20,421 research outputs found

    Vibration Induced Non-adiabatic Geometric Phase and Energy Uncertainty of Fermions in Graphene

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    We investigate geometric phase of fermion states under relative vibrations of two sublattices in graphene by solving time-dependent Sch\"{o}dinger equation using Floquet scheme. In a period of vibration the fermions acquire different geometric phases depending on their momenta. There are two regions in the momentum space: the adiabatic region where the geometric phase can be approximated by the Berry phase and the chaotic region where the geometric phase drastically fluctuates in changing parameters. The energy of fermions due to vibrations shows spikes in the chaotic region. The results suggest a possible dephasing mechanism which may cause classical-like transport properties in graphene.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    MeV oxygen ion implantation induced compositional intermixing in AlAs/GaAs superlattices

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    We present in this letter an investigation of compositional intermixing in AlAs/GaAs superlattices induced by 2 MeV oxygen ion implantation. The results are compared with implantation at 500 keV. In addition to Al intermixing in the direct lattice damage region by nuclear collision spikes, as is normally present in low-energy ion implantation, Al interdiffusion has also been found to take place in the subsurface region where MeV ion induced electronic spike damage dominates and a uniform strain field builds up due to defect generation and diffusion. Uniform compositional intermixing of the superlattices results after subsequent thermal annealing when Al interdiffusion is stimulated through recovery of the implantation-induced lattice strain field, the reconstruction and the redistribution of lattice defects, and annealing of lattice damage

    The generalized KP hierarchy

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    We propose one possible generalization of the KP hierarchy, which possesses multi bi--hamiltonian structures, and can be viewed as several KP hierarchies coupled together.Comment: 12

    Local vertical measurements and violation of Bell inequality

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    For two qubits belonging to Alice and Bob, we derive an approach to setup the bound of Bell operator in the condition that Alice and Bob continue to perform local vertical measurements. For pure states we find that if the entanglement of the two qubits is less than 0.2644 (measured with von Neumann entropy) the violation of the Bell inequality will never be realized, and only when the entanglement is equal to 1 the maximal violation (222\sqrt{2}) can occur. For specific form of mixed states, we prove that the bound of the Bell inequality depends on the concurrence. Only when the concurrence is greater than 0.6 the violation of the Bell inequality can occur, and the maximal violation can never be achieved. We suggest that the bound of the Bell operator in the condition of local vertical measurements may be used as a measure of the entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Superconducting quantum phase transitions tuned by magnetic impurity and magnetic field in ultrathin a-Pb films

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    Superconducting quantum phase transitions tuned by disorder (d), paramagnetic impurity (MI) and perpendicular magnetic field (B) have been studied in homogeneously disordered ultrathin a-Pb films. The MI-tuned transition is characterized by progressive suppression of the critical temperature to zero and a continuous transition to a weakly insulating normal state with increasing MI density. In all important aspects, the d-tuned transition closely resembles the MI-tuned transition and both appear to be fermionic in nature. The B-tuned transition is qualitatively different and probably bosonic. In the critical region it exhibits transport behavior that suggests a B-induced mesoscale phase separation and presence of Cooper pairing in the insulating state.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Inverse Magnetoresistance of Molecular Junctions

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    We present calculations of spin-dependent electron transport through single organic molecules bridging pairs of iron nanocontacts. We predict the magnetoresistance of these systems to switch from positive to negative with increasing applied bias for both conducting and insulating molecules. This novel inverse magnetoresistance phenomenon is robust, does not depend on the presence of impurities, and is unique to molecular and atomic nanoscale magnetic junctions. Its physical origin is identified and its relevance to experiment and to potential technological applications is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published version Phys. Rev.

    Lattice Boltzmann Approach to High-Speed Compressible Flows

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    We present an improved lattice Boltzmann model for high-speed compressible flows. The model is composed of a discrete-velocity model by Kataoka and Tsutahara [Phys. Rev. E \textbf{69}, 056702 (2004)] and an appropriate finite-difference scheme combined with an additional dissipation term. With the dissipation term parameters in the model can be flexibly chosen so that the von Neumann stability condition is satisfied. The influence of the various model parameters on the numerical stability is analyzed and some reference values of parameter are suggested. The new scheme works for both subsonic and supersonic flows with a Mach number up to 30 (or higher), which is validated by well-known benchmark tests. Simulations on Riemann problems with very high ratios (1000:11000:1) of pressure and density also show good accuracy and stability. Successful recovering of regular and double Mach shock reflections shows the potential application of the lattice Boltzmann model to fluid systems where non-equilibrium processes are intrinsic. The new scheme for stability can be easily extended to other lattice Boltzmann models.Comment: Figs.11 and 12 in JPEG format. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C (to appear

    Influence of substrate temperature on lattice strain field and phase transition in MeV oxygen ion implanted GaAs crystals

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    A detailed study of the influence of substrate temperature on the radiation-induced lattice strain field and crystalline-to-amorphous (c-a) phase transition in MeV oxygen ion implanted GaAs crystals has been made using channeling Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and the x-ray rocking curve technique. A comparison has been made between the cases of room temperature (RT) and low temperature (LT) (about 100 K) implantation. A strong in situ dynamic annealing process is found in RT implantation at a moderate beam current, resulting in a uniform positive strain field in the implanted layer. LT implantation introduces a freeze-in effect which impedes the recombination and diffusion of initial radiation-created lattice damage and defects, and in turn drives more efficiently the c-a transition as well as strain saturation and relaxation. The results are interpreted with a spike damage model in which the defect production process is described in terms of the competition between defect generation by nuclear spikes and defects diffusion and recombination stimulated by electronic spikes. It is also suggested that the excess population of vacancies and their complexes is responsible for lattice spacing expansion in ion-implanted GaAs crystals

    Gathering experience in trust-based interactions

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    As advances in mobile and embedded technologies coupled with progress in adhoc networking fuel the shift towards ubiquitous computing systems it is becoming increasingly clear that security is a major concern. While this is true of all computing paradigms, the characteristics of ubiquitous systems amplify this concern by promoting spontaneous interaction between diverse heterogeneous entities across administrative boundaries [5]. Entities cannot therefore rely on a specific control authority and will have no global view of the state of the system. To facilitate collaboration with unfamiliar counterparts therefore requires that an entity takes a proactive approach to self-protection. We conjecture that trust management is the best way to provide support for such self-protection measures
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