4 research outputs found


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaci贸nSe presenta un modelo pedag贸gico con utilizaci贸n de las TIC para la ense帽anza de la F铆sica Moderna en el Instituto Federal. El modelo est谩 adaptado a las teor铆as del aprendizaje significativo de Ausubel y modelos mentales, analizados e implementados para transformar el aprendizaje de la F铆sica Moderna. Esta propuesta busca facilitar el aprendizaje a trav茅s de la construcci贸n de mapas conceptuales para mostrar la formaci贸n de modelos mentales. Se presentran los resultados que muestran un resultado positivo referido al aprendizaje de los alumnos de tercer curso de una escuela secundaria.ES

    Visualization 3: Robust real-time 3D single-particle tracking using a dynamically moving laser spot

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    Real-time movie of a VSV-G-YFP virion being tracked by 3D-DyPLoT. The 3D plot is the movement of the piezoelectric stage to hold the diffusing virion in the objective focal volume. The inset is the sCMOS readout (3x3 Gaussian filter, false-color). Originally published in Optics Letters on 15 June 2017 (ol-42-12-2390

    Visualization 2: Robust real-time 3D single-particle tracking using a dynamically moving laser spot

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    Real-time movie of a gQD@SiO2 particle being tracked by 3D-DyPLoT. The 3D plot is the movement of the piezoelectric stage to hold the diffusing gQD@SiO2 in the objective focal volume. The inset is the sCMOS readout (3x3 Gaussian filter, false-color). Originally published in Optics Letters on 15 June 2017 (ol-42-12-2390

    Quantitative Label-Free Chemical Imaging of PLGA Nanoparticles in Cells and Tissues with Single-Particle Sensitivity

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    Nanomedicine has brought significant advancements to healthcare by utilizing nanotechnology in medicine. Despite much promise, the further development of nanocarriers for clinical use has been hindered by a lack of understanding and visualization of nano-bio interactions. Conventional imaging methods have limitations in resolution, sensitivity, and specificity. This study introduces a label-free optical approach using stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy to image poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanocarriers, the most widely used polymeric nanocarrier for delivery therapeutic agents, with single-particle sensitivity and quantification capabilities. A unique Raman peak was identified for PLGA ester, enabling generalized bio-orthogonal bond imaging. We demonstrated quantitative SRS imaging of PLGA nanocarriers across different biological systems from cells to animal tissues. This label-free imaging method provides a powerful tool for studying this prevalent nanocarrier and quantitatively visualizing their distribution, interaction, and clearance in vivo