26 research outputs found

    Therapeutic effect of magnesium sulphate on carbon monoxide toxicity-mediated brain lipid peroxidation

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    CONCLUSIONS: CO poisoning caused significant damage, detected within the first 6 hours. Due to antioxidant enzymes, especially GSH-Px activity reaching the top level within 24th hours, significant oxidative damage was not observed. The protective effect against oxidative damage of magnesium sulfate has been identified within the first 6 hours

    Assessment of the applications to Kocaeli derince research and education hospital in 2012 and 2013 to obtain disabled children’s health board report

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    In this study, it is aimed to determine the neurodevelopmental disorders of children and adolescents applied to health committee for the disability, in a definite period. Cases of 0-18 aged 1512 children and adolescents who applied to health committee of our hospital between January 2012-December 2013 were analysed retrospectively. The study included cases whose 37.6% (569) were female and 62.4% (943) were male. The mean age was 7.66±3.8. 36.3% (549) of the cases were in the range of 0-6 years of age, 63.7% (963) of the cases were in the range of 7-18 years of age. The most common diagnoses were developmental delays in the range of 0-6 years of age and intellectual disability in the range of 7-18 years of age. Results of such studies investigating the applications will contribute to the statistical data of disabled population in our country, and will faciliate the organisation of social and educational rights of disabled children and adolescents applied to the health committees. Copyright © 2014 OMU

    Bilek güreşi sırasında humerusun spiral kırığı

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    Arm wrestling contests have become a common pub and even professional sport. Although armwrestling injuries are not common, several have been reported in the medical literature. In this case, spiral fracture of the humerus with large free fragments which had occurred during arm wrestling and occurring mechanism of injury was attracted attention. It is concluded that arm wrestling should not be considered a completely harmless sport and it appears appropriate to warn public and arm wrestler against arm wrestling.Bilek güreşi müsabakaları halk arasında ve hatta profesyonel sporcular arasında yaygın bir şekilde yapılmaktadır. Bilek güreşi yaralanmaları çok sık olmamasına rağmen, tıbbi literatürde bir kaç yayın rapor edilmiştir. Bu vakada bilek gü- reşi sırasında meydana gelen, serbest kemik parçası olan humerusun spiral cisim kırığına ve travmanın oluş mekanizmasına dikkat çekildi. Bilek güreşinin tamamiyle zarasız bir spor olarak düşünülmemesi gerektiği ve bilek güreşine karşı bu sporla uğraşan profesyonel sporcuların ve halkın uyarılmasının uygun olduğu sonucuna varıldı

    Royal jelly can diminish secondary neuronal damage after experimental spinal cord injury in rabbits

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    The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the neuroprotective effect of Royal jelly (RJ) on traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Twenty-one New Zealand male rabbits, weighing between 2.5 and 3.0 kg were divided into three groups: Sham (no drug or operation, n = 7), Control (laminectomy + single dose of 1 ml/kg saline orally, after trauma; n = 7) and RJ (laminectomy + 100 mg/kg RJ, orally, after trauma, n = 7). Laminectomy was performed at T10 and balloon catheter was applied extradurally for traumatic SCI. Four and 24 h after surgery, rabbits were evaluated according to the Tarlov scoring system. Blood, cerebrospinal fluid and tissue sample from spinal cord were taken for measurements of antioxidant status or detection of apoptosis. Four hours after SCI, all animals in control or RJ treated groups became paraparesic. Significant improvement was observed in RJ treated group, 24 h after SCI, with respect to control. Traumatic SCI led to increase in the lipid peroxidation and decrease enzymic or non-enzymic endogenous antioxidative defense systems, and increase in apoptotic cell numbers. RJ treatment mostly prevented lipid peroxidation and also augmented endogenous enzymic or non-enzymic antioxidative defense systems. Again, RJ treatment significantly decreased the apoptotic cell number induced by SCI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effectiveness of GFAP in Determining Neuronal Damage in Rats with Induced Head Trauma

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    CONCLUSION: Serum GFAP concentration can be used as a marker of the severity of head trauma and traumatic brain injury. However, more animal studies are required to reflect this result in clinical practice

    Violence against emergency department employees and the attitude of employees towards violence

