21 research outputs found

    Entanglement sudden death and sudden birth in two uncoupled spins

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    We investigate the entanglement evolution of two qubits interacting with a common environment trough an Heisenberg XX mechanism. We reveal the possibility of realizing the phenomenon of entanglement sudden death as well as the entanglement sudden birth acting on the environment. Such analysis is of maximal interest at the light of the large applications that spin systems have in quantum information theory

    Atomic entanglement sudden death in a strongly driven cavity QED system

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    We study the entanglement dynamics of strongly driven atoms off-resonantly coupled with cavity fields. We consider conditions characterized not only by the atom-field coupling but also by the atom-field detuning. By studying two different models within the framework of cavity QED, we show that the so-called atomic entanglement sudden death (ESD) always occurs if the atom-field coupling lager than the atom-field detuning, and is independent of the type of initial atomic state

    Entanglement dynamics of two-qubit system in different types of noisy channels

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    In this paper, we study entanglement dynamics of a two-qubit extended Werner-like state locally interacting with independent noisy channels, i.e., amplitude damping, phase damping and depolarizing channels. We show that the purity of initial entangled state has direct impacts on the entanglement robustness in each noisy channel. That is, if the initial entangled state is prepared in mixed instead of pure form, the state may exhibit entanglement sudden death (ESD) and/or be decreased for the critical probability at which the entanglement disappear.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum recoil effects in finite-time disentanglement of two distinguishable atoms

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    Starting from the requirement of distinguishability of two atoms by their positions, it is shown that photon recoil has a strong influence on finite-time disentanglement and in some cases prevents its appearance. At near-field inter atomic distances well localized atoms, with maximally one atom being initially excited, may suffer disentanglement at a single finite time or even at a series of equidistant finite times, depending on their mean inter atomic distance and their initial electronic preparation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review on august 2

    Two interacting atoms in a cavity: exact solutions, entanglement and decoherence

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    We address the problem of two interacting atoms of different species inside a cavity and find the explicit solutions of the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions using a new invariant. This model encompasses various commonly used models. By way of example we obtain closed expressions for concurrence and purity as a function of time for the case where the cavity is prepared in a number state. We discuss the behaviour of these quantities and and their relative behaviour in the concurrence-purity plane.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Sudden Death of Entanglement of Two Jaynes-Cummings Atoms

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    We investigate entanglement dynamics of two isolated atoms, each in its own Jaynes-Cummings cavity. We show analytically that initial entanglement has an interesting subsequent time evolution, including the so-called sudden death effect.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Manipulating sudden death of entanglement of two-qubit X-states in thermal reservoirs

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    Manipulation of sudden death of entanglement (ESD) of two qubits interacting with statistically uncorrelated thermal reservoirs is investigated. It is shown that for initially prepared X-states of the two qubits a simple (necessary and sufficient) criterion for ESD can be derived with the help of the Peres-Horodecki criterion. This criterion implies that, in contrast to the zero-temperature case, at finite temperature of at least one of the reservoirs all initially prepared two-qubit X-states exhibit ESD. General conditions are derived under which ESD can be hastened, delayed, or averted.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Title and abstract are slightly modifie

    Dynamics of Entanglement and `Attractor' states in The Tavis-Cummings Model

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    We study the time evolution of NqN_q two-level atoms (or qubits) interacting with a single mode of the quantised radiation field. In the case of two qubits, we show that for a set of initial conditions the reduced density matrix of the atomic system approaches that of a pure state at \sfrac{t_r}{4}, halfway between that start of the collapse and the first mini revival peak, where trt_r is the time of the main revival. The pure state approached is the same for a set of initial conditions and is thus termed an `attractor state'. The set itself is termed the basin of attraction and the features are at the center of our attention. Extending to more qubits, we find that attractors are a generic feature of the multi qubit Jaynes Cummings model (JCM) and we therefore generalise the discovery by Gea-Banacloche for the one qubit case. We give the `basin of attraction' for NqN_q qubits and discuss the implications of the `attractor' state in terms of the dynamics of NqN_q-body entanglement. We observe both collapse and revival and sudden birth/death of entanglement depending on the initial conditions.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figure

    Finite-time destruction of entanglement and non-locality by environmental influences

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    Entanglement and non-locality are non-classical global characteristics of quantum states important to the foundations of quantum mechanics. Recent investigations have shown that environmental noise, even when it is entirely local in influence, can destroy both of these properties in finite time despite giving rise to full quantum state decoherence only in the infinite time limit. These investigations, which have been carried out in a range of theoretical and experimental situations, are reviewed here.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, review article to appear in Foundations of Physic