7,638 research outputs found

    Effective Action Approach for Preheating

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    We present a semiclassical non-perturbative approach for calculating the preheating process at the end of inflation. Our method involves integrating out the decayed particles within the path integral framework and subsequently determining world-line instanton solutions in the effective action. This enables us to obtain the effective action of the inflaton, with its imaginary part linked to the phenomenon of particle creation driven by coherent inflaton field oscillations. Additionally, we utilize the Bogoliubov transformation to investigate the evolution of particle density within the medium after multiple inflaton oscillations. We apply our approach to various final state particles, including scalar fields, tachyonic fields, and gauge fields. The non-perturbative approach provides analytical results for preheating that are in accord with previous methods.Comment: 22 page

    3+1 Dimension Schwinger Pair Production with Quantum Computers

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    Real-time quantum simulation of quantum field theory in (3+1)D requires large quantum computing resources. With a few-qubit quantum computer, we develop a novel algorithm and experimentally study the Schwinger effect, the electron-positron pair production in a strong electric field, in (3+1)D. The resource reduction is achieved by treating the electric field as a background field, working in Fourier space transverse to the electric field direction, and considering parity symmetry, such that we successfully map the three spatial dimension problems into one spatial dimension problems. We observe that the rate of pair production of electrons and positrons is consistent with the theoretical predication of the Schwinger effect. Our work paves the way towards exploring quantum simulation of quantum field theory beyond one spatial dimension.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 7 pages supplemental, 1 figure supplementa

    The quantum solvation, adiabatic versus nonadiabatic, and Markovian versus non-Markovian nature of electron transfer rate processes

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    In this work, we revisit the electron transfer rate theory, with particular interests in the distinct quantum solvation effect, and the characterizations of adiabatic/nonadiabatic and Markovian/non-Markovian rate processes. We first present a full account for the quantum solvation effect on the electron transfer in Debye solvents, addressed previously in J. Theore. & Comput. Chem. {\bf 5}, 685 (2006). Distinct reaction mechanisms, including the quantum solvation-induced transitions from barrier-crossing to tunneling, and from barrierless to quantum barrier-crossing rate processes, are shown in the fast modulation or low viscosity regime. This regime is also found in favor of nonadiabatic rate processes. We further propose to use Kubo's motional narrowing line shape function to describe the Markovian character of the reaction. It is found that a non-Markovian rate process is most likely to occur in a symmetric system in the fast modulation regime, where the electron transfer is dominant by tunneling due to the Fermi resonance.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Chem.

    Notes on monotone Lindelöf property

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    summary:We provide a necessary and sufficient condition under which a generalized ordered topological product (GOTP) of two GO-spaces is monotonically Lindelöf

    A Pan-Function Model for the Utilization of Bandwidth Improvement and PAPR Reduction

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    Aiming at the digital quadrature modulation system, a mathematical Pan-function model of the optimized baseband symbol signals with a symbol length of 4T was established in accordance with the minimum out-band energy radiation criterion. The intersymbol interference (ISI), symbol-correlated characteristics, and attenuation factor were introduced to establish the mathematical Pan-function model. The Pan-function was added to the constraints of boundary conditions, energy of a single baseband symbol signal, and constant-envelope conditions. Baseband symbol signals with the optimum efficient spectrum were obtained by introducing Fourier series and minimizing the Pan-function. The characteristics of the spectrum and peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the obtained signals were analyzed and compared with the minimum shift keying (MSK) and quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) signals. The obtained signals have the characteristics of a higher spectral roll-off rate, less out-band radiation, and quasi-constant envelope. We simulated the performance of the obtained signals, and the simulation results demonstrate that the method is feasible

    Is the late near-infrared bump in short-hard GRB 130603B due to the Li-Paczynski kilonova?

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    Short-hard gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are widely believed to be produced by the merger of two binary compact objects, specifically by two neutron stars or by a neutron star orbiting a black hole. According to the Li-Paczynski kilonova model, the merger would launch sub-relativistic ejecta and a near-infrared/optical transient would then occur, lasting up to days, which is powered by the radioactive decay of heavy elements synthesized in the ejecta. The detection of a late bump using the {\em Hubble Space Telescope} ({\em HST}) in the near-infrared afterglow light curve of the short-hard GRB 130603B is indeed consistent with such a model. However, as shown in this Letter, the limited {\em HST} near-infrared lightcurve behavior can also be interpreted as the synchrotron radiation of the external shock driven by a wide mildly relativistic outflow. In such a scenario, the radio emission is expected to peak with a flux of ∼100μ\sim 100 \muJy, which is detectable for current radio arrays. Hence, the radio afterglow data can provide complementary evidence on the nature of the bump in GRB 130603B. It is worth noting that good spectroscopy during the bump phase in short-hard bursts can test validity of either model above, analogous to spectroscopy of broad-lined Type Ic supernova in long-soft GRBs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published in ApJ Lette

    A supra-massive magnetar central engine for short GRB 130603B

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    We show that the peculiar early optical and in particular X-ray afterglow emission of the short duration burst GRB 130603B can be explained by continuous energy injection into the blastwave from a supra-massive magnetar central engine. The observed energetics and temporal/spectral properties of the late infrared bump (i.e., the "kilonova") are also found consistent with emission from the ejecta launched during an NS-NS merger and powered by a magnetar central engine. The isotropic-equivalent kinetic energies of both the GRB blastwave and the kilonova are about Ek∼1051E_{\rm k}\sim 10^{51} erg, consistent with being powered by a near-isotropic magnetar wind. However, this relatively small value demands that most of the initial rotational energy of the magnetar (∼a few×1052 erg)(\sim {\rm a~ few \times 10^{52}~ erg}) is carried away by gravitational wave radiation. Our results suggest that (i) the progenitor of GRB 130603B would be a NS-NS binary system, whose merger product would be a supra-massive neutron star that lasted for about ∼1000\sim 1000 seconds; (ii) the equation-of-state of nuclear matter would be stiff enough to allow survival of a long-lived supra-massive neutron star, so that it is promising to detect bright electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave triggers without short GRB associations in the upcoming Advanced LIGO/Virgo era.Comment: Five pages including 1 Figure, to appear in ApJ
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