25 research outputs found

    Current Applications and Future Directions of Bioengineering Approaches for Bladder Augmentation and Reconstruction

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    End-stage neurogenic bladder usually results in the insufficiency of upper urinary tract, requiring bladder augmentation with intestinal tissue. To avoid complications of augmentation cystoplasty, tissue-engineering technique could offer a new approach to bladder reconstruction. This work reviews the current state of bioengineering progress and barriers in bladder augmentation or reconstruction and proposes an innovative method to address the obstacles of bladder augmentation. The ideal tissue-engineered bladder has the characteristics of high biocompatibility, compliance, and specialized urothelium to protect the upper urinary tract and prevent extravasation of urine. Despite that many reports have demonstrated that bioengineered bladder possessed a similar structure to native bladder, few large animal experiments, and clinical applications have been performed successfully. The lack of satisfactory outcomes over the past decades may have become an important factor hindering the development in this field. More studies should be warranted to promote the use of tissue-engineered bladders in clinical practice

    Upper urinary dilatation and treatment of 26 patients with diabetes insipidus: A single-center retrospective study

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    ObjectiveTo describe the urinary tract characteristics of diabetes insipidus (DI) patients with upper urinary tract dilatation (UUTD) using the video-urodynamic recordings (VUDS), UUTD and all urinary tract dysfunction (AUTD) systems, and to summarize the experience in the treatment of DI with UUTD.MethodsThis retrospective study analyzed clinical data from 26 patients with DI, including micturition diary, water deprivation tests, imaging data and management. The UUTD and AUTD systems were used to evaluate the urinary tract characteristics. All patients were required to undergo VUDS, neurophysiologic tests to confirm the presence of neurogenic bladder (NB).ResultsVUDS showed that the mean values for bladder capacity and bladder compliance were 575.0 ± 135.1 ml and 51.5 ± 33.6 cmH2O in DI patients, and 42.3% (11/26) had a post-void residual >100 ml. NB was present in 6 (23.1%) of 26 DI patients with UUTD, and enterocystoplasty was recommended for two patients with poor bladder capacity, compliance and renal impairment. For the 24 remaining patients, medication combined with individualized and appropriate bladder management, including intermittent catheterization, indwelling catheter and regular voiding, achieved satisfactory results. High serum creatinine decreased from 248.0 ± 115.8 μmoI/L to 177.4 ± 92.8 μmoI/L in 12 patients from a population with a median of 108.1 μmoI/L (IQR: 79.9-206.5 μmoI/L). Forty-four dilated ureters showed significant improvement in the UUTD grade, and the median grade of 52 UUTD ureters decreased from 3 to 2.ConclusionBladder distension, trabeculation and decreased or absent sensations were common features for DI patients with UUTD. Individualized therapy by medication combined with appropriate bladder management can improve UUTD and renal function in DI patients

    A comprehensive method for refining essential SDGs variables for land degradation monitoring based on the DPSIR framework

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    The United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address societal, economic and environmental sustainability issues. The efficiency of SDGs monitoring could be improved by essential variables (EVs), which can help to better deal with massive data, interdisciplinary knowledge and workloads. However, in practice, effectively combining EVs with SDGs monitoring remains challenging. In this paper, we proposed a refining method of essential SDGs variables (ESDGVs) to land degradation. Firstly, we selected northwest China as our experimental region and extracted a group of variables related to land degradation from SDG indicators based on the DPSIR framework. Next, we identify the essential ones using a combined qualitative and quantitative methods with the criteria of feasibility, spatialization, and relevance which considered the issues of data acquisition, monitoring scale, and closeness to the land degradation. Finally, we analysed the monitoring role of ESDGVs. Results show that, compared to conventional observations, ESDGVs facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of regional SDGs with reduced efforts. And both climate and human activities have a facilitating or inhibiting effect on land degradation processes. In the future, we hope to have more mature data sets and consider adding more SDG indicators for ESDGVs’ refinement

    Disaggregating population data for assessing progress of SDGs: methods and applications

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    Rapid population growth has had a significant impact on society, economy and environment, which will challenge the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Spatially accurate and detailed population distribution data are essential for measuring the impact of population growth and tracking progress on the SDGs. However, most population data are evenly distributed within administrative units, which seriously lacks spatial details. There are scale differences between the population statistical data and geospatial data, which makes data analysis and needed research difficult. The disaggregation method is an effective way to obtain the spatial distribution of population with greater granularity. It can also transform the statistical population data from irregular administrative units into regular grids to characterize the spatial distribution of the population, and the original population count is preserved. This paper summarizes the research advances of population disaggregation in terms of methodology, ancillary data, and products and discusses the role of spatial disaggregation of population statistical data in monitoring and evaluating SDG indicators. Furthermore, future work is proposed from two perspectives: challenges with spatial disaggregation and disaggregated population as an Essential SDG Variable (ESDGV)

    Study on Failure Modes and Energy Evolution of Coal-Rock Combination under Cyclic Loading

