14 research outputs found

    Utilization of Dioxygen by Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases.

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    Analysis of Carotenoid Isomerase Activity in a Prototypical Carotenoid Cleavage Enzyme, Apocarotenoid Oxygenase (ACO)*

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    Carotenoid cleavage enzymes (CCEs) constitute a group of evolutionarily related proteins that metabolize a variety of carotenoid and non-carotenoid substrates. Typically, these enzymes utilize a non-heme iron center to oxidatively cleave a carbon-carbon double bond of a carotenoid substrate. Some members also isomerize specific double bonds in their substrates to yield cis-apocarotenoid products. The apocarotenoid oxygenase from Synechocystis has been hypothesized to represent one such member of this latter category of CCEs. Here, we developed a novel expression and purification protocol that enabled production of soluble, native ACO in quantities sufficient for high resolution structural and spectroscopic investigation of its catalytic mechanism. High performance liquid chromatography and Raman spectroscopy revealed that ACO exclusively formed all-trans products. We also found that linear polyoxyethylene detergents previously used for ACO crystallization strongly inhibited the apocarotenoid oxygenase activity of the enzyme. We crystallized the native enzyme in the absence of apocarotenoid substrate and found electron density in the active site that was similar in appearance to the density previously attributed to a di-cis-apocarotenoid intermediate. Our results clearly demonstrated that ACO is in fact a non-isomerizing member of the CCE family. These results indicate that careful selection of detergent is critical for the success of structural studies aimed at elucidating structures of CCE-carotenoid/retinoid complexes

    Mechanism of action for small-molecule inhibitors of triacylglycerol synthesis

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    Abstract Inhibitors of triacylglycerol (TG) synthesis have been developed to treat metabolism-related diseases, but we know little about their mechanisms of action. Here, we report cryo-EM structures of the TG-synthesis enzyme acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1), a membrane bound O-acyltransferase (MBOAT), in complex with two different inhibitors, T863 and DGAT1IN1. Each inhibitor binds DGAT1’s fatty acyl-CoA substrate binding tunnel that opens to the cytoplasmic side of the ER. T863 blocks access to the tunnel entrance, whereas DGAT1IN1 extends further into the enzyme, with an amide group interacting with more deeply buried catalytic residues. A survey of DGAT1 inhibitors revealed that this amide group may serve as a common pharmacophore for inhibition of MBOATs. The inhibitors were minimally active against the related MBOAT acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase 1 (ACAT1), yet a single-residue mutation sensitized ACAT1 for inhibition. Collectively, our studies provide a structural foundation for developing DGAT1 and other MBOAT inhibitors

    Utilization of Dioxygen by Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases

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    Carotenoid cleavage oxygenases (CCOs) are non-heme, Fe(II)-dependent enzymes that participate in biologically important metabolic pathways involving carotenoids and apocarotenoids, including retinoids, stilbenes, and related compounds. CCOs typically catalyze the cleavage of non-aromatic double bonds by dioxygen (O(2)) to form aldehyde or ketone products. Expressed only in vertebrates, the RPE65 sub-group of CCOs catalyzes a non-canonical reaction consisting of concerted ester cleavage and trans-cis isomerization of all-trans-retinyl esters. It remains unclear whether the former group of CCOs functions as mono- or di-oxygenases. Additionally, a potential role for O(2) in catalysis by the RPE65 group of CCOs has not been evaluated to date. Here, we investigated the pattern of oxygen incorporation into apocarotenoid products of Synechocystis apocarotenoid oxygenase. Reactions performed in the presence of (18)O-labeled water and (18)O(2) revealed an unambiguous dioxygenase pattern of O(2) incorporation into the reaction products. Substitution of Ala for Thr at position 136 of apocarotenoid oxygenase, a site predicted to govern the mono- versus dioxygenase tendency of CCOs, greatly reduced enzymatic activity without altering the dioxygenase labeling pattern. Reevaluation of the oxygen-labeling pattern of the resveratrol-cleaving CCO, NOV2, previously reported to be a monooxygenase, using a purified enzyme sample revealed that it too is a dioxygenase. We also demonstrated that bovine RPE65 is not dependent on O(2) for its cleavage/isomerase activity. In conjunction with prior research, the results of this study resolve key issues regarding the utilization of O(2) by CCOs and indicate that dioxygenase activity is a feature common among double bond-cleaving CCOs