144 research outputs found

    Efficient STL Control Synthesis under Asynchronous Temporal Robustness Constraints

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    In time-critical systems, such as air traffic control systems, it is crucial to design control policies that are robust to timing uncertainty. Recently, the notion of Asynchronous Temporal Robustness (ATR) was proposed to capture the robustness of a system trajectory against individual time shifts in its sub-trajectories. In a multi-robot system, this may correspond to individual robots being delayed or early. Control synthesis under ATR constraints is challenging and has not yet been addressed. In this paper, we propose an efficient control synthesis method under ATR constraints which are defined with respect to simple safety or complex signal temporal logic specifications. Given an ATR bound, we compute a sequence of control inputs so that the specification is satisfied by the system as long as each sub-trajectory is shifted not more than the ATR bound. We avoid combinatorially exploring all shifted sub-trajectories by first identifying redundancy between them. We capture this insight by the notion of instant-shift pair sets, and then propose an optimization program that enforces the specification only over the instant-shift pair sets. We show soundness and completeness of our method and analyze its computational complexity. Finally, we present various illustrative case studies.Comment: This paper was accepted to CDC202

    Safe-by-Construction Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking using Control Barrier Functions and Model Predictive Control

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    Ensuring safety for vehicle overtaking systems is one of the most fundamental and challenging tasks in autonomous driving. This task is particularly intricate when the vehicle must not only overtake its front vehicle safely but also consider the presence of potential opposing vehicles in the opposite lane that it will temporarily occupy. In order to tackle the overtaking task in such challenging scenarios, we introduce a novel integrated framework tailored for vehicle overtaking maneuvers. Our approach integrates the theories of varying-level control barrier functions (CBF) and time-optimal model predictive control (MPC). The main feature of our proposed overtaking strategy is that it is safe-by-construction, which enables rigorous mathematical proof and validation of the safety guarantees. We show that the proposed framework is applicable when the opposing vehicle is either fully autonomous or driven by human drivers. To demonstrate our framework, we perform a set of simulations for overtaking scenarios under different settings. The simulation results show the superiority of our framework in the sense that it ensures collision-free and achieves better safety performance compared with the standard MPC-based approach without safety guarantees

    Sleep When Everything Looks Fine: Self-Triggered Monitoring for Signal Temporal Logic Tasks

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    Online monitoring is a widely used technique in assessing if the performance of the system satisfies some desired requirements during run-time operation. Existing works on online monitoring usually assume that the monitor can acquire system information periodically at each time instant. However, such a periodic mechanism may be unnecessarily energy-consuming as it essentially requires to turn on sensors consistently. In this paper, we proposed a novel self-triggered mechanism for model-based online monitoring of discrete-time dynamical system under specifications described by signal temporal logic (STL) formulae. Specifically, instead of sampling the system state at each time instant, a self-triggered monitor can actively determine when the next system state is sampled in addition to its monitoring decision regarding the satisfaction of the task. We propose an effective algorithm for synthesizing such a self-triggered monitor that can correctly evaluate a given STL formula on-the-fly while maximizing the time interval between two observations. We show that, compared with the standard online monitor with periodic information, the proposed self-triggered monitor can significantly reduce observation burden while ensuring that no information of the STL formula is lost. Case studies are provided to illustrate the proposed monitoring mechanism

    Diffusion-based Data Augmentation for Nuclei Image Segmentation

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    Nuclei segmentation is a fundamental but challenging task in the quantitative analysis of histopathology images. Although fully-supervised deep learning-based methods have made significant progress, a large number of labeled images are required to achieve great segmentation performance. Considering that manually labeling all nuclei instances for a dataset is inefficient, obtaining a large-scale human-annotated dataset is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, augmenting a dataset with only a few labeled images to improve the segmentation performance is of significant research and application value. In this paper, we introduce the first diffusion-based augmentation method for nuclei segmentation. The idea is to synthesize a large number of labeled images to facilitate training the segmentation model. To achieve this, we propose a two-step strategy. In the first step, we train an unconditional diffusion model to synthesize the Nuclei Structure that is defined as the representation of pixel-level semantic and distance transform. Each synthetic nuclei structure will serve as a constraint on histopathology image synthesis and is further post-processed to be an instance map. In the second step, we train a conditioned diffusion model to synthesize histopathology images based on nuclei structures. The synthetic histopathology images paired with synthetic instance maps will be added to the real dataset for training the segmentation model. The experimental results show that by augmenting 10% labeled real dataset with synthetic samples, one can achieve comparable segmentation results with the fully-supervised baseline.Comment: MICCAI 2023, released code: https://github.com/lhaof/Nudif
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