27 research outputs found

    Establishment of a viable cell detection system for microorganisms in wine based on ethidium monoazide and quantitative PCR

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    Fermentability and contamination level of wine can be assessed through the detection of viable fermentation-related and spoilage-related microorganisms. Ethidium monoazide in combination with quantitative PCR (EMA-qPCR) has been considered as a promising method to enumerate viable cells. Milling for 80 s by O 500-mu m glass beads is demonstrated to be optimal for DNA extraction from yeasts, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and acetic acid bacteria (AAB) in wine to be used as a template for PCR. EMA-qPCR results from experiments using DNA extracted by this method correlate well with the results of a plating assay (R-2 > 0.99), and a PCR efficiency between 96% and 105% was obtained. Moreover, for all of these microorganisms, EMA treatment of pure cultures at a low concentration (10 mu g/mL) for 20 min photoactivation resulted in effective differentiation between viable and non-viable cells and had no effect on viable cells. Due to sublethal injury to some cells, underestimation of cell counts was found in most of the wine samples tested using the EMA-qPCR method, and a 40-min incubation in recovery medium could completely offset this error. Our results suggest an optimal glass-bead DNA extraction method and EMA treatment suitable for all of the main microorganisms in wine. The EMA-qPCR method was successfully applied to quantify yeasts. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), LAB, non-Oenococcus oeni LAB (non-O. oeni LAB) and AAB in wine samples. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Characterization of calcium deposition induced by Synechocystis sp PCC6803 in BG11 culture medium

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    Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals in their preferred orientation were obtained in BG11 culture media inoculated with Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (inoculated BG11). In this study, the features of calcium carbonate deposition were investigated. Inoculated BG11 in different calcium ion concentrations was used for the experimental group, while the BG11 culture medium was used for the control group. The surface morphologies of the calcium carbonate deposits in the experimental and control groups were determined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The deposits were analyzed by electronic probe micro-analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectrum, X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The results show that the surfaces of the crystals in the experimental group were hexahedral in a scaly pattern. The particle sizes were micrometer-sized and larger than those in the control group. The deposits of the control group contained calcium (Ca), carbon (C), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and other elements. The deposits in the experimental group contained Ca, C, and O only. The deposits of both groups contained calcite. The thermal decomposition temperature of the deposits in the control group was lower than those in the experimental group. It showed that the CaCO3 deposits of the experimental group had higher thermal stability than those of the control group. This may be due to the secondary metabolites produced by the algae cells, which affect the carbonate crystal structure and result in a close-packed structure. The algae cells that remained after thermal weight loss were heavier in higher calcium concentrations in BG11 culture media. There may be more calcium-containing crystals inside and outside of these cells. These results shall be beneficial for understanding the formation mechanism of carbonate minerals.Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals in their preferred orientation were obtained in BG11 culture media inoculated with Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (inoculated BG11). In this study, the features of calcium carbonate deposition were investigated. Inoculated BG11 in different calcium ion concentrations was used for the experimental group, while the BG11 culture medium was used for the control group. The surface morphologies of the calcium carbonate deposits in the experimental and control groups were determined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The deposits were analyzed by electronic probe micro-analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectrum, X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The results show that the surfaces of the crystals in the experimental group were hexahedral in a scaly pattern. The particle sizes were micrometer-sized and larger than those in the control group. The deposits of the control group contained calcium (Ca), carbon (C), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and other elements. The deposits in the experimental group contained Ca, C, and O only. The deposits of both groups contained calcite. The thermal decomposition temperature of the deposits in the control group was lower than those in the experimental group. It showed that the CaCO3 deposits of the experimental group had higher thermal stability than those of the control group. This may be due to the secondary metabolites produced by the algae cells, which affect the carbonate crystal structure and result in a close-packed structure. The algae cells that remained after thermal weight loss were heavier in higher calcium concentrations in BG11 culture media. There may be more calcium-containing crystals inside and outside of these cells. These results shall be beneficial for understanding the formation mechanism of carbonate minerals

    A PDE-free, neural network-based eddy viscosity model coupled with RANS equations

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    In fluid dynamics, constitutive models are often used to describe the unresolved turbulence and to close the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. Traditional PDE-based constitutive models are usually too rigid to calibrate with a large set of high-fidelity data. Moreover, commonly used turbulence models are based on the weak equilibrium assumption, which cannot adequately capture the nonlocal physics of turbulence. In this work, we propose using a vector-cloud neural network (VCNN) to learn the nonlocal constitutive model, which maps a regional mean flow field to the local turbulence quantities without solving the transport PDEs. The network is strictly invariant to coordinate translation, rotation, and uniform motion, as well as ordering of the input points. The VCNN-based nonlocal constitutive model is trained and evaluated on flows over a family of parameterized periodic hills. Numerical results demonstrate its predictive capability on target turbulence quantities of turbulent kinetic energy k and dissipation ɛ. More importantly, we investigate the robustness and stability of the method by coupling the trained model back to RANS solver. The solver shows good convergence with the simulated velocity field comparable to that based on k–ɛ model when starting from a reasonable initial condition. This study, as a proof of concept, highlights the feasibility of using a nonlocal, frame-independent, neural network-based constitutive model to close the RANS equations, paving the way for the further emulation of the Reynolds stress transport models.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Aerodynamic

    [[alternative]]The Modern Chant In Amis And Bunun Presbyterian Church

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    [[abstract]]本論文主要以臺灣阿美族及布農族基督長老教會主日禮拜所使用的聖詩本為研究範圍,除了將各版本之編輯過程及內容詳述之外,更將目前所使用版本當中之本族歌謠從各方面加以分析,包括有:1.音組織 2.終止音 3.演唱方式 4.音域 5.裝飾 唱法 6.特殊音型 7.節奏 8.樂曲結構...等方面.此外,為了將歌謠聖詩與一般傳統歌謠作比較,本文亦採用了幾首早期音樂學者 的錄音加以分析,包括有一九四三年日本音樂學者黑澤隆朝,一九六七年呂炳川教 授及許常惠教授....等所作的錄音.


