288 research outputs found

    ReLER@ZJU Submission to the Ego4D Moment Queries Challenge 2022

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    In this report, we present the ReLER@ZJU1 submission to the Ego4D Moment Queries Challenge in ECCV 2022. In this task, the goal is to retrieve and localize all instances of possible activities in egocentric videos. Ego4D dataset is challenging for the temporal action localization task as the temporal duration of the videos is quite long and each video contains multiple action instances with fine-grained action classes. To address these problems, we utilize a multi-scale transformer to classify different action categories and predict the boundary of each instance. Moreover, in order to better capture the long-term temporal dependencies in the long videos, we propose a segment-level recurrence mechanism. Compared with directly feeding all video features to the transformer encoder, the proposed segment-level recurrence mechanism alleviates the optimization difficulties and achieves better performance. The final submission achieved Recall@1,tIoU=0.5 score of 37.24, average mAP score of 17.67 and took 3-rd place on the leaderboard.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 2022 Ego4D Workshop; 3rd place in Ego4D Moment Query Challeng

    Traceable and authenticated key negotiations via blockchain for vehicular communications

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    While key negotiation schemes, such as those based on Diffie–Hellman, have been the subject of ongoing research, designing an efficient and security scheme remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel key negotiation scheme based on blockchain, which can be deployed in blockchain-enabled contexts such as data sharing or facilitating electric transactions between vehicles (e.g., unmanned vehicles). We propose three candidates for flexible selection, namely, key exchanges via transaction currency values through value channels (such as the amount in transactions), automated key exchanges through static scripts,and dynamic scripts, which can not only guarantee key availability with timeliness but also defend against MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks, packet-dropping attacks, and decryption failure attacks

    Slimmable Networks for Contrastive Self-supervised Learning

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    Self-supervised learning makes great progress in large model pre-training but suffers in training small models. Previous solutions to this problem mainly rely on knowledge distillation and indeed have a two-stage learning procedure: first train a large teacher model, then distill it to improve the generalization ability of small ones. In this work, we present a new one-stage solution to obtain pre-trained small models without extra teachers: slimmable networks for contrastive self-supervised learning (\emph{SlimCLR}). A slimmable network contains a full network and several weight-sharing sub-networks. We can pre-train for only one time and obtain various networks including small ones with low computation costs. However, in self-supervised cases, the interference between weight-sharing networks leads to severe performance degradation. One evidence of the interference is \emph{gradient imbalance}: a small proportion of parameters produces dominant gradients during backpropagation, and the main parameters may not be fully optimized. The divergence in gradient directions of various networks may also cause interference between networks. To overcome these problems, we make the main parameters produce dominant gradients and provide consistent guidance for sub-networks via three techniques: slow start training of sub-networks, online distillation, and loss re-weighting according to model sizes. Besides, a switchable linear probe layer is applied during linear evaluation to avoid the interference of weight-sharing linear layers. We instantiate SlimCLR with typical contrastive learning frameworks and achieve better performance than previous arts with fewer parameters and FLOPs.Comment: preprint,work in progres

    Test-Time Adaptation with CLIP Reward for Zero-Shot Generalization in Vision-Language Models

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    Misalignment between the outputs of a vision-language (VL) model and task goal hinders its deployment. This issue can worsen when there are distribution shifts between the training and test data. To address this problem, prevailing fully test-time adaptation~(TTA) methods bootstrap themselves through entropy minimization. However, minimizing the entropy of the predictions makes the model overfit to incorrect output distributions of itself. In this work, we propose TTA with feedback to avoid such overfitting and align the model with task goals. Specifically, we adopt CLIP as reward model to provide feedback for VL models during test time in various tasks, including image classification, image-text retrieval, and image captioning. Given a single test sample, the model aims to maximize CLIP reward through reinforcement learning. We adopt a reward design with the average CLIP score of sampled candidates as the baseline. This design is simple and surprisingly effective when combined with various task-specific sampling strategies. The entire system is flexible, allowing the reward model to be extended with multiple CLIP models. Plus, a momentum buffer can be used to memorize and leverage the learned knowledge from multiple test samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly improves different VL models after TTA.Comment: preprint, work in progress; project URL https://github.com/mzhaoshuai/RLC

