8 research outputs found

    Additional file 4: of Quality assessment of systematic reviews on total hip or knee arthroplasty using mod-AMSTAR

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    Appendix 4. Data extraction table: Extraction items and results of each study. (Data extraction table). (XLSX 21 kb

    Additional file 3: of Quality assessment of systematic reviews on total hip or knee arthroplasty using mod-AMSTAR

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    Appendix 3. AMSTAR score and list of included reviews: mod-AMSTAR score for each study and reference information of all included studies. (AMSTAR score and list of included reviews). (DOCX 58 kb

    Two-Dimensional Alignment of Self-Assembled Organic Nanotubes through Langmuir–Blodgett Technique

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    A <i>C</i><sub>3</sub>-symmetric molecule was found to form organic nanotubes through supramolecular gel formation in organic solvents. These nanotubes can be dispersed in toluene without destroying the tubular nanostructures. Using the dispersions of these organic nanotubes as “spreading solutions”, Langmuir-spreading films of these nanotubes were formed. Through repeated compression and expansion cycles, the nanotubes can be aligned to a certain extent. The formed Langmuir films could be subsequently transferred to a solid substrate, and the well-aligned nanotube films were constructed by Langmuir–Blodgett film deposition technique. Interestingly, many guests including polymers, water-soluble or oil-soluble organic molecules can be encapsulated into the nanotubes and further spread on a water subphase. Through elaborate control, large-scale parallel alignment of self-assembled organic nanotubes encapsulated by guests was also realized. This study implies that 2D hierarchical alignment of one-dimensional organic nanostructures can be realized using a simple method

    Additional file 1 of Sirt3 improves monosodium urate crystal-induced inflammation by suppressing Acod1 expression

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    Additional file 1:  Sup Fig. 1. Sirt3 deficiency increased mitochondrial ROS production and nuclear localization of NF-kB P65in BMDMs treated with FAs + MSU crystals. a Flow analysis plotsusing FCM to detect the production of mitochondrial ROS after MitoSOX probe staining of BMDMs. b The percentages of NF-κB p65 in the BMDMsnucleus were quantified through immune-fluorescence assay. Blue shows nuclei staining with DAPI. Scale bar:40 μm. *P < 0.05. Sup Fig. 2. Sirt3 deficiency accelerated the expression of inflammation associated gene in BMDMs treated with C16:0 + MSU. a Quantitative PCR analysis was used to detect IL-1β,IL-6, TNFα, COX-2, and iNOS mRNA expression. b The protein levels of COX-2 and INOS. Sup Fig. 3. Expression analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between Sirt3 +/+ and Sirt3 -/- BMDMs treated with C16:0 + MSU. (A) Heatmap was used to show the DEGs between Sirt3 +/+ and Sirt3 -/- BMDMs treated with C16:0 + MSU. The colors ranging from red to blue indicate the normalized levels of gene expression from high to low. (B) Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes enrichment analysis of down-regulated DEGs. (C) Quantification of RT-qPCR analysis of Acod1, Ccl2, Nlrc3 (Nlrp3), Itgb7, Ccl7and Csf3 mRNA expression. Sup Fig. 4. Viniferin treatment inhibited the expression of inflammation associated gene. After treatment of BMDMs with Viniferin and C16:0+ MSU for 12 h, cell culture supernatants and cells were collected for relevant assays. a Viniferin treatment reduced the Itgb7, Ccl7, Ccl2, Acod1,and Nlrc3 (Nlrp3) mRNA expression. b Transcription factors may bind the DNA motif of Itgb7, Ccl7,Ccl2, Acod1, and Nlrc3 (Nlrp3). c Viniferin treatment decreased the the protein levels of ITGB7, CCR2, NLRP3 and ACOD1. d Viniferin treatment inhibited CCL2 secretion. Sup Fig. 5. The effect of Sirt3 on Acod1 protein expression via ROS-NF-kB signaling in BMDMs treated with Mito-TEMPO (5μM) or HY-133987(1μM)and C16:0 + MSU for 12 h. a Mito-TEMPO treatment inhibits C16:0 + MSU crystal-induced Acod1 protein expression. b Mito-TEMPO treatment reversed the effect of Sirt3 deficiency on ACOD1 protein expression. c HY-133987 treatment prevented the impact of Sirt3 knockdown on Acod1 protein expression. Sup Fig. 6. These anti-inflammatory effects of Viniferin were abolished in Sirt3 deficient mice subjected to MSU-induced peritonitis. a The representative plots of migrated leukocytes (CD45 +) in peritoneal fluid were detected by FCM. The number of migrated leukocytes were quantified and compared among the groups on the right. b The levels of IL-1β and CCL2 in peritoneal fluid were detected by ELISA. n = 5 mice for each group. *P < 0.05