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    Conclusion: Violence against employees in the emergency department is a widespread problem. This situation has a strong negative effect on employee satisfaction and work performance. In order to reduce the incidence of violence in the emergency department, both patients and their families should be better informed so they have realistic expectations as an emergency patient, deterrent legal regulations should be put in place, and increased efforts should be made to provide enhanced security for emergency department personnel. These measures will reduce workplace violence and the stress experienced by emergency workers. We expect this to have a positive impact on emergency health care service delivery

    Thiol/disulfide homeostasis as a novel indicator of oxidative stress in children with simple febrile seizures

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    Simple febrile seizures are generally benign, but during the seizure, elevated levels of glutamate and high levels of oxygen use due to the high metabolic brain activity result in oxidative stress. However, the relationship between febrile seizures and oxidative stress remains unclear. In this study, we investigated thiol/disulfide homeostasis as a new oxidative stress parameter in patients with simple febrile seizures. This study was performed between February 2016 and May 2016 at the Pediatric Emergency Unit. The study population consisted of 40 patients with a diagnosis of simple febrile seizure and 30 control participants aged 8-59 months. Total thiol, native thiol and disulfide levels, disulfide/native thiol, disulfide/total thiol, and native thiol/total thiol ratios were used as thiol/disulfide homeostasis parameters and were quantified in patient and control groups. Furthermore, correlations with seizure duration were investigated. In the patient group, native and total thiol levels and native thiol/total thiol ratios were low, and disulfide levels, disulfide/native thiol, and disulfide/total thiol ratios were significantly higher than in the control group. Negative correlations were observed between seizure duration, total and native thiol levels, and native thiol/total thiol ratio, whereas positive correlations were observed between seizure duration and disulfide/native thiol and disulfide/total thiol ratio. The sensitivities of both disulfide/native thiol and disulfide/total thiol ratios were high for simple febrile seizures. Simple febrile seizures may cause impairment in favor of disulfide bonds in thiol/disulfide homeostasis. Overall, these changes may contribute to neuronal cell damage after simple febrile seizures

    Headache, Stiff Neck & Loss Of Consciousness: Differential Diagnosis Between Meningitis And Covid-19: Olgu Sunumu

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, is a pandemic infection that affects the whole world and has a very high mortality rate. This infection, which often has upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms, may also present with atypical presentations with different clinical pictures in the recent period. Diagnosis of these atypical cases takes time, and delays may occur in the patient's initiation of treatment. This was a case of COVID-19 that showed atypical presentation due to the absence of signs of infection of the respiratory system and the prominence of a stiff neck with the change of consciousness. At first glance, this case suggests central nervous system infection; He was diagnosed with COVID-19 after the nasopharyngeal swab sample taken due to high fever in the follow-up was found positive. This case report aims to draw attention to the fact that COVID-19 infection may occur in different forms and, therefore, raise awareness to save time in the diagnosis process by considering this situation.Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) virüsünün etken olduğu COVID-19 tüm dünyayı etkileyen ve mortalitesi oldukça yüksek seyreden pandemik bir enfeksiyondur. Sıklıkla üst ve alt solunum yollarına ait semptomların görüldüğü bu enfeksiyonun son dönemde farklı klinik tablolar ile seyreden atipik prezantasyonları da karşımıza çıkabilmektedir. Bu atipik vakalara tanı konulması zaman almakta ve hastanın tedaviye başlama sürecinde gecikmeler yaşanabilmektedir. Olgumuz; solunum sistemine ait enfeksiyon bulgularının görülmemesi ve şuur değişikliği ile ense sertliğinin ön planda bulunması sebebiyle atipik prezentasyon gösteren bir COVID-19vakasıdır. İlk bakışta santral sinir sistemi enfeksiyonu düşündüren bu vaka; takibinde ateş değerinin yüksek seyretmesi sebebiyle alınan nazofaringeal sürüntü örneğinin pozitif bulunması ile COVID-19 tanısı almıştır. Bu olgu sunumunda amaç COVID-19enfeksiyonu tablosunun farklı biçimlerde de karşımıza çıkabileceğine dikkat çekmek ve dolayısıyla bu durum göz önünde bulundurularak tanı koyma sürecinde zaman kaybı yaşanmaması için farkındalık yaratmaktır

