13 research outputs found

    Construction of Hydrogen Safety Evaluation Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    With the large consumption of traditional primary energy, hydrogen as a clean and renewable energy has been widely studied by scholars around the world. Hydrogen is mainly used in hydrogen internal combustion engine and hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen internal combustion engine is the direct combustion of hydrogen as fuel, with the advantages of easy use. Alternatively, hydrogen fuel cell converts the chemical energy of hydrogen into electrical energy by electrochemical reaction, which has the advantages of high efficiency and zero pollution. Regardless of the use method, the safety of hydrogen use needs to be considered. However, in the whole life cycle of hydrogen, the process from hydrogen production to the use of hydrogen in automobiles is extremely complex. There are many factors affecting the safety of hydrogen use, and a single factor cannot be used as an evaluation. In order to make the evaluation of hydrogen safety more complete and accurate, the weight of four primary evaluation indexes and eight secondary evaluation indexes affecting hydrogen safety is determined by analytic hierarchy process, and a reliable hydrogen safety evaluation model is established.Citation: Xu, J., Wang, M., and Guo, P. (2022). Construction of Hydrogen Safety Evaluation Model Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Trends in Renewable Energy, 8(2), 84-95. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2022.8.2.0014

    Study of hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles based on the whole life cycle evaluation method

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    In order to better achieve the goal of low carbon emissions from vehicles, a whole life cycle assessment of hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine vehicles has been conducted in recent years. Based on the study of hydrogen use around the world, we studied the emission and economic performance of hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine vehicles from the beginning of hydrogen production to the end of use (Well-to-Wheel, WTW) based on the whole life cycle evaluation method. The results show that the overall environmental impact of hydrogen production by steam reforming of natural gas is the smallest, and that the rational use of "abandoned electricity" for hydrogen production from electrolytic water in the western part of China significantly reduces the overall environmental impact and the cost of hydrogen production. In the use phase, the emissions are less, which not only can meet the National 6 emission standard, but also can reach higher emission standard after adding exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). From the whole life cycle point of view, hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine has a very good development prospect.Citation: Guo, P., Xu, J., Zhao, C., and Zhang, B. (2022). Study of hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles based on the whole life cycle evaluation method. Trends in Renewable Energy, 8, 27-37. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2022.8.1.0013

    Automated detection and classification of acute vertebral body fractures using a convolutional neural network on computed tomography

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    BackgroundAcute vertebral fracture is usually caused by low-energy injury with osteoporosis and high-energy trauma. The AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system (AO classification) plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The diagnosis and description of vertebral fractures according to the classification scheme requires a great deal of time and energy for radiologists.PurposeTo design and validate a multistage deep learning system (multistage AO system) for the automatic detection, localization and classification of acute thoracolumbar vertebral body fractures according to AO classification on computed tomography.Materials and MethodsThe CT images of 1,217 patients who came to our hospital from January 2015 to December 2019 were collected retrospectively. The fractures were marked and classified by 2 junior radiology residents according to the type A standard in the AO classification. Marked fracture sites included the upper endplate, lower endplate and posterior wall. When there were inconsistent opinions on classification labels, the final result was determined by a director radiologist. We integrated different networks into different stages of the overall framework. U-net and a graph convolutional neural network (U-GCN) are used to realize the location and classification of the thoracolumbar spine. Next, a classification network is used to detect whether the thoracolumbar spine has a fracture. In the third stage, we detect fractures in different parts of the thoracolumbar spine by using a multibranch output network and finally obtain the AO types.ResultsThe mean age of the patients was 61.87 years with a standard deviation of 17.04 years, consisting of 760 female patients and 457 male patients. On vertebrae level, sensitivity for fracture detection was 95.23% in test dataset, with an accuracy of 97.93% and a specificity of 98.35%. For the classification of vertebral body fractures, the balanced accuracy was 79.56%, with an AUC of 0.904 for type A1, 0.945 for type A2, 0.878 for type A3 and 0.942 for type A4.ConclusionThe multistage AO system can automatically detect and classify acute vertebral body fractures in the thoracolumbar spine on CT images according to AO classification with high accuracy

