104 research outputs found

    Primordial Non-Gaussianity from LAMOST Surveys

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    The primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) in matter density perturbation is a very powerful probe of the physics of the very early Universe. The local PNG can induce a distinct scale-dependent bias on the large scale structure distribution of galaxies and quasars, which could be used for constraining it. We study the detection limits on PNG from the surveys of the LAMOST telescope. The cases of the main galaxy survey, the luminous red galaxy (LRG) survey, and the quasar survey of different magnitude limits are considered. We find that the MAIN1 sample (i.e. the main galaxy survey with one magnitude deeper than the SDSS main galaxy survey, or r<18.8) could only provide very weak constraint on PNG. For the MAIN2 sample (r<19.8) and the LRG survey, the 2\sigma (95.5%) limit on the PNG parameter f_{NL} are |f_{NL}|<145 and |f_{NL}|<114 respectively, comparable to the current limit from cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. The quasar survey could provide much more stringent constraint, and we find that the 2\sigma limit for |f_{NL}| is between 50 and 103, depending on the magnitude limit of the survey. With Planck-like priors on cosmological parameters, the quasar survey with g<21.65 would improve the constraints to |f_{NL}|<43 (2\sigma). We also discuss the possibility of further tightening the constraint by using the relative bias method proposed by Seljak(2008).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, RAA accepte

    Forecasts on the Dark Energy and Primordial Non-Gaussianity Observations with the Tianlai Cylinder Array

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    The Tianlai experiment is dedicated to the observation of large scale structures (LSS) by the 21 cm intensity mapping technique. In this paper we make forecasts on its capability at observing or constraining the dark energy parameters and the primordial non-Gaussianity. From the LSS data one can use the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and the growth rate derived from the redshift space distortion (RSD) to measure the dark energy density and equation of state. The primordial non-Gaussianity can be constrained either by looking for scale-dependent bias in the power spectrum, or by using the bispectrum. Here we consider three cases: the Tianlai cylinder array pathfinder which is currently being built, an upgrade of the pathfinder array with more receiver units, and the full-scale Tianlai cylinder array. Using the full-scale Tianlai experiment, we expect σw0∼0.082\sigma_{w_0} \sim 0.082 and σwa∼0.21\sigma_{w_a} \sim 0.21 from the BAO and RSD measurements, σfNLlocal∼14\sigma_{\rm f_{NL}}^{\rm local} \sim 14 from the power spectrum measurements with scale-dependent bias, and σfNLlocal∼22\sigma_{\rm f_{NL}}^{\rm local} \sim 22 and σfNLequil∼157\sigma_{\rm f_{NL}}^{\rm equil} \sim 157 from the bispectrum measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    BSG alignment of SDSS galaxy groups

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    We study the alignment signal between the distribution of brightest satellite galaxies (BSGs) and the major axis of their host groups using SDSS group catalog constructed by Yang et al. (2007). After correcting for the effect of group ellipticity, a statistically significant (~ 5\sigma) major-axis alignment is detected and the alignment angle is found to be 43.0 \pm 0.4 degrees. More massive and richer groups show stronger BSG alignment. The BSG alignment around blue BCGs is slightly stronger than that around red BCGs. And red BSGs have much stronger major-axis alignment than blue BSGs. Unlike BSGs, other satellites do not show very significant alignment with group major axis. We further explore the BSG alignment in semi-analytic model (SAM) constructed by Guo et al. (2011). We found general good agreement with observations: BSGs in SAM show strong major-axis alignment which depends on group mass and richness in the same way as observations; and none of other satellites exhibit prominent alignment. However, discrepancy also exists in that the SAM shows opposite BSG color dependence, which is most probably induced by the missing of large scale environment ingredient in SAM. The combination of two popular scenarios can explain the detected BSG alignment. The first one: satellites merged into the group preferentially along the surrounding filaments, which is strongly aligned with the major axis of the group. The second one: BSGs enter their host group more recently than other satellites, then will preserve more information about the assembling history and so the major-axis alignment. In SAM, we found positive evidence for the second scenario by the fact that BSGs merged into groups statistically more recently than other satellites. On the other hand, although is opposite in SAM, the BSG color dependence in observation might indicate the first scenario as well.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte

