment of CTS is still not clear. In this study, our clinical experience of evaluating the efficacy of ultrasound (US) therapy in patients with CTS has been shared.Materials and Methods:A diagnosis of CTS patients who received treatment in our physical therapy unit were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic data, clinical and physical examination findings were recorded. Before and after treatment, patients’ clinical scales, as visual analog scale, the Boston carpal tunnel syndrome questionnaire, Beck depression and anxiety scales were evaluated.Results:24 patients (20 women and 4 men), 43 hands included in the study. The mean age of patients was 51.95 ± 10.10 years. The most common symptoms in patients were; numbness (41 hands, 95.34%), pain (36 hands, 83.72%), flick mark (27 hands, 62.79%), respectively. In the examination findings; 36 Tinel sign (83.72%), 33 positive Phalen test (76.74%), 4 evidence of thenar atrophy (0.09%) were detected. 22 hand were obtained as mild stage of CTS, 18 hand were obtained as moderate stage of CTS, 3 hand were obtained as advanced stage of CTS. In all clinical measurements significant improvement were determined.Conclusion:As a result, US is easy to apply, non-invasive, effective method of treatment of CTS. In order to determine the activity and duration of action more clearly, more clinical trials with larger series are needed

    The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Our Clinical Experience

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    Amaç Karpal tünel sendromu (KTS), median sinirin karpal tünelde tuzaklanmasıyla gelişen, vücutta en sık görülen tuzak nöropatidir. Yaygın kullanılmasına rağmen, fizik tedavi ajanlarının KTS tedavisindeki yeri hala açık değildir. Bu çalışma ile KTS tanılı hastalarda, fizik tedavi modalitelerinden ultrason (US) tedavisinin etkinliğini değerlendiren klinik deneyimlerimiz paylaşılmıştır. Materyal ve Metod Kliniğimiz fizik tedavi ünitesinde tedavi almış KTS tanılı hastalar retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Hastaların demografik verileri, klinik ve muayene bulguları kaydedilmiştir. Hastaların tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası klinik durumları; vizuel analog skalası, Boston karpal tünel sendromu anketi, Beck depresyon ve anksiyete ölçekleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular Çalışmaya 24 hasta (20 kadın, 4 erkek), 43 el alınmıştır. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 51.95±10.10 idi. Hastalarda en sık görülen semptomlar; uyuşma (41 el, %95.34), ağrı (36 el, %83.72), flick işareti (27 el, %62.79) idi. Hastaların muayene bulgularından; 36 elde Tinel pozitifliği (%83.72), 33 elde Phalen testi pozitifliği (%76.74), 4 elde tenar atrofi bulgusu (%0.09) saptandı. Değerlendirmeye alınan 22 elde hafif, 18 elde orta, 3 elde ise ileri evre KTS saptandı. Değerlendirilen tüm klinik ölçeklerde istatistiksel anlamlı iyileşme saptanmıştır. Sonuç Sonuç olarak, KTS tedavisinde US kolay uygulanabilen, invazif olmayan, etkin bir tedavi yöntemidir. Etki derecesi ve etki süresinin daha net olarak belirlenebilmesi için, daha geniş serilerle yapılacak, kontrollü klinik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Aim Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy, developed by entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Despite widespread use, the effectiveness of physical therapy agents in the treatment of CTS is still not clear. In this study, our clinical experience of evaluating the efficacy of ultrasound (US) therapy in patients with CTS has been shared. Materials and Methods A diagnosis of CTS patients who received treatment in our physical therapy unit were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic data, clinical and physical examination findings were recorded. Before and after treatment, patients’ clinical scales, as visual analog scale, the Boston carpal tunnel syndrome questionnaire, Beck depression and anxiety scales were evaluated. Results 24 patients (20 women and 4 men), 43 hands included in the study. The mean age of patients was 51.95 ± 10.10 years. The most common symptoms in patients were; numbness (41 hands, 95.34%), pain (36 hands, 83.72%), flick mark (27 hands, 62.79%), respectively. In the examination findings; 36 Tinel sign (83.72%), 33 positive Phalen test (76.74%), 4 evidence of thenar atrophy (0.09%) were detected. 22 hand were obtained as mild stage of CTS, 18 hand were obtained as moderate stage of CTS, 3 hand were obtained as advanced stage of CTS. In all clinical measurements significant improvement were determined. Conclusion As a result, US is easy to apply, non-invasive, effective method of treatment of CTS. In order to determine the activity and duration of action more clearly, more clinical trials with larger series are needed

