6 research outputs found

    Did MERCOSUR affect interstate Brazilian trade ?.

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    We consider the effect of MERCOSUR on trade between Brazilian states and on trade of Brazilian states with the rest of the world. We use a gravity model to shed light on the possible diversion effect of MERCOSUR. Thanks to the data on inter-state trade only for four years including one available year for the pre-MERCOSUR period (1991). We show that MERCOSUR led to an increase of trade of Brazilian states with member countries however without neither affecting intra-state trade nor trade of Brazilian states with third countries. The paper also shows the lack of integration of the Northern region.Regional Trade Agreements; Border Effect; Gravity Model; MERCOSUR; Brazil;

    Brazilian State’s Domestic-Foreign Export Capacities and Market Orientations in 1990s

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    On analyse l'intégration des états brésiliens au marché domestique et international du point de vue de leurs capacités d'offre dans les années d'ouverture commerciale. Les données disponibles permettent de caractériser l'évolution entre 1991 (la seule année disponible pour le début de période) et les années 1997-1998-1999. Notre modèle de gravité, inspiré de Redding et Venables (2004a, 2004b), estime séparément les capacités d'exportation des états vers le marché domestique et international. Les résultats montrent que les états les mieux classés en termes de capacités d'exportation vers le marché international ne sont pas les mêmes que les plus performants sur le marché domestique, c'est-à-dire dans le commerce entre les états brésiliens.We analyze the integration of Brazilian states into domestic and foreign markets from the point of view of their supply conditions. The study period takes in the country’s fast liberalization process with its two sub-periods (1991 and 1997-99). We estimate the states’ domestic and foreign market export capacities by a gravity model of trade in keeping with the work of Redding and Venables (2004a, 2004b). Results show that the states with better foreign export capacities are not necessarily the same as those that perform better on the domestic market, where domestic market trade is measured in terms of inter-state trade.no

    The Impact of MERCOSUR on Trade of Brazilian States

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    International audienceWe consider the impact of MERCOSUR on trade among Brazilian states and on trade by Brazilian states with MERCOSUR and the rest of the world. We use a theoretically founded gravity model to shed light on MERCOSUR’s possible creation and diversion effects as well as its “preference erosion” effect on trade among Brazilian states. Using data on interstate trade over a 4-year period, including 1 year prior to the MERCOSUR period (1991), we deliver empirical evidence at state level with a focus on the impact of MERCOSUR which can vary across Brazilian regions. We show that MERCOSUR increased Brazilian states’ trade with member countries, but had no effect on either interstate trade or Brazilian states’ trade with third countries. The paper finds that MERCOSUR’s impact varies across Brazilian regions and that Center West region did not benefit from the integration to MERCOSUR. We use an estimation method dealing better with the traditional issue of zero trade values and heteroskedasticity than ordinary least squares does

    Did MERCOSUR affect interstate Brazilian trade ?

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    We consider the effect of MERCOSUR on trade between Brazilian states and on trade of Brazilian states with the rest of the world. We use a gravity model to shed light on the possible diversion effect of MERCOSUR. Thanks to the data on inter-state trade only for four years including one available year for the pre-MERCOSUR period (1991). We show that MERCOSUR led to an increase of trade of Brazilian states with member countries however without neither affecting intra-state trade nor trade of Brazilian states with third countries. The paper also shows the lack of integration of the Northern region.ou

    Zones franches et chaine de valeurs : le modèle « Zone Franche de Manaus »

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    Actes du 8e colloque international, Rabat, 20-22 novembre 2014‎ organisé à la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales de Souissi (Université Mohamed V)nonouirechercheInternationa

    Internal and International Vertical Specialization of Brazilian states– An Input-Output analysis

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    L’OMC et l’OCDE notamment, suggèrent que le commerce en valeur ajoutée est une meilleure mesure des échanges que la valeur brute pour comprendre l’impact du commerce sur l’emploi, la croissance, la production etc. On utilise dans ce travail un tableau Input-Output pour l’année 2008 afin de calculer les valeurs ajoutées exportées par les États brésiliens. On distingue la valeur ajoutée exportée directement par un État de celle exportée indirectement via d’autres États. En utilisant la valeur ajoutée indirectement exportée, on définit l’ampleur de la spécialisation verticale entre les états brésiliens. On calcule également le contenu en importations des exportations des états. Même si la part du contenu en importations des exportations est peu élevée pour le Brésil, on montre l’importance du commerce inter-état pour certains états. La spécialisation verticale inter-état joue davantage en amont de la chaine de valeur, avant que le bien soit exporté à l’étranger. Néanmoins, la valeur ajoutée d’un état, exportée indirectement par un autre état, est équilibrée par la valeur ajoutée qu’il importe des autres états pour son exportation. Ainsi, les parts de chaque état dans l’exportation totale du Brésil en valeur brute ou en valeur ajoutée sont généralement proches.WTO, OECD with many others, suggest the trade in value-added would be a “better” measure than gross value to understand the impact of trade on employment, growth, production etc. We use in this work an Input-Output table for 2008, to calculate the value-added exported by Brazilian states. We distinguish the value-added exported directly by the state itself or indirectly via other states. Then, we define the extent of vertical specialization among Brazilian states by using value-added indirectly exported. We calculate equally the import content in states’ exports. If the share of import content in Brazilian exports is low, we show evidence that inter-state trade is quite high across some Brazilian states. Inter-state vertical specialization then operates at upstream stages of the value chain before the good be exported to foreign countries. However the value-added of a state; indirectly exported by another state is quite balanced by the value-added of its own exports which is imported from other states, then the export shares of each state in total Brazilian exports in value-added terms or in gross terms are close.nonouirechercheInternationa