    COVİD 19 İle İlişkili Tekrarlayan Perikardit: Olgu Sunumu: Olgu Sunumu

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    Coronavirus Disease (2019). (Covid-19), caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, is a pandemic infection widely seen worldwide and has a very high mortality rate. This infection, which often has upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms, may present with atypical presentations with different clinical pictures in the recent period. Respiratory and cardiac system findings are at the forefront of Covid-19, a multisystem involvement infection. Cardiac involvement may present as myocarditis, pericarditis, rhythm disturbances, heart failure, and acute coronary syndrome. Although mostof the cases diagnosed with Covid-related pericarditis have been reported as pericarditis accompanying respiratory system findings, it is known that there arepatients diagnosed as isolated pericarditis cases. There is no different diagnosis and treatment protocol in pericarditis cases due to SARS-CoV-2 compared to other viral pericarditis cases in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Our case; Following the diagnosis of Covid-19 infection, he was examined with complaints of increasing back pain and numbness spreading to the left arm, and pericarditis was detected on echocardiography, and treatment planning was made. It was learned that the patient was diagnosed with Covid infection two years ago and with pericarditis due to the examinations performed due to similar symptoms following the PCR positivity and was treated by admission to the cardiology service. This case report aims to draw attention to the fact that Covid-19 infection may occur in different forms, raise awareness regarding early recognition of the complications, and do the necessary treatment planning.Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)  virüsünün etken olduğu Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) tüm dünyada yaygın olarak görülen ve mortalitesi oldukça yüksek seyreden pandemik bir enfeksiyondur. Sıklıkla üst ve alt solunum yollarına ait semptomların görüldüğü bu enfeksiyonun son dönemde farklıklinik tablolar ile seyreden atipik prezentasyonları karşımıza çıkabilmektedir. Multisistem tutulum gösteren bir enfeksiyon olan Covid-19 enfeksiyonunda solunum ve kardiyak sisteme ait bulgular ön plandadır. Kardiyak tutulumda tablo miyokardit, perikardit,ritim bozuklukları, kalp yetmezliği ve akut koroner sendrom tablosu şeklinde karşımıza çıkabilir. Covid ilişkili perikardit tanılı vakalarının birçoğundasolunum sistemi bulgularına eşlik eden perikardit tablosu bildirilmişse de izole perikardit vakaları olarak da tanı alan hastaların olduğu bilinmektedir. SARS-CoV-2'ye bağlı perikardit olgularında tanı ve tedavi açısından diğer viral perikardit vakalarına göre farklı bir tanı ve tedavi protokolü bulunmamaktadır. Olgumuz; Covid-19 enfeksiyonu tanısı almasını takiben artan sırt ağrısı ve sol kola yayılan uyuşma şikayeti ile tetkik edilmiş ve ekokardiyografide perikardit tespit edilerek tedavi planlaması yapılmıştır. Hastanın iki yıl önce Covid enfeksiyonu tanısı aldığı ve yine PCR pozitifliğini takiben gelişen benzer semptomlar sebebiyle yapılan tetkikler sonucunda perikardit tanısı konulduğu ve kardiyoloji servisine yatışı yapılarak tedavi edildiği öğrenildi. Bu olgu sunumunda amaç Covid-19 enfeksiyonu tablosunun farklı biçimlerde de karşımıza çıkabileceğine dikkat çekmek ve oluşabilecek komplikasyonların erken tanınması ile gerekli tedavi planlamasının yapılması açısından farkındalık yaratmaktır


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    Pericardio-diaphragmatic rupture is an uncommon problem that poses a diagnostic challenge to surgeons. This article reports an unusual case of traumatic pericardio-diaphragmatic rupture in a 36-year-old male who has no additional intraabdominal visceral injury or thoracic pathology. There was a 7 cm lateral tear on the left dome of the diaphragm and a 2 cm medial tear, also involving pericardio-diaphragmatic junction, with the heart uninjured. The partially herniated stomach was easily pulled out from the thorax cavity through the diaphragmatic rupture. The rupture was reparied by interrupted non-absorbable sutures. The patient had no complaints on his follow up