6 research outputs found

    Incorporating driver preferences Into eco-driving assistance systems using optimal control

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    Recently there have been several proposals for ‘ecodriving assistance systems’, designed to save fuel or electrical power by encouraging behaviours such as gentle acceleration and coasting to a stop. These systems use optimal control to find driving behaviour that minimises vehicle energy losses. In this paper, we introduce a methodology to account for driver preferences on acceleration, braking, following distances and cornering speed in such eco-driving optimal control problems. This consists of an optimal control model of acceleration and braking behaviour containing several physically-meaningful parameters to describe driver preferences. If used in combination with a model of fuel or energy consumption, this can provide an adjustable trade-off between satisfying those preferences and minimising energy losses. We demonstrate that the model gives comparable performance to existing car-following and cornering models when predicting drivers’ speed in these situations by comparison with real-world driving data. Finally, we present an example highway braking scenario for an electric vehicle, illustrating a trade-off between satisfying driver preferences on vehicle speed and acceleration and reducing electrical energy usage by up to 43%</div

    Fitting cornering speed models with one-class support vector machines

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    © 2019 IEEE. This paper investigates the modelling of cornering speed using road curvature as a predictive variable, which is of interest for advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) applications including eco-driving assistance and curve warning. Such models are common in the driver modelling and human factors literature, yet lack reliable parameter estimation methods, requiring an ad-hoc evaluation of the upper envelope of the data followed by linear regression to that envelope. Considering the space of possible combinations of lateral acceleration and cornering speed, we cast the modelling of cornering speed as an 'outlier detection' problem which may be solved using one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) methods from machine learning. For an existing cornering model, we suggest a fitting method using a specific choice of kernel function in a one-class SVM. As the parameters of the cornering speed model may be recovered from the SVM solution, this provides a more robust and reproducible fitting method for this model of cornering speed than the existing envelope-based approaches. In addition, this gives comparable outlier detection performance to generic SVM methods based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels while reducing training times by a factor of 10, indicating potential for use in adaptive eco-driving assistance systems that require retraining either online or between drives

    Adaptive driver modelling in ADAS to improve user acceptance: a study using naturalistic data

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    Accurate understanding of driver behaviour is crucial for future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. For user acceptance it is important that ADAS respect individual driving styles and adapt accordingly. Using data collected during a naturalistic driving study carried out at the University of Southampton, we assess existing models of driver acceleration and speed choice during car following and when cornering. We observe that existing models of driver behaviour that specify a preferred inter-vehicle spacing in car-following situations appear to be too prescriptive, with a wide range of acceptable spacings visible in the naturalistic data. Bounds on lateral acceleration during cornering from the literature are visible in the data, but appear to be influenced by the minimum cornering radii specified in design codes for UK roadway geometry. This analysis of existing driver models is used to suggest a small set of parameters that are sufficient to characterise driver behaviour in car-following and curve driving, which may be estimated in real-time by an ADAS to adapt to changing driver behaviour. Finally, we discuss applications to adaptive ADAS with the objectives of improving road safety and promoting eco-driving, and suggest directions for future research

    Adjusting the need for speed: assessment of a visual interface to reduce fuel use

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    Previous research has identified that fuel consumption and emissions can be considerably reduced if drivers engage in eco-driving behaviours. However, the literature suggests that individuals struggle to maintain eco-driving behaviours without support. This paper evaluates an in-vehicle visual interface system designed to support eco-driving through recommendations based on both feedforward and feedback information. A simulator study explored participants’ fuel usage, driving style, and cognitive workload driving normally, when eco-driving without assistance and when using a visual interface. Improvements in fuel-efficiency were observed for both assisted (8.5%) and unassisted eco-driving (11%), however unassisted eco-driving also induced a significantly greater rating of self-reported effort. In contrast, using the visual interface did not induce the same increase of reported effort compared to everyday driving, but itself did not differ from unassisted driving. Results hold positive implications for the use of feedforward in-vehicle interfaces to improve fuel efficiency. Accordingly, directions are suggested for future research. Practitioner Summary: Results from a simulator study comparing fuel usage from normal driving, engaging in unassisted eco-driving, or using a novel speed advisory interface, designed to reduce fuel use, are presented. Whilst both unassisted and assisted eco-driving reduced fuel use, assisted eco-driving did not induce workload changes, unlike unassisted eco-driving. Abbreviations: CO­2: carbon dioxide; NASA-TLX: NASA task load index; RMS: root-mean-square; MD: mean difference

    How does eco-driving make us feel? Considering the psychological effects of eco-driving

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    Despite both the environmental and financial benefits of eco-driving being well known, the psychological impact of engaging in eco-driving behaviours has received less attention within the literature. It was anticipated that being asked to engage in eco-driving behaviours not only has an impact on vehicle fuel usage, but also on the driver, both in terms of their overall mood and willingness to re-engage with the task at a later time. Results from a simulated driving study suggest that although eco-driving was beneficial in reducing fuel consumption, being asked to eco-drive had a negative effect on overall journey time and mood. Engaging in eco-driving did however have a positive effect on self-esteem, suggesting potential longer term psychological benefits of adopting this behaviour

    The benefit of assisted and unassisted eco-driving for electrified powertrains

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    Eco-driving assistance systems that encourage drivers to engage in fuel-saving behavior are effective at improving energy-efficiency, with recent research directed towards incorporating predictive models of energy losses in these systems to optimize recommendations. In this article, we evaluate a predictive eco-driving assistance system on three powertrains: a combustion engine-driven vehicle, a parallel hybrid electric vehicle, and a battery electric vehicle. In each case, energy consumption is found by applying a quasi-static model to driving simulator data for a simulated route including urban, rural, and highway sections. We find that both assisted and unassisted eco-driving has a beneficial effect in all cases, with the assistance system leading to reductions in energy usage of 6.1%, 15.9%, and 16.6% for the combustion engine, hybrid electric, and battery electric powertrains, respectively