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    The loading modes and roof lithology have a significant influence on the mechanical properties of coal seams. To reveal the failure modes and energy evolution law of underground coal during the mining process, conventional uniaxial and uniaxial cyclic loading tests were carried out on three types of samples: coal, rock, and coal-rock combinations. The results show that the samples mainly behave with three failure modes (shear slip, tensile splitting, and fracture), and all the coal sections in the coal-rock combinations fail, whereas most rock sections remain intact. The compressive strength of the coal-rock combination is higher than coal and much smaller than rock. Compared with the conventional uniaxial loading condition, both the maximum deformation before failure and Young’s modulus under the cyclic loading condition are greater, and the latter increases quadratically with the cycle index. The energy densities are also calculated, and their variations are analysed in detail. The results show that with increasing cycle index, both the elastic energy stored in the sample and the dissipated energy increase in a quadratic function, and the failure process becomes more intense. This research reveals the failure modes, deformation characteristics, and energy evolution of the coal-rock combination under different loading conditions, which can provide strong support for controlling underground surrounding rocks of the coal face and roadway in coalmines

    Evaluation and Comparison of Long-Term MODIS C5.1 and C6 Products against AERONET Observations over China

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    MODIS (MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aerosol products are the most widely used satellite retrieved aerosol optic depth (AOD) products, which compensate for the spatial lack of ground-based sun photometer observations. The newly released Collection 6 (C6) aerosol products have some improvements compared to the Collection 5.1 (C5.1) products with optimized algorithms and newly revised upstream products. Additionally, a three-kilometer resolution AOD product was added in the C6 product. In this study, the accuracies and regional applicability of long-term (2001–2015) different MODIS C5.1 and C6 aerosol products in China were evaluated against the 16 AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) observations with observations over more than three years. The overall analysis indicates that the C6 DT (Dark Target) 10 km products slightly improved the retrieval accuracies, with about 3% more data falling within the Expected Error (EE) envelope. However, for Deep Blue (DB) products, the C6 algorithm significantly improved the accuracy over all of China, and increased the successful retrieval number by extending retrieval coverages. Regional analysis demonstrated that the C6 DT 10 km product did not perform well in East China, with only 33.5% of retrievals falling within the EE envelope. For the DB product, the C6 algorithm significantly increased the number successfully retrieved, and was more accurate in all four regions in China. The validation of the DT 3 km product suggests large differences existed between the Terra and Aqua results. The accuracy of the Aqua DT 3 km product is obviously higher than that of the Terra DT 3 km product. The results of the study suggest that proper AOD products need to be considered when evaluating aerosol loading situations in different regions in China

    Roof Cutting Parameters Design for Gob-Side Entry in Deep Coal Mine: A Case Study

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    Roof cutting is an effective technique for controlling the deformation and failure of the surrounding rock in deep gob-side entry. The determination of the roof cutting parameters has become a popular research subject. Initially, two mechanical models are established for the non-roof-cutting and roof-cutting of gob-side entry in deep mining conditions. On this basis, the necessity and significance of roof cutting is revealed by analysing the stress and displacement of roadside prop. The Universal Distinct Element Code numerical simulation model is established to determine the key roof-cutting parameters (cutting angle and cutting height) according to the on-site situation of No. 2415 headentry of the Suncun coal mine, China. The numerical simulation results show that with the cutting angle and height increase, the vertical stress and horizontal displacement of the coal wall first increase and then decrease, as in the case of the vertical stress and displacement of roadside prop. Therefore, the optimum roof cutting parameters are determined as a cutting angle of 70° and cutting height of 8 m. Finally, a field application was performed at the No. 2415 headentry of the Suncun coal mine. In situ investigations show that after 10 m lagged the working face, the stress and displacement of roadside prop are obviously reduced with the hanging roof smoothly cut down, and they are stable at 19 MPa and 145 mm at 32 m behind the working face, respectively. This indicates that the stability of the surrounding rock was effectively controlled. This research demonstrates that the key parameters determined through a numerical simulation satisfactorily meet the production requirements and provide a reference for ensuring safe production in deep mining conditions

    Mechanical Properties and Failure Mechanism of Anchored Bedding Rock Material under Impact Loading

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    In view of the problem that anchored bedding rock material is prone to instability and failure under impact loading in the process of deep coal mining, and taking the lower roadway of a deep 2424 coal working face in the Suncun coal mine as the engineering background, a mechanical model of anchored bedding rock material was established, and the instability criterion of compression and shear failure of anchored bedding rock material was obtained. Then, the separated Hopkinson pressure bar was used to carry out an impact-loading test on the anchored bedding rock material, and the dynamic mechanical properties of the rock with different anchoring modes and bolt bedding angles were studied; the evolution law of the strain field of the anchored bedding rock material was also obtained. The results show the following: (1) The bolt support could effectively improve the dynamic load strength and dynamic elastic modulus of the rock material with anchorage bedding, the degree of improvement increased with the increase in the angle of the bolt bedding, and the full anchorage effect was much higher than the end anchorage effect was. (2) The bolt bedding angle and anchorage mode greatly influenced crack development and displacement characteristics. After an impact, the bedding rock material had obvious shear displacement along the bedding direction, and obvious macroscopic cracks were produced in the bedding plane. The research results offer theoretical guidance to and have reference significance for deep roadway anchorage support engineering