350 research outputs found

    Decouple knowledge from paramters for plug-and-play language modeling

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    Pre-trained language models(PLM) have made impressive results in various NLP tasks. It has been revealed that one of the key factors to their success is the parameters of these models implicitly learn all kinds of knowledge during pre-training. However, encoding knowledge implicitly in the model parameters has two fundamental drawbacks. First, the knowledge is neither editable nor scalable once the model is trained, which is especially problematic in that knowledge is consistently evolving. Second, it lacks interpretability and prevents humans from understanding which knowledge PLM requires for a certain problem. In this paper, we introduce PlugLM, a pre-training model with differentiable plug-in memory(DPM). The key intuition is to decouple the knowledge storage from model parameters with an editable and scalable key-value memory and leverage knowledge in an explainable manner by knowledge retrieval in the DPM. To justify this design choice, we conduct evaluations in three settings including: (1) domain adaptation. PlugLM obtains 3.95 F1 improvements across four domains on average without any in-domain pre-training. (2) knowledge update. PlugLM could absorb new knowledge in a training-free way after pre-training is done. (3) in-task knowledge learning. PlugLM could be further improved by incorporating training samples into DPM with knowledge prompting.Comment: ACL2023 Finding

    Valley vortex states and degeneracy lifting via photonic higher-band excitation

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    We demonstrate valley-dependent vortex generation in a photonic graphene. Without breaking the inversion symmetry, excitation of two equivalent valleys leads to formation of an optical vortex upon Bragg-reflection to the third valley, with its chirality determined by the valley degree of freedom. Vortex-antivortex pairs with valley-dependent topological charge flipping are also observed and corroborated by numerical simulations. Furthermore, we develop a three-band effective Hamiltonian model to describe the dynamics of the coupled valleys, and find that the commonly used two-band model is not sufficient to explain the observed vortex degeneracy lifting. Such valley-polarized vortex states arise from high-band excitation without inversion symmetry breaking or synthetic-field-induced gap opening. Our results from a photonic setting may provide insight for the study of valley contrasting and Berry-phase mediated topological phenomena in other systems

    YOLO-FaceV2: A Scale and Occlusion Aware Face Detector

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    In recent years, face detection algorithms based on deep learning have made great progress. These algorithms can be generally divided into two categories, i.e. two-stage detector like Faster R-CNN and one-stage detector like YOLO. Because of the better balance between accuracy and speed, one-stage detectors have been widely used in many applications. In this paper, we propose a real-time face detector based on the one-stage detector YOLOv5, named YOLO-FaceV2. We design a Receptive Field Enhancement module called RFE to enhance receptive field of small face, and use NWD Loss to make up for the sensitivity of IoU to the location deviation of tiny objects. For face occlusion, we present an attention module named SEAM and introduce Repulsion Loss to solve it. Moreover, we use a weight function Slide to solve the imbalance between easy and hard samples and use the information of the effective receptive field to design the anchor. The experimental results on WiderFace dataset show that our face detector outperforms YOLO and its variants can be find in all easy, medium and hard subsets. Source code in https://github.com/Krasjet-Yu/YOLO-FaceV

    Unconventional Flatband Line States in Photonic Lieb Lattices

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    Flatband systems typically host "compact localized states"(CLS) due to destructive interference and macroscopic degeneracy of Bloch wave functions associated with a dispersionless energy band. Using a photonic Lieb lattice(LL), we show that conventional localized flatband states are inherently incomplete, with the missing modes manifested as extended line states which form non-contractible loops winding around the entire lattice. Experimentally, we develop a continuous-wave laser writing technique to establish a finite-sized photonic LL with specially-tailored boundaries, thereby directly observe the unusually extended flatband line states.Such unconventional line states cannot be expressed as a linear combination of the previously observed CLS but rather arise from the nontrivial real-space topology.The robustness of the line states to imperfect excitation conditions is discussed, and their potential applications are illustrated
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