226 research outputs found

    Common DNA methylation dynamics in endometriod adenocarcinoma and glioblastoma suggest universal epigenomic alterations in tumorigenesis

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    Trends in altered DNA methylation have been defined across human cancers, revealing global loss of methylation (hypomethylation) and focal gain of methylation (hypermethylation) as frequent cancer hallmarks. Although many cancers share these trends, little is known about the specific differences in DNA methylation changes across cancer types, particularly outside of promoters. Here, we present a comprehensive comparison of DNA methylation changes between two distinct cancers, endometrioid adenocarcinoma (EAC) and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), to elucidate common rules of methylation dysregulation and changes unique to cancers derived from specific cells. Both cancers exhibit significant changes in methylation over regulatory elements. Notably, hypermethylated enhancers within EAC samples contain several transcription factor binding site clusters with enriched disease ontology terms highlighting uterine function, while hypermethylated enhancers in GBM are found to overlap active enhancer marks in adult brain. These findings suggest that loss of original cellular identity may be a shared step in tumorigenesis

    Widespread contribution of transposable elements to the rewiring of mammalian 3D genomes

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are major contributors of genetic material in mammalian genomes. These often include binding sites for architectural proteins, including the multifarious master protein, CTCF, which shapes the 3D genome by creating loops, domains, compartment borders, and RNA-DNA interactions. These play a role in the compact packaging of DNA and have the potential to facilitate regulatory function. In this study, we explore the widespread contribution of TEs to mammalian 3D genomes by quantifying the extent to which they give rise to loops and domain border differences across various cell types and species using several 3D genome mapping technologies. We show that specific families and subfamilies of TEs have contributed to lineage-specific 3D chromatin structures across mammalian species. In many cases, these loops may facilitate sustained interaction between distant cis-regulatory elements and target genes, and domains may segregate chromatin state to impact gene expression in a lineage-specific manner. An experimental validation of our analytical findings using CRISPR-Cas9 to delete a candidate TE resulted in disruption of species-specific 3D chromatin structure. Taken together, we comprehensively quantify and selectively validate our finding that TEs contribute to shaping 3D genome organization and may, in some cases, impact gene regulation during the course of mammalian evolution

    Soluble inflammatory mediators induce transcriptional re-organization that is independent of dna methylation changes in cultured human chorionic villous trophoblasts.

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    The studies proposed here were undertaken to test the hypothesis that, under specific circumstances (e.g., a strong enough inflammatory stimulus), genes that are repressed at the maternal-fetal interface via DNA methylation might be de-methylated, allowing either a maternal immune response to the semi-allogenic fetus or the onset of early labor. Chorionic trophoblasts (CT) were isolated from fetal membranes, followed by incubation with medium from LPS-activated PBMC or resting PBMC medium for 2 h. RNA and DNA were isolated from the cells for RNA-seq and DNA methylation studies. Two hrs after being exposed to conditioned medium from LPS-activated PBMC, CT showed differential expression of 114 genes, all but 2 of which showed higher expression in the stimulated cells than is the unstimulated cells. We also identified 318 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that associated with 306 genes (155 protein coding genes) in the two groups, but the observed methylation changes had negligible impact on the observed transcriptional changes in CT. CT display complex patterns of transcription in response to inflammation. DNA methylation does not appear to be an important regulator of the observed transcriptional changes

    Site-1 protease is essential for endochondral bone formation in mice

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    Site-1 protease (S1P) has an essential function in the conversion of latent, membrane-bound transcription factors to their free, active form. In mammals, abundant expression of S1P in chondrocytes suggests an involvement in chondrocyte function. To determine the requirement of S1P in cartilage and bone development, we have created cartilage-specific S1P knockout mice (S1Pcko). S1Pcko mice exhibit chondrodysplasia and a complete lack of endochondral ossification even though Runx2 expression, Indian hedgehog signaling, and osteoblastogenesis is intact. However, there is a substantial increase in chondrocyte apoptosis in the cartilage of S1Pcko mice. Extraction of type II collagen is substantially lower from S1Pcko cartilage. In S1Pcko mice, the collagen network is disorganized and collagen becomes entrapped in chondrocytes. Ultrastructural analysis reveals that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in S1Pcko chondrocytes is engorged and fragmented in a manner characteristic of severe ER stress. These data suggest that S1P activity is necessary for a specialized ER stress response required by chondrocytes for the genesis of normal cartilage and thus endochondral ossification