    Horner Sendromu Tortikollis İlişkisi; bir Olgu Sunumu

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    Horner Sendromu, okülosempatik yolaktaki kesinti nedeniyle gözün sempatik innervasyon kaybı sonucu pitozis, miyozis, tek taraflı anhidrozis ve nadiren enoftalmus klinik semptomları ile karakterize nadir görünen bir klinik tablodur. Konjenital musküler tortikollis, sternokleidomastoid kasının fibrozisi ve buna bağlı kısalması ile oluşan bir kas iskelet sistemi malformasyonudur. Bu olgu sunumunda, konjenital musküler tortikollise ikincil gelişen horner sendromu ve bunun rehabilitasyon sürecindeki tanısı ele alınmıştır. Üç aylık bir kız bebek, konjenital musküler tortikollis tanısıyla, çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları polikliniği tarafından birimimize yönlendirildi. Öyküsünden, ikiz eşi olarak 34 haftalık gebelik sonrası sezaryen ile doğduğu, doğum sonrası yoğun bakım ihtiyacı olmadığı, ilk kez bir buçuk aylıkken ailesi tarafından boyunda asimetri fark edildiği ve çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları polikliniğine başvurduğu öğrenildi. Fizik muayenesinde kraniyofasiyal asimetri, servikal sol lateral fleksiyon, sola rotasyonda kısıtlılık ve olive belirtisi vardı. Rehabilitasyon sırasındaki takiplerinde yüzünün sağ yarısında anhidrozis, daha silik olarak sol tarafta miyozis ve pitozis bulguları da fark edilerek hastaya Horner Sendromu tanısı konuldu. Ayırıcı tanısı yapılarak olası diğer nedenler dışlandı ve etiyoloji hastadaki mevcut tortikollise bağlandı. Sonuç olarak hastalar tortikollis yönünden değerlendirilirken, nadir de olsa, tortikollise Horner Sendromu'nun eşlik edebileceği, klinik bulgular silik seyredebileceğinden tanının kolayca gözden kaçabileceği akılda tutulmalıdırHorner Syndrome is a rare condition characterized with ptosis, miosis, unilateral anhidrosis and rarely enophtalmos resulting from the sympathetic innervation loss by interruption of oculosymathetic pathway. Congenital muscular torticollis is a musculoskeletal system malformation resulting from fibrosis, therefore shortening of sternocleidomastoid muscle. In this report, Horner’s syndrome secondary to congenital muscular torticollis and diagnosis in rehabilitation period are discussed. Three-month-old baby girl was referred to our unit by pediatrics clinic with congenital muscular torticollis diagnosis. Her history comprised of cesarean delivery following a 34-week pregnancy as twin, and no intensive care need; her parents realized asymmetry in neck when she was a-month-anda-half old and they admitted to pediatrics. Craniofacial asymmetry, cervical left lateral flexion, restricted left rotation and olive sign were detected in physical examination. During rehabilitation, anhidrosis in the right side of face, soft left miosis and ptosis were also observed, and patient was diagnosed with Horner’s syndrome. Other possible reasons were ruled out with differential diagnosis and etiology was linked to torticollis. Consequently, while evaluating patients with torticollis, it must be considered that Horner’s syndrome, rarely accompanies, and since clinical findings may be soft, diagnosis may easily be missed ou

    The comparision of the effectiveness of short wave diathermy and ultrasound in the treatment of gonarthrosis

