3 research outputs found
Level of Resilience and Its Association with Quality of Life in Patients With the Tuberculosis Diabetes Mellitus Binomial
La tuberculosis y la Diabetes Mellitus son las dos grandes pandemias del mundo, con gran repercusión en las poblaciones; la tuberculosis enfermedad infecto-contagiosa y la diabetes mellitus enfermedad crónica-degenerativa que al estar presente en el sujeto, provocan una serie de complicaciones que los limita en sus actividades cotidianas. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la asociación entre el nivel de resiliencia y la calidad de vida en pacientes con el binomio de Tuberculosis/Diabetes Mellitus en Jurisdicciones del Valle de Toluca, Estado de México, 2023. La metodologìa aplicada fue un estudio prospectivo, transversal y analítico, se estudiaron un total de 33 pacientes con el binomio TB/DM, a los cuales se les aplicó dos instrumentos: el Cuestionario de Resiliencia González Arratia y Escala de Calidad de vida WHOQOL-BREF, para determinar la asociacion se aplicó una prueba estadística de Chi cuadrada, con intervalos de confianza del 95%. La recoleccion de los datos fue directamente con los pacientes afectados. Se demostró que no existe asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de resiliencia y la calidad de vida en los pacientes, sin embrago, se observó que si se afectan su calidad de vida y se deteriora la resiliencia de las personas, por lo que el personal de salud tiene una doble tarea en la atención de estos pacientes.Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus are the two great pandemics in the world, with great repercussions on populations; tuberculosis is an infectious-contagious disease and diabetes mellitus is a chronic-degenerative disease that, when present in the subject, causes a series of complications that limits them in their daily activities. The objective of this research is to analyze the association between the level of resilience and quality of life in patients with the combination of Tuberculosis/Diabetes Mellitus in Jurisdictions of the Valley of Toluca, State of Mexico, 2023. The methodology applied was a prospective study. cross-sectional and analytical, a total of 33 patients with the TB/DM binomial were studied, to whom two instruments were applied: the González Arratia Resilience Questionnaire and the WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Scale, to determine the association a Chi square statistical test, with 95% confidence intervals. Data collection was done directly with the affected patients. It was shown that there is no statistically significant association between the level of resilience and the quality of life in the patients, however, it was observed that their quality of life is affected and the resilience of the people deteriorates, so the staff of Health has a double task in caring for these patients
Influenza en el Estado de México: de la pandemia a la endemia
Señor editor: Con el objetivo de tomar ciertas decisiones en cuanto a políticas locales de prevención de influenza, tomando como base la pandemia de 2009,1,2 y considerando cuestionamientos como cuál ha sido el comportamiento de la influenza desde la pandemia y si ha prevalecido AH1N1-PDM09, ponemos a su consideración el análisis epidemiológico de la morbilidad asociada con los casos corroborados de los diferentes tipos de influenza en cada temporada, a partir de la pandemia a la fecha en el Estado de México, enfocados principalmente en la vigilancia de la influenza pandémica, tal y como se ha hecho en otras partes desde la pandemia española de 1918..
Effect of school reopening on pediatric morbidity and mortality during the third epidemiological wave of COVID-19 in a Mexican state
Background: Determining the effect of reopening schools on pediatric SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) infection rates increased the need to share the experience of governments in many geographic regions for better future decision-making in similar health emergencies. Methods: Through a prospective study based on a population- based cohort, students from 18,988 schools in the State of Mexico who began returning to school were followed. Daily sanitation filters were implemented in each school and district liaisons were informed on a daily basis through a negative network. Identified cases were confirmed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Simple case frequencies, percentages, and incidences of COVID-19 were estimated. State incidences were compared with the national incidence. Results: A total of 3,586 cases were confirmed; 2,048 (57.1%) were children. Twenty-four (0.6%) were hospitalized for moderate to severe COVID-19; nine (37.5%) died, and only one was a schoolchild. From week 36, an average infection rate of 0.36 was observed. The highest infection rate in schoolchildren was observed in epidemiologic week 40 (1.01); from this week on, a decrease in the number of cases was observed until week 50. Conclusions: The use of non-pharmaceutical interventions has more advantages than limitations, as long as the strategies are homogeneous and properly implemented to ensure adequate control of infections