12 research outputs found

    Miyopik lasık cerrahi öyküsü olan travmatik afakik gözde göziçi lens gücünün hesaplanması: Olgu sunumu

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    A fi fty years old female patient with the history of Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) presented at emergency room complaining of insertion of a hair clip piece into her left eye. On slit-lamp examination, there was a foreign body impacted in inferotemporal paracentral cornea extending into the lens via penetrating iris. Two and a half months after the corneal fi xation and traumatic cataract extraction, iridoplasty and secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation were applied. The stable refraction was – 0.50 – 0.75/160 degrees at the fi rst year of trauma. In traumatic aphakic eyes with the history of refractive surgery choosing appropriate IOL calculation formula may become more diffi cult because routinely used methods to calculate IOL power do not guarantee the same accuracy compared with naive eyes. Haigis-L formula might be a preferable method to calculate IOL power for these eyes.Geçirilmiş Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) öyküsü olan 50 yaşında kadın hasta sol gözüne saç tokası parçası gelme şikayeti ile acil servise başvurdu. Biyomikroskopik incelemesinde alt temporal parasantral korneadan irisi penetre ederek lense uzanan yabancı cisim izlenmekteydi. Korneal sütürasyon ve travmatik katarakt ekstraksiyonundan 2,5 ay sonra hastaya iridoplasti ve sekonder göziçi lens implantasyonu uygulandı. Travmanın birinci yılında stabil refraksiyon -0.50 -0.75/160 derece düzeyinde idi. Refraktif cerrahi öyküsü olan travmatik afakik hastalarda uygun göziçi lens formülasyonunun seçilmesi rutinde kullanılan diğer yöntemlerin naif gözlerdeki doğruluğu garanti etmemesi nedeniyle zordur. Haigis-L formülünün bu gözler için tercih edilebilir bir yöntem olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Comparative Analysis of Tear Film Levels of Inflammatory Mediators in Contact Lens Users

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    Purpose: To compare tear films levels of various inflammatory cytokines in asymptomatic contact lens (CL) users. CL users of rigid gas-permeable CLs (RGPCL) (group 1) or silicone hydrogel CLs (SiHCL) (group 2) were compared with non-CL-using healthy subjects (group 3)

    Evaulation of Incidence and Risk Factors for Intraocular Pressure Elevation After Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection

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    Objectives: To investigate the effect of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) used for the macular edema on intraocular pressure (IOP) and to determine the risk factors for IOP elevation. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 93 eyes of 85 patients who had 4 mg intravitreal triamcinolone injection. Of the 85 patients, 56 (65.8%) had diabetic macular edema, 22 (25.8%) had branch retinal, and 7 (8.2%) had central retinal vein occlusion. IOP changes after injection as well as the relation between IOP elevation and age, sex, lens status, etiology of macular edema, baseline IOP were evaluated. Results: Fourty-six male and 39 female patients with mean age 61.58±9.5 years were evaluated. IOP was recorded to be >24 mmHg in 30 eyes (32.2%) at follow-up visit after an average of 7.5 weeks. Normalization of IOP with medication was achieved in all IOP elevated eyes. Fifteen of 29 eyes (51.7%) with vein occlusion and 15 of 64 eyes (23.3%) with diabetic macula edema had IOP elevation (p=0.01). Twenty-six of 73 phakic (35.6%) and 4 of 20 pseudophakic eyes (20%) had IOP >24 mmHg (p=0.16). There was no association between IOP elevation and sex (p=0.33). Baseline IOP was 16.47±2.8 mmHg in eyes which had elevated IOP and 14.78±2.4 mmHg in the remaining. There was significant relation between IOP elevation and baseline IOP level (p=0.01). Conclusion: Elevated IOP is common side effect after IVTA, but normalization is usually achieved by topical medication. Patients with baseline IOP ≥15 mmHg and vein occlusion have higher risk for IOP elevation. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2015; 45: 86-91

    Evaulation of Incidence and Risk Factors for Intraocular Pressure Elevation After Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection

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    Objectives: To investigate the effect of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) used for the macular edema on intraocular pressure (IOP) and to determine the risk factors for IOP elevation. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 93 eyes of 85 patients who had 4 mg intravitreal triamcinolone injection. Of the 85 patients, 56 (65.8%) had diabetic macular edema, 22 (25.8%) had branch retinal, and 7 (8.2%) had central retinal vein occlusion. IOP changes after injection as well as the relation between IOP elevation and age, sex, lens status, etiology of macular edema, baseline IOP were evaluated. Results: Fourty-six male and 39 female patients with mean age 61.58±9.5 years were evaluated. IOP was recorded to be >24 mmHg in 30 eyes (32.2%) at follow-up visit after an average of 7.5 weeks. Normalization of IOP with medication was achieved in all IOP elevated eyes. Fifteen of 29 eyes (51.7%) with vein occlusion and 15 of 64 eyes (23.3%) with diabetic macula edema had IOP elevation (p=0.01). Twenty-six of 73 phakic (35.6%) and 4 of 20 pseudophakic eyes (20%) had IOP >24 mmHg (p=0.16). There was no association between IOP elevation and sex (p=0.33). Baseline IOP was 16.47±2.8 mmHg in eyes which had elevated IOP and 14.78±2.4 mmHg in the remaining. There was significant relation between IOP elevation and baseline IOP level (p=0.01). Conclusion: Elevated IOP is common side effect after IVTA, but normalization is usually achieved by topical medication. Patients with baseline IOP ≥15 mmHg and vein occlusion have higher risk for IOP elevation. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2015; 45: 86-91