    X-ray line spectrometry in experiments with the aluminium Z-pinch

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    X-ray line spectrometry with temporal resolution was developed for registration of [He]- and [H]-like aluminium ions spectrum. It was chosen a scheme with scintillator converting X-ray spectrum into the visible image, which was transferred through the flexible optical fiber to the entrance slit of the streak camera. In Z-pinch experiment on the high current S-300 generator the aluminium line spectrum was registered with nanosecond time resolution. The simultaneous appearance of [He]- and [H]-like aluminium ions radiation was observed, that is the evidence of high electron temperature existence in the plasma for a long time before the main part of the load mass comes to the axis. The noticeably changing of radiating plasma parameters was found after the computer treatment of line spectra: the electron concentration is varied in five times ((3…14)×10^19 cm^-3), electron temperature in three times (0.3…1 keV), ion temperature in five times (20…100 keV), – during 50 ns. The great difference between the electron and ion temperature holds during all radiation time and demonstrates the ineffective energy transfer from the kinetic energy of ions to electron.Разработана методика для регистрации с временным разрешением рентгеновских линий [He]- и [H]-подобных ионов алюминия. Рентгеновский спектр преобразовывался с помощью сцинтиллятора в видимое изображение, которое переносилось гибким световодом на входную щель электронно-оптического преобразователя. Регистрация спектра проводилась с наносекундным разрешением в экспериментах с Z-пинчем на сильноточном генераторе С-300. Наблюдалось одновременное появление линий [He]- и [H]-подобных ионов алюминия, что является свидетельством наличия высокой электронной температуры в плазме задолго до момента прихода к оси основной массы Z-пинча. Компьютерная обработка спектров выявила значительные изменения параметров плазмы в процессе сжатия: концентрации в пять раз ((3…14)×10^19 см^-3), электронной температуры в три (0.3…1 кэВ), ионной температуры в пять раз (20…100 кэВ) – за 50 нс. Большой разрыв между ионной и электронной температурами демонстрирует неэффективность передачи энергии от ионов к электронам.Розроблено методику для реєстрації з часовим дозволом рентгенівських ліній [He]- і [H]-подібних іонів алюмінію. Рентгенівський спектр перетворювався за допомогою сцинтиллятора у видиме зображення, що переносилося гнучким світловодом на вхідну щілину електронно-оптичного перетворювача. Реєстрація спектра проводилася з наносекундним дозволом в експериментах з Z-пінчем на потужнострумовому генераторі С-300. Спостерігалася одночасна поява ліній [He]- і [H]-подібних іонів алюмінію, що є свідченням наявності високої електронної температури в плазмі задовго до моменту приходу до осі основної маси Z-пінча. Комп'ютерна обробка спектрів виявила значні зміни параметрів плазми в процесі стиску: концентрації в п'ять разів ((3...14)×10^19см^-3), електронної температури в три (0.3...1кеВ), іонної температури в п'ять разів (20...100 кеВ) – за 50 нс. Великий розрив між іонною й електронною температурами демонструє неефективність передачі енергії від іонів до електронів

    Fractions and Bioavailability of Soil Inorganic Phosphorus in the Loess Plateau of China under Different Vegetations

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    Plants play an important role in soil phosphorus nutrition. However, the effect of plants on phosphorus nutrition in soils of the Loess Plateau of China is not well understood. This study was conducted to reveal the relationships between plants and phosphorus' fractions and availability in the Loess Plateau of China. Twenty-two plant communities were surveyed and soil samples under different plant canopies were collected for the determination of soil properties and inorganic phosphorus fractionation. The results showed that Leguminosae and Lilaceae reduced pH and increased organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total and Olsen phosphorus in soils under their canopies, while Labiatae and Rosaceae increased pH and decreased organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total and Olsen phosphorus in soils under their canopies. The contents of Ca2P, Ca8P, Al-P and Fe-P were highly related with soil Olsen phosphorus. They were all higher in soils under Leguminosae and Lilaceae and lower in soils under Labiatae and Rosaceae. The results of this study indicate that Leguminosae and Lilaceae improved phosphorus nutrition in soils, yet Labiatae and Rosaceae impeded the improvement of phosphorus nutrition in soils under their canopies, which will be of more help to instruct vegetation restoration in the region and provide information for soil development.Plants play an important role in soil phosphorus nutrition. However, the effect of plants on phosphorus nutrition in soils of the Loess Plateau of China is not well understood. This study was conducted to reveal the relationships between plants and phosphorus' fractions and availability in the Loess Plateau of China. Twenty-two plant communities were surveyed and soil samples under different plant canopies were collected for the determination of soil properties and inorganic phosphorus fractionation. The results showed that Leguminosae and Lilaceae reduced pH and increased organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total and Olsen phosphorus in soils under their canopies, while Labiatae and Rosaceae increased pH and decreased organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total and Olsen phosphorus in soils under their canopies. The contents of Ca(2)P, Ca(8)P, Al-P and Fe-P were highly related with soil Olsen phosphorus. They were all higher in soils under Leguminosae and Lilaceae and lower in soils under Labiatae and Rosaceae. The results of this study indicate that Leguminosae and Lilaceae improved phosphorus nutrition in soils, yet Labiatae and Rosaceae impeded the improvement of phosphorus nutrition in soils under their canopies, which will be of more help to instruct vegetation restoration in the region and provide information for soil development

