5 research outputs found

    Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Cî—»C Double Bonds on the Low-Temperature Reactivity of Alkenylperoxy Radicals

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    Biodiesel contains a large proportion of unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters. Its combustion characteristics, especially its ignition behavior at low temperatures, have been greatly affected by these CC double bonds. In this work, we performed a theoretical analysis of the effect of CC double bonds on the low-temperature reactivity of alkenylperoxy radicals, the key intermediates from the low-temperature combustion of biodiesel. To understand how double bonds affect the fate of peroxy radicals, we selected three representative peroxy radicals from heptane, heptene, and heptadiene having zero, one, and two double CC bonds, respectively, for study. The potential energy surfaces were explored at the CBS-QB3 level, and the reaction rate constants were computed using canonical/variational transition state theories. We have found that the double bond is responsible for the very different bond dissociation energies of the various types of C–H bonds, which in turn affect significantly the reaction kinetics of alkenylperoxy radicals

    Role of Spin-Triplet Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soot Surface Growth

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    Using density functional theory, a possible pathway of soot surface growth is studied in the low-temperature, postflame region in which spin-triplet polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules with a small singlet–triplet energy gap react with unsaturated aliphatics such as acetylene via the carbon-addition-hydrogen-migration (CAHM) reaction. Results show that a PAH-core-aliphatic-shell structure is formed and the mass growth rate of this triplet soot surface growth reaction is one order of magnitude larger than that of the surface hydrogen-abstraction-carbon-addition (HACA) reaction at temperatures below 1500 K

    Benchmark Calculations for Bond Dissociation Enthalpies of Unsaturated Methyl Esters and the Bond Dissociation Enthalpies of Methyl Linolenate

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    It is important to determine an appropriate computational method for obtaining accurate thermochemical properties of large biodiesel molecules such as methyl linolenate. In this study, we use Kohn–Sham density functional theory (DFT) and coupled cluster theory to calculate bond dissociation enthalpies (BDEs) of seven fragment molecules of methyl linolenate, in particular, propene, methyl formate, <i>cis</i>-3-hexene, 1,4-pentadiene, 1-pentene, butane, and methyl butanoate. The results are compared to BDEs obtained from experiments and to Oyeyemi et al.’s multireference averaged coupled pair functional (MRACPF2) calculations. We found that with extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit, the BDEs derived from coupled cluster calculations with single, double, and triple excitations (CCSDT) and from CCSDT with a perturbative treatment of connected quadruple excitations, CCSDT(2)<sub>Q</sub>/CBS, are closer to the available experimental values than those obtained by MRACPF2 for propene and methyl formate. The CCSDT/CBS calculations were chosen as the reference for validating the DFT methods. Among the density functionals, we found that M08-HX has the best performance with a mean unsigned deviation (MUD) from CCSDT/CBS of only 1.0 kcal/mol, whereas the much more expensive MRACPF2 has an MUD of 1.1 kcal/mol. We then used the most successfully validated density functionals to calculate the BDEs of methyl linolenate and compared the results with the MRACPF2 BDEs. The present study identifies several Kohn–Sham exchange-correlation functionals that should be useful for modeling ester combustion, especially the M08-HX, M06-2X, M05-2X, M08-SO, and MPWB1K global-hybrid meta functionals, the M11 and MN12-SX range-separated-hybrid meta functionals, the ωB97 range-separated hybrid gradient approximation functional, and the SOGGA11-X global-hybrid gradient approximation functional

    Role of Carbon-Addition and Hydrogen-Migration Reactions in Soot Surface Growth

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    Using density functional theory and master equation modeling, we have studied the kinetics of small unsaturated aliphatic molecules reacting with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules having a diradical character. We have found that these reactions follow the mechanism of carbon addition and hydrogen migration (CAHM) on both spin-triplet and open-shell singlet potential energy surfaces at a rate that is about ten times those of the hydrogen-abstraction-carbon-addition (HACA) reactions at 1500 K in the fuel-rich postflame region. The results also show that the most active reaction sites are in the center of the zigzag edges of the PAHs. Furthermore, the reaction products are more likely to form straight rather than branched aliphatic side chains in the case of reacting with diacetylene. The computed rate constants are also found to be independent of pressure at conditions of interest in soot formation, and the activation barriers of the CAHM reactions are linearly correlated with the diradical characters

    Dimerization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soot Nucleation

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    A possible pathway of soot nucleation, in which localized π electrons play an important role in binding the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules having multiradical characteristics to form stable polymer molecules through covalent bonds, is studied using density functional and semiempirical methods. Results show that the number of covalent bonds formed in the dimerization of two identical PAHs is determined by the radical character, and the sites to form bonds are related to the aromaticity of individual six-membered ring structure. It is further shown that the binding energy of dimerization increases linearly with the diradical character in the range relevant to soot nucleation