42 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Aspects of Precipitation Efficiency

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    Impact of initial water vapor on the upscale growing process of a squall line in South China

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    During the spring and summer seasons, in the South China region where abundant water vapor is present, squall lines can rapidly develop into larger scales within a short period of time. In order to explore the influence of water vapor content on the process of squall line scale growth in South China, using the WRF model, a numerical simulation was conducted for a squall line system in South China on 11 May 2020. We investigated the effect of the variation of water vapor at different levels on its intensity and structure, and discussed the growth mechanism of the squall line system. This squall line occurred with the presence of high-level jet and low-level wind shear complementing each other, within an unstable layer of "dry at the high level and wet at the low level". The simulation showed that, in the early stage of the squall line development, a large maximum convective available potential energy (MCAPE) was observed in the southern part of the convection and coastal warm areas, which is beneficial for the accumulation of unstable energy here. Meanwhile, with the high low-level wind shear, the linear structure of the convection was well maintained. Subsequently, the squall line propagated southward and merged with warm region convection, resulting a further scale growth. Water vapor experiments showed that the MCAPE values are primarily influenced by the moisture content in the low-level atmosphere. More low-level moisture content causes stronger thunderstorm high pressure. Additionally, the presence of higher MCAPE values and larger low-level vertical wind shear contribute to the growth of convective cells in the post-convective stage, prolonging their existence. Reducing the mid-level water vapor content results in a decrease in intense surface precipitation, a weakening of convective intensity, and a quick dissipation into individual convective cells. But when the squall line moves into the area with high MCAPE values, it once again develops into a linear structure. Therefore, an increase in low-level moisture or a decrease in mid-level moisture favors the genesis of convection. However, reducing mid-level moisture results in relatively drier air at mid-levels, making it difficult for the linear structure to be sustained. Further investigation into the internal structure of the squall line reveals that vertical motion and rear inflow also influence the scale growth of the squall line. In the convective system analyzed in this study, the strong rearward inflow enhances the upward motion and generates forward outflow, leading to severe surface wind. Strengthening low-level moisture not only increases the size of the stratiform cloud region at the rear of the convection, but also leads to a stronger upward motion sustaining vertically, which promotes prolonged convective activity. On the other hand, reducing mid-level moisture weakens convective intensity and lowers the height of the echo tops. During the development stage, the rearward inflow intensifies, and dry cold air descends rapidly, leading to the strengthening of the surface cold pool, and causing strong winds due to the forward outflow

    Effects of vertical wind shear and cloud radiative processes on responses of rainfall to the large-scale forcing during pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern China

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    The pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern China during 3–8 June 2008 is simulated using a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model. The model is integrated with imposed zonally uniform vertical velocity, zonal wind, horizontal temperature and vapour advection from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The effects of vertical wind shear and cloud radiative processes on the response of rainfall to largescale forcing are analysed through the comparison of two sensitivity experiments with the control experiment. One sensitivity experiment excludes the large-scale vertical wind shear and the other excludes the cloud radiative effects. During the decay phase of convection, the increase in model domain-mean surface rain-rate resulting from the exclusion of vertical wind shear is associated with the slowdown in the decrease of perturbation kinetic energy due to the exclusion of barotropic conversion from mean kinetic energy to perturbation kinetic energy. The increase in domain-mean rain-rate from the exclusion of cloud radiative effects is related to the enhancement of condensation and associated latent heat as a result of strengthened radiative cooling. The increase in the domain-mean surface rain-rate is mainly associated with the increase of convective rainfall, which is in turn related to the local atmospheric change from moistening to drying. During the onset and mature phases of convection, the domain-mean surface rain-rates are generally insensitive to vertical wind shear and cloud radiative effects whereas convective and stratiform rain-rates are sensitive to vertical wind shear and cloud radiative effects. The decrease in convective rain-rate and the increase in stratiform rain-rate are primarily associated with the enhanced transport of hydrometeor concentration from convective regions to raining stratiform regions

    Radiative Effects of Water Clouds on Heat, Cloud Microphysical and Surface Rainfall Budgets Associated with Pre-Summer Torrential Rainfall

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    This study investigates thermal, cloud microphysical and surface-rainfall responses to the radiative effects of water clouds by analyzing two pairs of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments of a pre-summer heavy rainfall event. In the presence of the radiative effects of ice clouds, exclusion of the radiative effects of water clouds reduces the model domain mean rain rate through the mean hydrometeor increase, which is associated with the decreases in the melting of graupel and cloud ice caused by enhanced local atmospheric cooling. In the absence of the radiative effects of ice clouds, removal of the radiative effects of water clouds increases model domain mean rain rate via the enhancements in the mean net condensation and the mean hydrometeor loss. The enhanced mean net condensation and increased mean latent heat are related to the strengthened mean infrared radiative cooling in the lower troposphere. The increased mean hydrometeor loss associated with the reduction in the melting of graupel is caused by the enhanced local atmospheric cooling

    A Synergistic Effect of Blockings on a Persistent Strong Cold Surge in East Asia in January 2018

