1,410 research outputs found

    Optimal learning rates for least squares regularized regression with unbounded sampling

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    AbstractA standard assumption in theoretical study of learning algorithms for regression is uniform boundedness of output sample values. This excludes the common case with Gaussian noise. In this paper we investigate the learning algorithm for regression generated by the least squares regularization scheme in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces without the assumption of uniform boundedness for sampling. By imposing some incremental conditions on moments of the output variable, we derive learning rates in terms of regularity of the regression function and capacity of the hypothesis space. The novelty of our analysis is a new covering number argument for bounding the sample error

    Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent with Low-Noise

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    Modern machine learning algorithms aim to extract fine-grained information from data to provide accurate predictions, which often conflicts with the goal of privacy protection. This paper addresses the practical and theoretical importance of developing privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms that ensure good performance while preserving privacy. In this paper, we focus on the privacy and utility (measured by excess risk bounds) performances of differentially private stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms in the setting of stochastic convex optimization. Specifically, we examine the pointwise problem in the low-noise setting for which we derive sharper excess risk bounds for the differentially private SGD algorithm. In the pairwise learning setting, we propose a simple differentially private SGD algorithm based on gradient perturbation. Furthermore, we develop novel utility bounds for the proposed algorithm, proving that it achieves optimal excess risk rates even for non-smooth losses. Notably, we establish fast learning rates for privacy-preserving pairwise learning under the low-noise condition, which is the first of its kind

    Generalization Guarantees of Gradient Descent for Multi-Layer Neural Networks

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    Recently, significant progress has been made in understanding the generalization of neural networks (NNs) trained by gradient descent (GD) using the algorithmic stability approach. However, most of the existing research has focused on one-hidden-layer NNs and has not addressed the impact of different network scaling parameters. In this paper, we greatly extend the previous work \cite{lei2022stability,richards2021stability} by conducting a comprehensive stability and generalization analysis of GD for multi-layer NNs. For two-layer NNs, our results are established under general network scaling parameters, relaxing previous conditions. In the case of three-layer NNs, our technical contribution lies in demonstrating its nearly co-coercive property by utilizing a novel induction strategy that thoroughly explores the effects of over-parameterization. As a direct application of our general findings, we derive the excess risk rate of O(1/n)O(1/\sqrt{n}) for GD algorithms in both two-layer and three-layer NNs. This sheds light on sufficient or necessary conditions for under-parameterized and over-parameterized NNs trained by GD to attain the desired risk rate of O(1/n)O(1/\sqrt{n}). Moreover, we demonstrate that as the scaling parameter increases or the network complexity decreases, less over-parameterization is required for GD to achieve the desired error rates. Additionally, under a low-noise condition, we obtain a fast risk rate of O(1/n)O(1/n) for GD in both two-layer and three-layer NNs.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    Stability and Generalization for Markov Chain Stochastic Gradient Methods

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    Recently there is a large amount of work devoted to the study of Markov chain stochastic gradient methods (MC-SGMs) which mainly focus on their convergence analysis for solving minimization problems. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive generalization analysis of MC-SGMs for both minimization and minimax problems through the lens of algorithmic stability in the framework of statistical learning theory. For empirical risk minimization (ERM) problems, we establish the optimal excess population risk bounds for both smooth and non-smooth cases by introducing on-average argument stability. For minimax problems, we develop a quantitative connection between on-average argument stability and generalization error which extends the existing results for uniform stability \cite{lei2021stability}. We further develop the first nearly optimal convergence rates for convex-concave problems both in expectation and with high probability, which, combined with our stability results, show that the optimal generalization bounds can be attained for both smooth and non-smooth cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first generalization analysis of SGMs when the gradients are sampled from a Markov process

    Adaptive Distributed Kernel Ridge Regression: A Feasible Distributed Learning Scheme for Data Silos

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    Data silos, mainly caused by privacy and interoperability, significantly constrain collaborations among different organizations with similar data for the same purpose. Distributed learning based on divide-and-conquer provides a promising way to settle the data silos, but it suffers from several challenges, including autonomy, privacy guarantees, and the necessity of collaborations. This paper focuses on developing an adaptive distributed kernel ridge regression (AdaDKRR) by taking autonomy in parameter selection, privacy in communicating non-sensitive information, and the necessity of collaborations in performance improvement into account. We provide both solid theoretical verification and comprehensive experiments for AdaDKRR to demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness. Theoretically, we prove that under some mild conditions, AdaDKRR performs similarly to running the optimal learning algorithms on the whole data, verifying the necessity of collaborations and showing that no other distributed learning scheme can essentially beat AdaDKRR under the same conditions. Numerically, we test AdaDKRR on both toy simulations and two real-world applications to show that AdaDKRR is superior to other existing distributed learning schemes. All these results show that AdaDKRR is a feasible scheme to defend against data silos, which are highly desired in numerous application regions such as intelligent decision-making, pricing forecasting, and performance prediction for products.Comment: 46pages, 13figure
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