48 research outputs found
Quantification of uf and pf Resins in MDF Fiber with an X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
This article describes methods to quantify urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin and phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin contents in medium density fiberboard (MDF) using a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (WDXRF). The methods are based on the principle that a specific metallic element shows its characteristic X-ray fluorescence spectrum, the intensity of which is correlated quantitatively to its concentration. In the case of UF-blended MDF fiber, 2.4% copper sulfate pentahydrate CuSO4.5H2O (based on resin solids) was premixed with the resin as a labeling agent. Quantification of copper ion was performed using XRF. Based on calibrations with laboratory-prepared standard fiber samples of known UF resin and copper quantities, the results of XRF measurements were converted to resin loading rates. In the case of PF-blended fiber, the PF resin contents in the MDF fiber samples were successfully quantified by measuring the existing sodium ion Na+ in the resol resin with XRF. Linear calibration curves between fluorescence intensity of copper or sodium and resin content were established respectively for UF and PF resins. Test results show that the methods were precise and reliable
Preparation conditions of ultra-low-density fiberboard (ULDF) were optimized using the Box–Behnken design and response surface methodology. The effect and interactions of Si-Al molar ratio, additive amount of Si sol, and additive amount of Si-Al compounds on internal bond strength of ULDF were investigated. The regression model for ULDF preparation was significant ( p < 0.0001), and the Si-Al molar ratio and the additive amount of Si sol had a significant effect on internal bond strength, whereas the additive amount of Si-Al compounds did not. Optimum internal bond strength (12.68 ± 0.35 KPa) was achieved at 500 mL Si-Al compounds with Si-Al molar ratio of 2:1 and 20 mL Si sol. Fourier transform infrared spectra of the ULDF confirmed that some covalent bonds between Si-Al additives and fibers might be formed, and the thermal conductivity, noise reduction coefficient, and contact angle analysis of ULDF further confirmed the validity of the optimal preparation conditions
Ontological representation, integration, and analysis of LINCS cell line cells and their cellular responses
Aiming to understand cellular responses to different perturbations, the NIH Common Fund Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) program involves many institutes and laboratories working on over a thousand cell lines. The community-based Cell Line Ontology (CLO) is selected as the default ontology for LINCS cell line representation and integration.
CLO has consistently represented all 1097 LINCS cell lines and included information extracted from the LINCS Data Portal and ChEMBL. Using MCF 10A cell line cells as an example, we demonstrated how to ontologically model LINCS cellular signatures such as their non-tumorigenic epithelial cell type, three-dimensional growth, latrunculin-A-induced actin depolymerization and apoptosis, and cell line transfection. A CLO subset view of LINCS cell lines, named LINCS-CLOview, was generated to support systematic LINCS cell line analysis and queries. In summary, LINCS cell lines are currently associated with 43 cell types, 131 tissues and organs, and 121 cancer types. The LINCS-CLO view information can be queried using SPARQL scripts.
CLO was used to support ontological representation, integration, and analysis of over a thousand LINCS cell line cells and their cellular responses.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140390/1/12859_2017_Article_1981.pd
CIDO: The Community-Based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology
Current COVID-19 pandemic and previous SARS/MERS outbreaks have caused a series of major crises to global public health. We must integrate the large and exponentially growing amount of heterogeneous coronavirus data to better
understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechanisms, in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs. Ontologies have emerged to play an important role in standard knowledge and data representation, integration,
sharing, and analysis. We have initiated the development of the community-based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO). As an Open Biomedical Ontology (OBO) library ontology, CIDO is an open source and interoperable with
other existing OBO ontologies. In this article, the general architecture and the design patterns of the CIDO are introduced, CIDO representation of coronaviruses, phenotypes, anti-coronavirus drugs and medical devices (e.g. ventilators) are
illustrated, and an application of CIDO implemented to identify repurposable drug candidates for effective and safe COVID-19 treatment is presented
Ontological representation, integration, and analysis of LINCS cell line cells and their cellular responses
A comprehensive update on CIDO: the community-based coronavirus infectious disease ontology
The current COVID-19 pandemic and the previous SARS/MERS outbreaks of 2003 and 2012 have resulted in a series of major global public health crises. We argue that in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs and to better understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechenisms it is necessary to integrate the large and exponentially growing body of heterogeneous coronavirus data. Ontologies play an important role in standard-based knowledge and data representation, integration, sharing, and analysis. Accordingly, we initiated the development of the community-based Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology in early 2020.