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    Amaç: Gonartroz tanısı alan hastalarda fzik tedavi ajanlarından ultrason (US) ve kısa dalga diatermi (KDD) etkinliğini karşılaştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: American College of Rheumatology (ACR) sınıfama kriterlerine göre gonartroz tanısı almış hastalar çalışmaya alındı. Diz bölgesinden cerrahi geçirmiş, travma geçirmiş, son 6 ay içinde diz içine enjeksiyon yapılmış, son bir yıl içinde fzik tedavi almış hastalar çalışmadan dışlandı. Hastalar iki gruba (KDD grubu ve US grubu) ayrıldı. Birinci gruba HP (20 dk), US (1.5 w/cm 2 , devamlı), TENS (20 dk), egzersiz uygulandı. İkinci gruba ise HP (20 dk), KDD (15 dk), TENS (20 dk), egzersiz programı uygulandı. Fizik tedavi programı haftada beş gün, toplam 15 seans olarak uygulandı. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası fonksiyonelliği ve ağrıyı değerlendirmek için vizüel ağrı skalası (VAS) ve Western Ontario and MacMaster osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 132 hasta alındı, hastaların 63 tanesi KDD (%47,7), 69 tanesi US (%52,3) grubundaydı. Her iki grubun da tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası VAS, WOMAC arasında istatistiksel anlamlı fark yoktu. Her iki grupta da VAS, WOMAC değerleri tedavi ile istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde azalmıştır (tüm p<0,001). Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile uygulanan her iki fzik tedavi modalitesinin de gonartroz tedavisinde etkin olduğu ancak birbirlerine üstün olmadığı gösterilmiştir.Objective: To compare the effcacy of ultrasound (US) and short wave diathermy (SWD) in the gonarthrosis patients. Materials and Methods: Patients who had been diagnosed gonarthrosis according to American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classifcation criteria were included into the study. Patients who have undergone knee surgery, had trauma, had knee injection into the knee in the last six months, and had received physical therapy (PT) in the past year were excluded from the study. Patients were divided into two groups (US group and SWD group). HP (20 min), US (1.5 w/cm 2, continuous), TENS (20 min), exercise were administered to the frst group. HP (20 min), SWD (15 min), TENS (20 min), exercise were implemented to the second group. PT was administered for fve days a week, for 15 sessions in total. Visual analog scale (VAS) and Western Ontario and MacMaster osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) were used to assess function and pain before and after PT. Results: 132 patients were included into the study, 63 patients (47.7%) were in SWD group, and 69 patients (52.3%) were in US group. There were no statistically difference between the VAS, WOMAC values of the groups before and after PT. In both groups, VAS, WOMAC were scores statistically signifcantly decreased with treatment (all p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that both these PT modalities are effective in treating the gonarthrosis, but not superior to each other

    Pelvik organ prolapsusu olan hastalarda el kavrama Gücünün Değerlendirilmesi]

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    Aim: Pelvic organ prolapse(POP) is a common condition that is observed in 50% of parous women. Weakness of pelvic floor muscles is an important factor that leads to POP. The hand grip strength is related to total muscle strength and it could be used to evaluate one's general muscle strength. The Jamar hand dynamometer is a portable dynamometer that uses a strain gauge to measure hand grip strength. We hypothesized that general muscle strength would be impaired in patients with POP. Material and Method: Twenty patients with pelvic organ prolapse and twenty-one controls were recruited from the gynecology clinic of Namik Kemal University School of Medicine. The POP-Q classification was used to quantify the clinical severity of the prolapse. Hand grip strength was measured using a JAMAR hydraulic hand dynamometer. Results: The median pelvic organ prolapse score was 3 (1-4) in prolapse group. The mean Jamar scores of both groups were similar for the right hand, the left hand and the dominant hand (p=0.774, p=0.575 and p=0.707, respectively). The mean body fat percentage was 33.9 +/- 5.7 % in prolapses group and it was 38.9 +/- 7.4% in control group (p=0.021). Discussion: We found no difference in terms of general muscle strength between POP group and healthy controls. Our results showed that Jamar scores, which represented general muscle strength of body, did not related to pelvic organ muscle strength

