5 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Bioremoval of Co(II) by a novel halotolerant microalgae Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558 from saltwater.xlsx

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    Cobalt pollution is harmful to both the aquatic ecosystem and human health. As the primary producer of aquatic ecosystems in hypersaline environments, unicellular planktonic Dunaliella microalgae is considered to be a low-energy and eco-friendly biosorbent that removes excess cobalt and enhances the vitality of coastal and marine ecosystems. In this study, we found that the halotolerant microalga named Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558 could grow under a salinity condition with 0.5–4.5 M NaCl. A phylogenetic analysis based on the rbcL gene revealed that Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558 is a close relative of Dunaliella primolecta TS-3. At lab-scale culture, Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558 exhibited high tolerance to heavy metal stresses, including cobalt, nickel, and cadmium. Treatment with 60 μM cobalt delayed its stationary phase but ultimately led to a higher population density. Furthermore, Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558 has the ability to adsorb the cobalt ions in the aquatic environment, which was evidenced by the decreased amount of cobalt in the culture medium. In addition, the tolerance of Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558 to cobalt stress was correlated with enhanced nitric oxide content and peroxidase activity. The autophagy inhibitor 3-MA enhanced nitric oxide burst, increased peroxidase activity, and accelerated the bioremoval of cobalt, suggesting that the autophagy pathway played a negative role in response to cobalt stress in Dunaliella sp. FACHB-558. In summary, our study identified a novel microalga possessing high cobalt tolerance and provided a promising natural biosorbent for the research and application of heavy metal bioremediation technology.</p

    Alpha oscillatory activity is causally linked to working memory retention.

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    Although previous studies have reported correlations between alpha oscillations and the "retention" subprocess of working memory (WM), causal evidence has been limited in human neuroscience due to the lack of delicate modulation of human brain oscillations. Conventional transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is not suitable for demonstrating the causal evidence for parietal alpha oscillations in WM retention because of its inability to modulate brain oscillations within a short period (i.e., the retention subprocess). Here, we developed an online phase-corrected tACS system capable of precisely correcting for the phase differences between tACS and concurrent endogenous oscillations. This system permits the modulation of brain oscillations at the target stimulation frequency within a short stimulation period and is here applied to empirically demonstrate that parietal alpha oscillations causally relate to WM retention. Our experimental design included both in-phase and anti-phase alpha-tACS applied to participants during the retention subprocess of a modified Sternberg paradigm. Compared to in-phase alpha-tACS, anti-phase alpha-tACS decreased both WM performance and alpha activity. These findings strongly support a causal link between alpha oscillations and WM retention and illustrate the broad application prospects of phase-corrected tACS

    Alpha oscillatory activity is causally linked to working memory retention

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    Although previous studies have reported correlations between alpha oscillations and the "retention" subprocess of working memory (WM), causal evidence has been limited in human neuroscience due to the lack of delicate modulation of human brain oscillations. Conventional transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is not suitable for demonstrating the causal evidence for parietal alpha oscillations in WM retention because of its inability to modulate brain oscillations within a short period (i.e., the retention subprocess). Here, we developed an online phase-corrected tACS system capable of precisely correcting for the phase differences between tACS and concurrent endogenous oscillations. This system permits the modulation of brain oscillations at the target stimulation frequency within a short stimulation period and is here applied to empirically demonstrate that parietal alpha oscillations causally relate to WM retention. Our experimental design included both in-phase and anti-phase alpha-tACS applied to participants during the retention subprocess of a modified Sternberg paradigm. Compared to in-phase alpha-tACS, anti-phase alpha-tACS decreased both WM performance and alpha activity. These findings strongly support a causal link between alpha oscillations and WM retention and illustrate the broad application prospects of phase-corrected tACS