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    [[abstract]]本論文主要採用溯源、分析、比較等方法,採討莫差爾特降E 大調第三十九號交響曲 的(一)生平與作曲背、(二)曲式結構與配器、(三)指揮技巧與處理,以求深入 地研究此作品。 本論文分為五章。 第一章“緒論”:本章分為二節,第一節提出研究動機;第二節陳述研究方法與步驟 。 第二章“生平與作曲背景”:本章分為二節,第節生平是由莫差爾特與音樂密不可分 的生活與旅行之中,及其他音樂家與文學家的論述之下探討其音樂的創作;第二節則 將第三十九號交響曲的作曲背景與首演詳加說明。 第三章“曲式研究與配器分析”:本章分為四節,以第三十九號交響曲的四個樂章分 節。由古典樂派交響曲的曲式研究,經由此曲而加以印證;每一節並將各樂章的曲式 結構加以說明,並由莫差爾特的配器手法來探討古典音樂的精神。 第四章“指揮技巧與處理”:本章亦依四個樂章而分為四節,分別由實際指揮的經驗 之中,將指揮此曲的技巧加以敘述及說明;並引介名指揮家溫加德納對此曲在指揮上 的處理方法而加以研究。本章為本論文的研究重點。 第五章“結論”:將莫差爾特第三十九號交響曲的精神加以闡述,並寫下研究心得而 作一總結。

    [[alternative]]Gender differences in the sport socialization process of college athletes

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    [[abstract]]第壹章緒論 第一節研究動機 第二節研究目的 第三節研究假設 第四節研究範圍 第五節名詞解釋 第貳章相關理論與文獻 第一節社會化理論與影響因素 第二節性別角色理論與影響因素 第三節運動社會化之理論 第四節運動性別角色理論 第五節運動社會化之性別角色相關研究 第參章研究方法與步驟 第一節研究對象 第二節研究工具 第三節研究步驟 第四節資料處理 第肆章結果分析與討論 第一節不同性別大學運動員參與運動受重要他人影響之順序和差異情形比較 第二節不同性別大學運動員最初接受運動訓練成為運動員之動機差異情形 第三節不同性別大學運動員繼續接受運動訓練的動機差異情形 第四節不同性別大學運動員接受運動訓練時所遭遇的問題差異情形 第伍章結論與建議 第一節結論 第二節建議 #9303458 #9303458

    [[alternative]]A study on adjustment of mechanical cluster in public vocational training institutes

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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討影響我國公共職業訓練機構機械類訓練職類調整的環境因 素,以及目前各公共職業訓練機構機械類訓練職類實施的現況,並對各公 共職業訓練機構作比較分析,綜合歸納研究發現與結論,提出具體建議, 以供有關單位參考。為達成上述之目標,本研究採(一)文獻分析(二) 實地訪問(三)專家訪談(四)問卷調查(五)比較研究等方法進行。本 研究所得之主要發現如下:一、各公共職業訓練機構均普遍發生招生不足 的現象。二、機械類訓練職類受訓學員學歷普遍提高。三、機械類訓練職 類與電腦相結合,訓練內涵與技能層次大幅提升。四、各公共職業訓練機 構師資呈現不足。五、訓練機具設備汰舊更新受限,經費普遍不足。六、 職類調整受內在及外在環境的影響。七、職類調整受政府政策的影響。八 、職業訓練對國民就業技術能力的整體提昇,具有重大的貢獻。根據研究 發現與結論,本研究分別提出政策性方面與實務性方面之建議,提供有關 單位作為機械類職類調整時的參考。

    Residents' willingness to participate in green infrastructure: Spatial differences and influence factors in Shanghai, China

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    Green infrastructure (GI) plays a fundamental role in achieving urban pluvial flood management, mitigating urban heat island effect, and improving living suitability. Residents' participation is the main driving force of GI implementation. Based on semi-structured interviews, GIS spatial analysis, and multiple regression, we investigated residents' willingness to participate in the implementation of GI in public and private space and identified the influence factors in Shanghai, China. The results show that, compared with private space, residents prefer to implement GI in public space, where they have different preferences of GI measures. On urban scale, residents' willingness to participate in the implementation of GI in private space is characterized as "high in the inner city, low in the suburban areas", while the spatial difference is insignificant for public space. In addition, the factors affecting residents' willingness to participate in the implementation of GI are different in private and public space. The deterministic factors of GI participation are gender, education level, and floor for private space, while only include building age for public space, in addition to the common factors of free time, cognition of GI, perception of pluvial flood risk, supportive factors, and environment-improving factors that can influence both private and public space GI participation. Our analysis therefore provides valuable information for policymakers concerning nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation and urban sustainability.Hydraulic Structures and Flood Ris