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    A persistent strong cold surge occurred in East Asia in late January 2018, causing mean near-surface air temperature in China to hit the second lowest since 1984. Moreover, the daily mean air temperature remained persistently negative for more than 20 days. Here, we find that a synergistic effect of double blockings in Western Europe and North America plays an important accelerating role in the rapid phase transition of Arctic Oscillation and an amplifying role in the strength of cold air preceding to the cold surge outbreaks by the use of an isentropic potential vorticity analysis. In mid-January, an Atlantic mid-latitude anticyclone merged with Western Europe blocking, which led to a strengthening of the blocking. Simultaneously, the Pacific-North American blocking was also significantly strengthened. The two blockings synchronously deeply stretched towards the Arctic, which resulted in, on the one hand, warm and moist air of the Pacific and the Atlantic being excessively transported into the Arctic, and on the other hand, the polar vortex being split and cold air being squeezed southwards and accumulating extensively on the West Siberian Plain. After the breakdown of the double blocking pattern, which lasted for about 10 days, the record-breaking cold surge broke out in East Asia. It was discovered that the synergistic effect of double blockings extending into the Arctic, which is conducive to extreme cold events, has been rapidly increasing in recent years

    Enhanced Global Monsoon in Present Warm Period Due to Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings

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    In this study, we investigate global monsoon precipitation (GMP) changes between the Present Warm Period (PWP, 1900–2000) and the Little Ice Age (LIA, 1250–1850) by performing millennium sensitivity simulations using the Community Earth System Model version 1.0 (CESM1). Three millennium simulations are carried out under time-varying solar, volcanic and greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing, respectively, from 501 to 2000 AD. Compared to the global-mean surface temperature of the cold LIA, the global warming in the PWP caused by high GHG concentration is about 0.42 °C, by strong solar radiation is 0.14 °C, and by decreased volcanic activity is 0.07 °C. The GMP increases in these three types of global warming are comparable, being 0.12, 0.058, and 0.055 mm day−1, respectively. For one degree of global warming, the GMP increase induced by strong GHG forcing is 2.2% °C−1, by strong solar radiation is 2.8% °C−1, and by decreased volcanic forcing is 5.5% °C−1, which means that volcanic forcing is most effective in terms of changing the GMP among these three external forcing factors. Under volcanic inactivity-related global warming, both monsoon moisture and circulation are enhanced, and the enhanced circulation mainly occurs in the Northern Hemisphere (NH). The circulation, however, is weakened in the other two cases, and the GMP intensification is mainly caused by increased moisture. Due to large NH volcanic aerosol concentration in the LIA, the inter-hemispheric thermal contrast of PWP global warming tends to enhance NH monsoon circulation. Compared to the GHG forcing, solar radiation tends to warm low-latitude regions and cause a greater monsoon moisture increase, resulting in a stronger GMP increase. The finding in this study is important for predicting the GMP in future anthropogenic global warming when a change in natural solar or volcanic activity occurs

    Compact temperature sensor with highly germania-doped fiber-based Michelson interferometer

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    A compact temperature sensor with highly germania-doped fiber (Ge-fiber)-based Michelson interferometer (MI) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. It is constructed by splicing a 1-mm-long, 75 mol.% GeO2-doped fiber to a single-mode fiber and fabricating a taper at the splicing point. The fiber taper improves mode conversion efficiency and thus increases the extinction ratio of the interference fringe. The free spectral range is only 18.9 nm owing to the much larger differential refractive index of the Ge-fiber than normal fibers. By monitoring wavelength shift of the reflection spectrum, temperature measurement within a wide range of 30°C-400°C is successfully achieved with sensitivity up to 100 pm/°C, which is much higher than normal fiber-based MI sensors owing to the higher thermo-optic coefficient of the Ge-fiber. The compact size and high sensitivity make the proposed sensor a highly potential candidate in point measurement of temperature

    Analysis and study of a mesoscale inertia-gravitational wave in upper air

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    Global Aerosol Classification Based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and Satellite Observation

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    The particle linear depolarization ratio (PLDR) and single scatter albedo (SSA) in 1020 nm from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) level 2.0 dataset was utilized among 52 stations to identify dust and dust dominated aerosols (DD), pollution dominated mixture (PDM), strongly absorbing aerosols (SA) and weakly absorbing aerosols (WA), investigate their spatial and temporal distribution, net radiative forcing and radiative forcing efficiency in global range, and further compare with VIIRS Deep Blue Production. The conclusion about net radiative forcing suggests that the high values of radiative forcing from dust and dust dominated aerosols, pollution dominated mixture both mainly come from western Africa. Strongly absorbing aerosols in South Africa and India contribute greatly to the net radiative forcing and the regions with relative high values of weakly absorbing aerosols are mainly located at East Asia and India. Lastly, the observation of VIIRS Deep Blue satellite monthly averaged products depicts the characteristics about spatial distribution of four kinds of aerosol well, the result from ground-based observation presents great significant to validate the measurements from remote sensing technology

    Analysis of A Remote Rainstorm in the Yangtze River Delta Region Caused by Typhoon Mangkhut (2018)

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    An extraordinary heavy rain event caused by Typhoon Mangkhut occurred in the Yangtze River Delta region on 16 September 2018, with the maximum of 24-h accumulated rainfall at a single station reaching 297 mm. However, numerical models and subjective forecast failed to predict this typhoon remote rainstorm accurately. In this study, multiple observational data, an analysis dataset, and a trajectory model are used to analyze the causes of this severe rainstorm. The results show that the circulation situation provides a favorable large-scale background condition for the generation of the rainstorm. The coupling of the upper-level westerly jet and the low-level southerly jet is beneficial to the development of strong convections. In the rainstorm area there is a positive vorticity center connected to the main body of the typhoon. The cooling and humidifying effect of dry-cold air saturates the formerly unsaturated wet air, leading to the increase of precipitation. Besides, there is a lower-tropospheric moisture transport path connecting the typhoon and the rainstorm area, providing abundant moisture for the development of rainstorms. The backward trajectory simulation shows that the moisture mainly originates from the lower troposphere over the Philippine Sea, the southern South China Sea, and the sea south of the Philippines