    Topology of large scale structure as test of modified gravity

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    The genus of the iso-density contours is a robust measure of the topology of large scale structure, and it is relatively insensitive to nonlinear gravitational evolution, galaxy bias and redshift-space distortion. We show that the growth of density fluctuations is scale-dependent even in the linear regime in some modified gravity theories, which opens a new possibility of testing the theories observationally. We propose to use the genus of the iso-density contours, an intrinsic measure of the topology of large scale structure, as a statistic to be used in such tests. In Einstein's general theory of relativity, density fluctuations are growing at the same rate on all scales in the linear regime, and the genus per comoving volume is almost conserved as structures are growing homologously, so we expect that the genus-smoothing scale relation is basically time-independent. However, in some modified gravity models where structures grow with different rates on different scales, the genus-smoothing scale relation should change over time. This can be used to test the gravity models with large scale structure observations. We studied the case of the f(R) theory, DGP braneworld theory as well as the parameterized post-Friedmann (PPF) models. We also forecast how the modified gravity models can be constrained with optical/IR or redshifted 21cm radio surveys in the near future.Comment: Introduction and discussion expanded and refined, conclusion unchanged, 10 pages, 8 figures. ApJ accepte

    On Measuring the 21 cm Global Spectrum of the Cosmic Dawn with an Interferometer Array

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    We theoretically investigate the recovery of global spectrum (monopole) from visibilities (cross-correlation only) measured by the interferometer array and the feasibility of extracting 21 cm signal of cosmic dawn. In our approach, the global spectrum is obtained by solving the monopole and higher-order components simultaneously from the visibilities measured with up to thousands of baselines. Using this algorithm, the monopole of both foreground and the 21 cm signal can be correctly recovered in a broad range of conditions. We find that a 3D baseline distribution can have much better performance than a 2D (planar) baseline distribution, particularly when there is a lack of shorter baselines. We simulate for ground-based 2D and 3D array configurations, and a cross-shaped space array located at the Sun-Earth L2 point that can form 3D baselines through orbital precession. In all simulations we obtain good recovered global spectrum, and successfully extract the 21 cm signal from it, with reasonable number of antennas and observation time.Comment: 18 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Observational constraints on cosmic neutrinos and dark energy revisited

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    Using several cosmological observations, i.e. the cosmic microwave background anisotropies (WMAP), the weak gravitational lensing (CFHTLS), the measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations (SDSS+WiggleZ), the most recent observational Hubble parameter data, the Union2.1 compilation of type Ia supernovae, and the HST prior, we impose constraints on the sum of neutrino masses (\mnu), the effective number of neutrino species (\neff) and dark energy equation of state (ww), individually and collectively. We find that a tight upper limit on \mnu can be extracted from the full data combination, if \neff and ww are fixed. However this upper bound is severely weakened if \neff and ww are allowed to vary. This result naturally raises questions on the robustness of previous strict upper bounds on \mnu, ever reported in the literature. The best-fit values from our most generalized constraint read \mnu=0.556^{+0.231}_{-0.288}\rm eV, \neff=3.839\pm0.452, and w=−1.058±0.088w=-1.058\pm0.088 at 68% confidence level, which shows a firm lower limit on total neutrino mass, favors an extra light degree of freedom, and supports the cosmological constant model. The current weak lensing data are already helpful in constraining cosmological model parameters for fixed ww. The dataset of Hubble parameter gains numerous advantages over supernovae when w=−1w=-1, particularly its illuminating power in constraining \neff. As long as ww is included as a free parameter, it is still the standardizable candles of type Ia supernovae that play the most dominant role in the parameter constraints.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables, accepted to JCA

    The 21-cm forest as a simultaneous probe of dark matter and cosmic heating history

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    The absorption features in spectra of high-redshift background radio sources, caused by hyperfine structure lines of hydrogen atoms in the intervening structures, are known collectively as the 21-cm forest. They provide a unique probe of small-scale structures during the epoch of reionization, and can be used to constrain the properties of the dark matter (DM) thought to govern small-scale structure formation. However, the signals are easily suppressed by heating processes that are degenerate with a warm DM model. Here we propose a probe of both the DM particle mass and the heating history of the Universe, using the one-dimensional power spectrum of the 21-cm forest. The one-dimensional power spectrum measurement not only breaks the DM model degeneracy but also increases the sensitivity, making the probe actually feasible. Making 21-cm forest observations with the upcoming Square Kilometre Array has the potential to simultaneously determine both the DM particle mass and the heating level in the early Universe, shedding light on the nature of DM and the first galaxies.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figures, 2 extended data figures, 9 supplementary figures. Published in Nature Astronom
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