    Calprotectin levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis to assess and association with exercise treatment

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory, and autoimmune disease that can cause permanent joint damage. In our study, we aim to analyze the change in calprotectin levels following the low-density exercise levels applied to the patients with RA. Twenty-eight patients with RA and 30 healthy controls were included in this study. To evaluate the activity of disease in RA, scores of disease activity that has increased (DAS-28) are figured. Calprotectin, nitric oxide (NO), white blood cell (WBC) count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and rheumatoid factor (RF) levels are tested as the laboratory evaluation. Calprotectin, NO, CRP, ESR, WBC, and RF levels were significantly higher in the patient group compared to the control group (p < 0.01, p < 0.001, p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.01, and p < 0.05, respectively). In correlation analysis applied to the patient group with RA, there has been determined a positive relation with calprotectin, and DAS-28, CRP, NO, RF, and WBC (p < 0.001, p < 0.05, p < 0.001, p < 0.05, and p < 0.05, respectively). In result of the low-density exercise treatment applied to patients with RA for 8 weeks, there has been determined a significant decrease in calprotectin, DAS-28, NO, CRP, ESR, and RF levels (p < 0.05, p < 0.001, p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.05, and p < 0.05, respectively). As a result, a significant relation is found between RA disease activity and calprotectin levels and other inflammatory parameters. At the same time, it shows that calprotectin which is a significant indicator of local inflammation can be used as a good identifier in following up exercise treatment

    Sarkopenide Kas Gücünü Etkileyen Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Sarkopeni, 65 yaş üzeri bireylerde morbidite ve mortalite ile seyreden, en sık karşılaşılan geriatrik sendromlardan biridir. Sarkopeni kas gücü ve kas kütlesinde azalma ile karakterize, çoklu mekanizmaların rol oynadığı bir durumdur. Yaşam süresinin artması ile toplumlarda yaşlı insan sayısı artmakta, bu artış beraberinde sağlık sorunlarını getirmektedir. Fonksiyonelliklerine göre değerlendirildiğinde yaşlılar; sağlıklı, kırılgan ve terminal olarak ayrılırlar. Sağlıklı yaşlılar hayatlarının tek başlarına sürdürürken, kırılgan yaşlılar bakıma ihtiyaç gösterirler. Bu araştırma projesinde sarkopenik olan ve olmayan gönüllü bireylerde, hastalığa ilişkin biyobelirteçlerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Materyal Metod: Çalışma evrenini; 2013-2014 yılları arasında Fiziksel tıp ve Rehabilitasyon ile Aile Hekimliği Anabilim Dalları polikliniklerine, 65 yaş üzeri olup, her hangi bir nedenle başvuran olgular oluşturuyordu. Bu olgulardan, sarkopeni tanısı alan (n=60) ve cinsiyet, yaş ve VKİ açısından eşdeğer aralıklarda olan gönüllüler (n=30) araştırmaya dahil edildi. Sarkopeni tanısı; “Avrupa (EWGSOP) ve Uluslar arası (IWGS) Yaşlılarda Sarkopeni Çalışma Grubu” kriterlerine göre konuldu. Hem çalışma grubunu oluşturan ve sarkopeni tanısı alan olgulardan hem de kontrol grubunu oluşturan ancak sarkopeni tanısı almayan gönüllülerden, venöz kanlar alındı. Bu kanlardan elde edilen plazmadan, ELISA cihazı yardımı ile; IGF-1, IGFBP-3 , mTOR, FoxO-1, alfa aktinin-3, caspase 3, vitamin D ve TNF-? düzeyleri analiz edildi. İstatistiksel değerlendirmeler sonrasında gruplar arası karşılaştırmalar gerçekleştirilerek alfa anlamlılık değeri <0,05 olarak kabul edildi. Sonuçlar: Sarkopeni tanısı alan olgulardan elde edilen IGF-1, mTOR, FoxO-1 ve TNF-? seviyelerine ait değerler, sarkopeni tanısı almayan olgulardan elde edilen değerlere oranla yüksek bulundu ve bu sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi (p<0,05). Tartışma: IGF-1, mTOR, FoxO-1 ve TNF-? düzeyleri sarkopenik hastalarda inflamasyonun bir göstergesi olarak değerlendirilebilir. Ancak bu belirteçlerin hastalık şiddetini belirlemede kullanımları uygun değildir.Aim: Sarcopenia is one of the most seen geriatric syndrome which can lead morbidity and mortality over the 65 years old. Multiple mechanism play a role in the etiology of sarcopenia which characterized reduction of the muscle strength and muscle mass. With the increase of life time, the number of elderly people in society is increasing, and this increase brings health problems and creates difficulties for maintaining their lives for the elderly people. The elderly are classified by functionality as healthy fragile and terminally. Healthy people can live alone but fragile ones need to care. The aim of the research project was to evaluate the biomarkers of disease by ELISA in sarcopenic and non-sarcopanic volunteers. Materials and Method: The study population consisted of patients who were older 65 years old and applied for any reason in the outpatients clinics of physical medicine and rehabilitation and family medicine departments between the years 2013 and 2014. The patients who diagnosed sarcopenia (n=60) and volunteers who were equivalent intervals in terms of gender, age body mass index included to the study. Sarcopenia was diagnosed according to the criteria of European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) and International Working Group of Sarcopenia (IWGS). Venous blood was withdrawn from patients diagnosed sarcopenia who constituted the study group and healthy volunteers who constituted the control group. IGF-1, IGFBP-3, mTOR, FoxO1, alpha actinin-3, caspase 3, vitamin D, and TNF-? levels were analyzed by ELISA from plasma obtained from these blood samples. Statistical evaluations were peformed and the level of alpha significance was accepted as < 0.05. Results: The values of IGF-1, IGFBP-3, mTOR, FoxO1, alpha actinin-3, caspase 3, vitamin D, and TNF-? levels obtained from the study group with sarcopenia were found to be higher than the control group. These values were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusions: The values of IGF-1, mTOR, FoxO-1, and TNF-? may be considered as a sign of inflammation in sarcopenia patients. But the usage of these markers in determining disease severity may not be appropriate

