44,524 research outputs found

    Dimerization-assisted energy transport in light-harvesting complexes

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    We study the role of the dimer structure of light-harvesting complex II (LH2) in excitation transfer from the LH2 (without a reaction center (RC)) to the LH1 (surrounding the RC), or from the LH2 to another LH2. The excited and un-excited states of a bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) are modeled by a quasi-spin. In the framework of quantum open system theory, we represent the excitation transfer as the total leakage of the LH2 system and then calculate the transfer efficiency and average transfer time. For different initial states with various quantum superposition properties, we study how the dimerization of the B850 BChl ring can enhance the transfer efficiency and shorten the average transfer time.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement of separate nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a whispering-gallery mode cavity

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    We present a quantum electrodynamical model involving nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a whispering-gallery mode cavity. Two schemes are considered to create W state and Bell state, respectively. One of the schemes makes use of the Raman transition with the cavity field virtually excited; The other enables the Bell state preparation and quantum information transfer by virtue of dark state evolution and adiabatic passage, which is tolerant to ambient noise and experimental parameter fluctuations. We justify our schemes by considering the experimental feasibility and challenge using currently available technology.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Determination of optimal reversed field with maximal electrocaloric cooling by a direct entropy analysis

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    Application of a negative field on a positively poled ferroelectric sample can enhance the electrocaloric cooling and appears as a promising method to optimize the electrocaloric cycle. Experimental measurements show that the maximal cooling does not appear at the zero-polarization point, but around the shoulder of the P-E loop. This phenomenon cannot be explained by the theory based on the constant total entropy assumption under adiabatic condition. In fact, adiabatic condition does not imply constant total entropy when irreversibility is involved. A direct entropy analysis approach based on work loss is proposed in this work, which takes the entropy contribution of the irreversible process into account. The optimal reversed field determined by this approach agrees with the experimental observations. This study signifies the importance of considering the irreversible process in the electrocaloric cycles

    Highly tunable spin-dependent electron transport through carbon atomic chains connecting two zigzag graphene nanoribbons

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    Motivated by recent experiments of successfully carving out stable carbon atomic chains from graphene, we investigate a device structure of a carbon chain connecting two zigzag graphene nanoribbons with highly tunable spin-dependent transport properties. Our calculation based on the non-equilibrium Green's function approach combined with the density functional theory shows that the transport behavior is sensitive to the spin configuration of the leads and the bridge position in the gap. A bridge in the middle gives an overall good coupling except for around the Fermi energy where the leads with anti-parallel spins create a small transport gap while the leads with parallel spins give a finite density of states and induce an even-odd oscillation in conductance in terms of the number of atoms in the carbon chain. On the other hand, a bridge at the edge shows a transport behavior associated with the spin-polarized edge states, presenting sharp pure α\alpha-spin and ÎČ\beta-spin peaks beside the Fermi energy in the transmission function. This makes it possible to realize on-chip interconnects or spintronic devices by tuning the spin state of the leads and the bridge position.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure
