679 research outputs found

    Stimulation of Piezo1 by mechanical signals promotes bone anabolism

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    Mechanical loading, such as caused by exercise, stimulates bone formation by osteoblasts and increases bone strength, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Osteocytes reside in bone matrix, sense changes in mechanical load, and produce signals that alter bone formation by osteoblasts. We report that the ion channel Piezo1 is required for changes in gene expression induced by fluid shear stress in cultured osteocytes and stimulation of Piezo1 by a small molecule agonist is sufficient to replicate the effects of fluid flow on osteocytes. Conditional deletion o

    A bouncing oil droplet in a stratified liquid and its sudden death

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    Droplets can self-propel when immersed in another liquid in which a concentration gradient is present. Here we report the experimental and numerical study of a self-propelling oil droplet in a vertically stratified ethanol/water mixture: At first, the droplet sinks slowly due to gravity, but then, before having reached its density matched position, jumps up suddenly. More remarkably, the droplet bounces repeatedly with an ever increasing jumping distance, until all of a sudden it stops after about 30 min. We identify the Marangoni stress at the droplet/liquid interface as responsible for the jumping: its strength grows exponentially because it pulls down ethanol-rich liquid, which in turn increases its strength even more. The jumping process can repeat because gravity restores the system. Finally, the sudden death of the jumping droplet is also explained. Our findings have demonstrated a type of prominent droplet bouncing inside a continuous medium with no wall or sharp interface.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Speeding up biphasic reactions with surface nanodroplets

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    Biphasic chemical reactions compartmentalized in small droplets offer advantages, such as streamlined procedures for chemical analysis, enhanced chemical reaction efficiency and high specificity of conversion. In this work, we experimentally and theoretically investigate the rate for biphasic chemical reactions between acidic nanodroplets on a substrate surface and basic reactants in a surrounding bulk flow. The reaction rate is measured by droplet shrinkage as the product is removed from the droplets by the flow. In our experiments, we determine the dependence of the reaction rate on the flow rate and the solution concentration. The theoretical analysis predicts that the life time τ\tau of the droplets scales with Peclet number PePe and the reactant concentration in the bulk flow cre,bulkc_{re,bulk} as τPe3/2cre,bulk1\tau\propto Pe^{-3/2}c_{re,bulk}^{-1}, in good agreement with our experimental results. Furthermore, we found that the product from the reaction on an upstream surface can postpone the droplet reaction on a downstream surface, possibly due to the adsorption of interface-active products on the droplets in the downstream. The time of the delay decreases with increasing PePe of the flow and also with increasing reactant concentration in the flow, following the scaling same as that of the reaction rate with these two parameters. Our findings provide insight for the ultimate aim to enhance droplet reactions under flow conditions