7 research outputs found

    Summary of association results of 10 SNPs in five loci/genes and heterogeneity test between AD and asthma groups.

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    a<p>Minor allele/major allele.</p>b<p>MAF, minor allele frequency.</p>c<p>Two tail test <i>P</i> value.</p>d<p><i>P</i><sub>het</sub>: <i>P</i> value of Cochran's Q test between AD group and asthma group.</p>e<p>The I<sup>2</sup> index describes the proportion of the total variability that is due to heterogeneity as described in reference 12.</p

    Haplotype analysis of 4 SNPs within 5q22.1 in AD/asthma patients and controls.

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    a<p><i>P</i><sub>correction</sub>: <i>P</i> value after Bonferroni Multiple Testing correction.</p>b<p><i>P</i><sub>het</sub>: <i>P</i> value of Cochran's Q test between AD group and asthma group.</p>c<p>The I<sup>2</sup> index describes the proportion of the total variability that is due to heterogeneity as described in reference 12.</p

    Regional LD plots for associated SNPs.

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    <p>The r<sup>2</sup> values (y-axis) of SNPs were plotted against their map positions (x-axis). Estimated recombination rates (based on the combined CHB and JPT samples from the HapMap project) were plotted in light blue. Gene annotations were adapted from the University of California at Santa Cruz Genome Browser (<a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/" target="_blank">http://genome.ucsc.edu/</a>). (a): Regional LD plots for rs4982958 at 14q11.2. (b): Regional LD plots for rs10067777, rs7701890, rs13360927 and rs13361382 at 5q22.1.</p

    Association of MHC SNPs with psoriasis.

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    <p>(A) Trend test of MHC SNPs in the GAIN dataset; (B) Logistic regression adjusted for <i>HLA-Cw*0602</i> in the GAIN dataset; (C) Logistic regression adjusted for <i>HLA-Cw*0602</i> and rs2073048 in the GAIN dataset. (D) Logistic regression adjusted for <i>HLA-Cw*0602</i> in the Chinese dataset; (E) Logistic regression adjusted for <i>HLA-Cw*0602</i> and rs28732201 in the Chinese dataset. The red lines indicate the significance level by Bonferroni correction for the number of SNPs tested. The numbers of SNPs are 1593, 1593, 1591, 226, and 252 for (A–E), respectively.</p