    Bird's-Eye-View Scene Graph for Vision-Language Navigation

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    Vision-language navigation (VLN), which entails an agent to navigate 3D environments following human instructions, has shown great advances. However, current agents are built upon panoramic observations, which hinders their ability to perceive 3D scene geometry and easily leads to ambiguous selection of panoramic view. To address these limitations, we present a BEV Scene Graph (BSG), which leverages multi-step BEV representations to encode scene layouts and geometric cues of indoor environment under the supervision of 3D detection. During navigation, BSG builds a local BEV representation at each step and maintains a BEV-based global scene map, which stores and organizes all the online collected local BEV representations according to their topological relations. Based on BSG, the agent predicts a local BEV grid-level decision score and a global graph-level decision score, combined with a sub-view selection score on panoramic views, for more accurate action prediction. Our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on REVERIE, R2R, and R4R, showing the potential of BEV perception in VLN.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 2023; Project page: https://github.com/DefaultRui/BEV-Scene-Grap

    Relieving Triplet Ambiguity: Consensus Network for Language-Guided Image Retrieval

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    Language-guided image retrieval enables users to search for images and interact with the retrieval system more naturally and expressively by using a reference image and a relative caption as a query. Most existing studies mainly focus on designing image-text composition architecture to extract discriminative visual-linguistic relations. Despite great success, we identify an inherent problem that obstructs the extraction of discriminative features and considerably compromises model training: \textbf{triplet ambiguity}. This problem stems from the annotation process wherein annotators view only one triplet at a time. As a result, they often describe simple attributes, such as color, while neglecting fine-grained details like location and style. This leads to multiple false-negative candidates matching the same modification text. We propose a novel Consensus Network (Css-Net) that self-adaptively learns from noisy triplets to minimize the negative effects of triplet ambiguity. Inspired by the psychological finding that groups perform better than individuals, Css-Net comprises 1) a consensus module featuring four distinct compositors that generate diverse fused image-text embeddings and 2) a Kullback-Leibler divergence loss, which fosters learning among the compositors, enabling them to reduce biases learned from noisy triplets and reach a consensus. The decisions from four compositors are weighted during evaluation to further achieve consensus. Comprehensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate that Css-Net can alleviate triplet ambiguity, achieving competitive performance on benchmarks, such as +2.77%+2.77\% R@10 and +6.67%+6.67\% R@50 on FashionIQ.Comment: 11 page

    Action Sensitivity Learning for the Ego4D Episodic Memory Challenge 2023

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    This report presents ReLER submission to two tracks in the Ego4D Episodic Memory Benchmark in CVPR 2023, including Natural Language Queries and Moment Queries. This solution inherits from our proposed Action Sensitivity Learning framework (ASL) to better capture discrepant information of frames. Further, we incorporate a series of stronger video features and fusion strategies. Our method achieves an average mAP of 29.34, ranking 1st in Moment Queries Challenge, and garners 19.79 mean R1, ranking 2nd in Natural Language Queries Challenge. Our code will be released.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2023 Ego4D Workshop; 1st in Ego4D Moment Queries Challenge; 2nd in Ego4D Natural Language Queries Challeng

    Machine-Learned Invertible Coarse Graining for Multiscale Molecular Modeling

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    Multiscale molecular modeling is widely applied in scientific research of molecular properties over large time and length scales. Two specific challenges are commonly present in multiscale modeling, provided that information between the coarse and fine representations of molecules needs to be properly exchanged: One is to construct coarse grained (CG) models by passing information from the fine to coarse levels; the other is to restore finer molecular details given CG configurations. Although these two problems are commonly addressed independently, in this work, we present a theory connecting them, and develop a methodology called Cycle Coarse Graining (CCG) to solve both problems in a unified manner. In CCG, reconstruction can be achieved via a tractable optimization process, leading to a general method to retrieve fine details from CG simulations, which in turn, delivers a new solution to the CG problem, yielding an efficient way to calculate free energies in a rare-event-free manner. CCG thus provides a systematic way for multiscale molecular modeling, where the finer details of CG simulations can be efficiently retrieved, and the CG models can be improved consistently.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, plus S
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