    Miyofasiyal ağrı sendromunda D vitamini eksikliğinin yaşamsal parametreler üzerindeki etkisi

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    Objective: It is known that in vitamin D deficiency, people suffer extensive musculoskeletal pain. In this study, the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) and the effect of vitamin D on pain, disability, quality of life, sleep and psychological condition were examined.Method: In this study, 180 cases were examined. Of the cases, 120 were patients, and 60 were in the control group. The cases were compared in terms of 25(OH)D level and quality of life. The patients were also divided into two subgroups based on their 25(OH)D levels. Their scores on the visual pain scale, the neck pain and disability scale, the short form-36 (SF-36) quality of life index, Pittsburgh sleep quality index, Beck anxiety inventory and Beck depression inventory, which were tested for validity and reliability in Turkish, were recorded.Results: The average 25(OH)D level of the patient group was 12.8±7.3 ng/mL, while that of the control group was 22.8±14.3 ng/mL, and there was a significant difference. Physical parameters of SF-36 quality of life index were higher in the control group than in the patient group. In the patient group with a deficiency in 25(OH)D levels, depression and anxiety levels were significantly higher and the mental parameters of the SF-36 quality of life index were significantly lower.Conclusion: In our study, 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower in the patients diagnosed with MPS compared to the healthy people in the control group, and vitamin D deficiency was shown to have a negative effect on mental functions and mood.Amaç: D vitamini eksikliğinde yaygın kas iskelet ağrısı olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada D vitamini eksikliği ile myofasiyal ağrı sendromu (MAS) arasındaki ilişki ve D vitamininin ağrı, özürlülük, yaşam kalitesi, uyku ve psikolojik durum üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Yöntem: Çalışmada 120’si hasta ve 60’ı kontrol olmak üzere 180 olgu değerlendirildi. Olgular 25(OH)D düzeyi ve yaşam kalitesi yönünden karşılaştırıldı. Aynı zamanda hastalar 25(OH)D düzeyine göre iki alt gruba ayrılarak, vizuel ağrı skalası, Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışmaları yapılmış boyun ağrısı ve özür göstergesi, kısa form-36 (SF-36) yaşam kalitesi kısa formu, Pittsburgh uyku kalitesi indeksi, Beck anksiyete ölçeği ve Beck depresyon ölçeği skorları kaydedildi. Bulgular: Hasta grubun 25(OH)D düzeyi 12,8±7,3 ng/mL iken kontrol grubunun 22,8±14,3 ng/mL olup, anlamlı farklılık vardı. Kontrollerde SF36 yaşam kalitesi indeksinin fiziksel parametreleri hasta grubuna göre yüksek düzeyde idi. Hastaların 25(OH)D düzeyine göre eksikliği olan grupta depresyon ve anksiyete düzeyleri anlamlı daha yüksek ve SF-36 yaşam kalitesi indeksinin mental parametreleri anlamlı düşük idi. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda MAS tanılı hastalarda sağlıklı kontrollere göre 25(OH)D düzeyi anlamlı düşük saptanmıştır ve D vitamini eksikliğinin mental fonksiyonlar ve duygu durumu üzerinde olumsuz etki oluşturduğu gösterilmiştir