    Utilization of the evidence from studies with no events in meta-analyses of adverse events: an empirical investigation

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    Backgrounds Zero-events studies frequently occur in systematic reviews of adverse events, which consist of an important source of evidence. We aimed to examine how evidence of zero-events studies was utilized in the meta-analyses of systematic reviews of adverse events. Methods We conducted a survey of systematic reviews published in two periods: January 1, 2015, to January 1, 2020, and January 1, 2008, to April 25, 2011. Databases were searched for systematic reviews that conducted at least one meta-analysis of any healthcare intervention and used adverse events as the exclusive outcome. An adverse event was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or subject in healthcare practice. We summarized the frequency of occurrence of zero-events studies in eligible systematic reviews and how these studies were dealt with in the meta-analyses of these systematic reviews. Results We included 640 eligible systematic reviews. There were 406 (63.45%) systematic reviews involving zero-events studies in their meta-analyses, among which 389 (95.11%) involved single-arm-zero-events studies and 223 (54.93%) involved double-arm-zero-events studies. The majority (98.71%) of these systematic reviews incorporated single-arm-zero-events studies into the meta-analyses. On the other hand, the majority (76.23%) of them excluded double-arm-zero-events studies from the meta-analyses, of which the majority (87.06%) did not discuss the potential impact of excluding such studies. Systematic reviews published at present (2015-2020) tended to incorporate zero-events studies in meta-analyses than those published in the past (2008-2011), but the difference was not significant (proportion difference=−0.09, 95% CI −0.21 to 0.03, p = 0.12). Conclusion Systematic review authors routinely treated studies with zero-events in both arms as “non-informative” carriers and excluded them from their reviews. Whether studies with no events are “informative” or not largely depends on the methods and assumptions applied, thus sensitivity analyses using different methods should be considered in future meta-analyses.Other Information Published in: BMC Medicine License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0See article on publisher's website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12916-021-02008-2</p

    Machine Learning Model for a Biocontact Oxidation Process Driven by Battery-Free Wind-Solar Power GenerationA New Path for Rural Sewage Treatment

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    The energy and operation costs have always been a bottleneck, restricting the development of rural sewage treatment. This work proposes a biocontact oxidation process driven by battery-free wind-solar power generation to implement the automated operation of rural sewage treatment. An automatic machine learning model was designed to predict the performance of the system. Higher accuracy was obtained using the random standard deviation sampling (RSDS) data amplification method. Correlation analysis indicated that influent quality indicators had a path coefficient of 0.899 (p < 0.001) and a significant contribution of 38% for effluent quality variation. Spearman correlation between each influent and effluent quality indicator was greater than 0.9 (p < 0.001), combining variable importance analysis of the model, showing that influent quality indicators presented higher importance than meteorological conditions and power generation capacity. The dependence relationships of important variables on the predicted values and the model stability were further examined using interpretability partial dependence (PD) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) analyses. This study proposed an environmentally friendly rural domestic sewage treatment system with a data-driven system operation model, which provides novel ideas for improving low-carbon and intelligent rural environmental sanitation in the future