    Widespread contribution of transposable elements to the innovation of gene regulatory networks

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    Transposable elements (TEs) have been shown to contain functional binding sites for certain transcription factors (TFs). However, the extent to which TEs contribute to the evolution of TF binding sites is not well known. We comprehensively mapped binding sites for 26 pairs of orthologous TFs in two pairs of human and mouse cell lines (representing two cell lineages), along with epigenomic profiles, including DNA methylation and six histone modifications. Overall, we found that 20% of binding sites were embedded within TEs. This number varied across different TFs, ranging from 2% to 40%. We further identified 710 TF–TE relationships in which genomic copies of a TE subfamily contributed a significant number of binding peaks for a TF, and we found that LTR elements dominated these relationships in human. Importantly, TE-derived binding peaks were strongly associated with open and active chromatin signatures, including reduced DNA methylation and increased enhancer-associated histone marks. On average, 66% of TE-derived binding events were cell type-specific with a cell type-specific epigenetic landscape. Most of the binding sites contributed by TEs were species-specific, but we also identified binding sites conserved between human and mouse, the functional relevance of which was supported by a signature of purifying selection on DNA sequences of these TEs. Interestingly, several TFs had significantly expanded binding site landscapes only in one species, which were linked to species-specific gene functions, suggesting that TEs are an important driving force for regulatory innovation. Taken together, our data suggest that TEs have significantly and continuously shaped gene regulatory networks during mammalian evolution

    DeepH&M: Estimating single-CpG hydroxymethylation and methylation levels from enrichment and restriction enzyme sequencing methods

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    Increased appreciation of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) as a stable epigenetic mark, which defines cell identity and disease progress, has engendered a need for cost-effective, but high-resolution, 5hmC mapping technology. Current enrichment-based technologies provide cheap but low-resolution and relative enrichment of 5hmC levels, while single-base resolution methods can be prohibitively expensive to scale up to large experiments. To address this problem, we developed a deep learning-based method, DeepH&M, which integrates enrichment and restriction enzyme sequencing methods to simultaneously estimate absolute hydroxymethylation and methylation levels at single-CpG resolution. Using 7-week-old mouse cerebellum data for training the DeepH&M model, we demonstrated that the 5hmC and 5mC levels predicted by DeepH&M were in high concordance with whole-genome bisulfite-based approaches. The DeepH&M model can be applied to 7-week-old frontal cortex and 79-week-old cerebellum, revealing the robust generalizability of this method to other tissues from various biological time points

    Investigation of CYP1B1 mutations in Chinese patients with primary congenital glaucoma

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the mutation spectrum of the cytochrome P450 gene (CYP1B1) in Chinese patients with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). Methods: The coding regions of CYP1B1 from 41 Chinese PCG patients were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and heteroduplex analysis-single strand conformation polymorphism (HA-SSCP) followed by subsequent cloning and bidirectional sequencing. New variants were confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in 80 normal Chinese controls. Results: Six distinct mutations, four of which are novel, were identified in 14.6 % (6/41) of all patients. The CYP1B1 mutations in two patients were homozygous, and the other four patients were compound heterozygous. Beyond the four novel mutations (g.4531_4552del22bp, g.4633delC, p.S336Y, and p.I471S), two reported missense mutations (R469W and R390H) were also identified. The missense mutation, R390H, was involved in 9.8 % (4/41) of patients in our study. None of the novel mutations was observed in any of the 80 controls. Conclusions: Our results support the premise that CYP1B1 is a major gene for PCG, appearing to be responsible for the disease in roughly one in six Chinese PCG patients. The R390H mutation was identified as a predominant CYP1B1 allele among the Chinese PCG patients in our study. This observation emphasizes the importance of mutational screening of CYP1B1, especially for the R390H mutation in Chinese patients
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