    The Comparision of the Effectiveness of Short Wave Diathermy and Ultrasound in the Treatment of Gonarthrosis

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of ultrasound (US) and short wave diathermy (SWD) in the gonarthrosis patients. Materials and Methods: Patients who had been diagnosed gonarthrosis according to American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria were included into the study. Patients who have undergone knee surgery, had trauma, had knee injection into the knee in the last six months, and had received physical therapy (PT) in the past year were excluded from the study. Patients were divided into two groups (US group and SWD group). HP (20 min), US (1.5 w/cm2, continuous), TENS (20 min), exercise were administered to the first group. HP (20 min), SWD (15 min), TENS (20 min), exercise were implemented to the second group. PT was administered for five days a week, for 15 sessions in total. Visual analog scale (VAS) and Western Ontario and MacMaster osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) were used to assess function and pain before and after PT. Results: 132 patients were included into the study, 63 patients (47.7%) were in SWD group, and 69 patients (52.3%) were in US group. There were no statistically difference between the VAS, WOMAC values of the groups before and after PT. In both groups, VAS, WOMAC were scores statistically significantly decreased with treatment (all p<0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that both these PT modalities are effective in treating the gonarthrosis, but not superior to each other. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2014;20: 16-20

    Gonartroz Tedavisinde Kısa Dalga Diatermi ve Ultrason Tedavi Etkinliğinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of ultrasound (US) and short wave diathermy (SWD) in the gonarthrosis patients. Materials and Methods: Patients who had been diagnosed gonarthrosis according to American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria were included into the study. Patients who have undergone knee surgery, had trauma, had knee injection into the knee in the last six months, and had received physical therapy (PT) in the past year were excluded from the study. Patients were divided into two groups (US group and SWD group). HP (20 min), US (1.5 w/cm2, continuous), TENS (20 min), exercise were administered to the first group. HP (20 min), SWD (15 min), TENS (20 min), exercise were implemented to the second group. PT was administered for five days a week, for 15 sessions in total. Visual analog scale (VAS) and Western Ontario and MacMaster osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) were used to assess function and pain before and after PT. Results: 132 patients were included into the study, 63 patients (47.7%) were in SWD group, and 69 patients (52.3%) were in US group. There were no statistically difference between the VAS, WOMAC values of the groups before and after PT. In both groups, VAS, WOMAC were scores statistically significantly decreased with treatment (all p<0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that both these PT modalities are effective in treating the gonarthrosis, but not superior to each other. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2014;20: 16-20