As an Open Biomedical Ontology (OBO) library ontology, CIDO is open source and interoperable with other existing OBO ontologies. CIDO is aligned with the Basic Formal Ontology and Viral Infectious Disease Ontology. CIDO has imported terms from over 30 OBO ontologies. For example, CIDO imports all SARS-CoV-2 protein terms from the Protein Ontology, COVID-19-related phenotype terms from the Human Phenotype Ontology, and over 100 COVID-19 terms for vaccines (both authorized and in clinical trial) from the Vaccine Ontology. CIDO systematically represents variants of SARS-CoV-2 viruses and over 300 amino acid substitutions therein, along with over 300 diagnostic kits and methods. CIDO also describes hundreds of host-coronavirus protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and the drugs that target proteins in these PPIs. CIDO has been used to model COVID-19 related phenomena in areas such as epidemiology. The scope of CIDO was evaluated by visual analysis supported by a summarization network method. CIDO has been used in various applications such as term standardization, inference, natural language processing (NLP) and clinical data integration. We have applied the amino acid variant knowledge present in CIDO to analyze differences between SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants. CIDO's integrative host-coronavirus PPIs and drug-target knowledge has also been used to support drug repurposing for COVID-19 treatment.
CIDO represents entities and relations in the domain of coronavirus diseases with a special focus on COVID-19. It supports shared knowledge representation, data and metadata standardization and integration, and has been used in a range of applications
The following corrections should be made to:Chen T, Niu M, Xie Y (2015) Optimizing preparation conditions of ultra-low-density fiberboard byresponse surface methodology. Wood Fib Sci 47(3):240–248.Table 1: Units for Internal Bond Strength should be kPa.Figure 2. The units should be changed to kPa
Effect of Silica Sol Content on Thermostability and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-low Density Fiberboards
The thermostability and mechanical properties of ultra-low density fiberboard (ULDF) were improved with the different content of silica sol. Microstructure and properties of ULDF were tested using scanning electron microscope (SEM), thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), and microcomputer control electronic universal testing machine. The microstructures and the relative density of ULDFs were different with changes in Si sol content. The TGA results showed that the residual weight of ULDF was increased with the increasing content of silica sol and that the thermostability of ULDFs was improved. The modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and the internal bond strength (IB) of ULDF were significantly improved from 0.12, 10.86, and 0.020 MPa to their maximum values of 0.23, 23.36, and 0.031 MPa while 4% silica sol was added
Fire Performance of Si-Al Ultra-Low Density Fiberboards Evaluated by Cone Calorimetry
To clarify how the fire resistance of ultra-low density fiberboards (ULDFs) was improved by the Si-Al compounds and to compare the effect of fire resistance between Si-Al compounds and fire retardant (chlorinated paraffin), the fire performance of ULDFs was evaluated by cone calorimetry. Comparing Si-Al compounds to chlorinated paraffin, the heat release rate (HRR), total heat release (THR), mass loss, total smoke release, and off-gases (CO and CO2) release of ULDFs treated with Si-Al compounds significantly decreased. However, when Si-Al compounds and chlorinated paraffins were simultaneously added, the mixed fiberboards showed the best results for peak of HRR (100.76 kW m-2), time to flameout (336s), THR (21.36 MJ m-2), and residual mass (34.26%). These results indicated that the Si-Al compounds had a significant effect on improving the fire resistance of ULDFs, and the Si-Al compounds and chlorinated paraffins have a synergistic effect in ULDFs
Optimized Pretreatment of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) Phloem Insulation Cotton
Using response surface methodology, the pretreatment conditions of kenaf fibers were optimized to improve the tensile strength of kenaf phloem insulation cotton (KPIC). The effects and interactions of three parameters—sodium hydrate concentration (X1), soaking time (X2), and beating time (X3)—on the tensile strength of the kenaf fibers were investigated. The chemical structure of the specimens was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Sodium hydrate concentration had the greatest effect on kenaf fibers. The maximum tensile strength of 117.6 N resulted from a sodium hydrate concentration of 4%, soaking time of 50 h, and beating time of 12 min. As shown by FTIR and XRD, optimized pretreatment generated surface functional groups and increased the tensile strength of fibers. In conclusion, the pretreatment of kenaf fiber significantly improves the tensile strength of KPIC and also improves the retention rate of the chemicals used during the preparation of KPIC.Validerad; 2016; Nivå 2; 20151110 (aliwan)</p