    Dynamic comparison between the cylindrical and quasi-spherical implosions based on thin-shell models

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    The quasi-spherical electromagnetic implosions are capable of generating hot dense plasmas more efficiently than the cylindrical ones. The dynamic properties of stagnated cylindrical and quasi-spherical shells are compared numerically based on the thin-shell models. The cylindrical implosions are simulated with the zero-dimensional thin-shell model, and the quasi-spherical implosions with the multi-element thin-shell model. The simulated velocity, areal mass density, and areal kinetic energy density of the stagnated quasi-spherical plasma shell increase with the latitude increasing, which is different from the cylindrical case. The kinetic energy densities are optimized for both of stagnated cylindrical and quasi-spherical shells in a quite large span of initial radii and load linear masses. The kinetic energy density in the spherical radiation converter can be over four times as large as that in the cylindrical radiation converter. The numerical results can help optimize quasi-spherical load parameters for Z-pinch driver with peak current of 1.5 MA and rising time of 80 ns, and the method described here is also feasible to optimize load parameters for various-scale Z-pinch drivers

    Geometrical optimization of quasi-spherical wire-array implosion

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    A geometrical optimization method based on the multi-element model is developed for electromagnetic implosion of quasi-spherical wire-array loads. The shapes of the initial quasi-spherical wire arrays are described with the parabolic formation, and the shapes of the final plasma shells are estimated with the multipole expansion method. By scanning the aspect ratios of the initial loads, we can obtain the most nearly-spherical final plasma shell with certain mean radius, i.e. the shell has the smallest quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation. As a typical case, starting with the preshaped cylindrical load (with height of 15.4 mm and with diameter of 8 mm), the imploding plasma shell with mean radius of 1.5 mm is almost spherical when the initial aspect ratio takes the value of 1.089, and the results is consistent with the synchronization analysis. The optimization calculations for different current waveforms and different initial load masses indicate that the shape of the optimized plasma shell is not sensitive to the drive current and load mass. The geometrical optimization method here can be served as a primary designing tool for the quasi-spherical wire-array load

    Study of implosion dynamics of Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum on the Angara-5-1 facility

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    The Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum (ZPDH) is one of high-power X-ray sources that has been used in a variety of high energy-density experiments including inertial confinement fusion (ICF) studies. Dynamic hohlraums driven by a 12-mm and a 18-mm-diameter single tungsten wire arrays embedded with a C16H20O6 foam, respectively, exhibit no visible differences in radiation from the axial exit, although the radial radiation is a little higher in a large array. The analysis of the images suggests that the implosion of a large array is quasi-continuous and has a faster imploding velocity, indicating that the large array is matched to the embedded foam and, oppositely, the small array is mismatched. The analysis also shows that the Rayleigh-Taylor instability develops much harder in implosions of a large array, and this leads to a lower hohlraum temperature. The conclusion was drawn that, for the purpose of enhancing the hohlraum temperature, increasing the conversion efficiency of kinetic energy into thermal energy is more important than increasing the kinetic energy from wire plasma

    Initial characterization of a dynamic hohlraum radiation source tailored for high-temperature opacity measurements at an 8-MA facility

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    This paper reports some important properties of a dynamic hohlraum radiation source intended to study the high-temperature opacity of medium-Z atoms. The time-resolved axial radiation power in two x-ray diodes gives the time-evolution of an equivalent black-body temperature that peaks at ∼260 eV at stagnation. Time-gated framing pinhole images show that the source comprises an intense high-temperature core that lasts for ∼2 ns preceded by a 10-ns-long lower-temperature implosion phase that emits mostly softer x rays. Combining pinhole images with soft x-ray power gives a time-resolved brightness radiation temperature that reaches 130 eV. Thus, the lower-temperature source could ionize an opacity sample, then the intense high-temperature radiation pulse could measure its opacity. Likewise, the time-integrated spectrum measured with a spherically bent crystal spectrometer is compatible with multiple blackbodies with different temperatures, from 176 to 185 eV. These characterizations suggest that this dynamic hohlraum can be used for high-temperature opacity measurements