3 research outputs found

    Hydroxyl-Exchanged Nanoporous Ionic Copolymer toward Low-Temperature Cycloaddition of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide into Carbonates

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    An ionic copolymer catalyst with nanopores, large surface area, high ionic density, and superior basicity was prepared via the radical copolymerization of amino-functionalized ionic liquid bromide and divinylbenzene, followed with a hydroxyl exchange for removing bromonium. Evaluated in chemical fixation of CO<sub>2</sub> with epoxides into cyclic carbonates in the absence of any solvent and basic additive, the nanoporous copolymer catalyst showed high and stable activity, superior to various control catalysts including the halogen-containing analogue. Further, high yields were obtained over a wide scope of substrates including aliphatic long carbon-chain alkyl epoxides and internal epoxide, even under atmospheric pressure and less than 100 °C for the majority of the substrates. On the basis of <i>in situ</i> Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) investigation and density functional theory (DFT) calculation for the reaction intermediates, we proposed a possible reaction mechanism accounting for the superior catalytic activity of the ionic copolymer. The specifically prepared ionic copolymer material of this work features highly stable, noncorrosive, and sustainable catalysis and, thus, may be a new possibility for efficient chemical fixation of CO<sub>2</sub> since it is an environmentally friendly, metal-free solid catalyst

    Hybrid of Polyoxometalate-Based Ionic Salt and N‑Doped Carbon toward Reductant-Free Aerobic Hydroxylation of Benzene to Phenol

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    A novel carbon-based hybrid is composed of N-doped ordered mesoporous carbon (NC) and polyoxometalate (POM) based ionic salt (IL-POM), constructing the first efficient non-noble metal heterogeneous catalyst for reductant-free hydroxylation of benzene to phenol with molecular oxygen. Enhanced activity and reusability were achieved and were even better than the previous noble metal involved system. The newly task-specifically designed dicationic ionic liquid tethered with the nitrile group contributed to the high efficiency and heterogeneous property. Systematic structure–activity analysis revealed that the superior activity for this difficult reaction came from the simultaneous activation of benzene by NC and O<sub>2</sub> by V species of IL-POM. This work suggests a new green reaction pathway toward heterogeneous aerobic hydroxylation of the C<sub>sp2</sub>-H bond in π-conjugated aromatic molecules

    Image_1_Roles of vaginal flora in human papillomavirus infection, virus persistence and clearance.tif

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    Vaginal flora plays a vital role in human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and progression to cancer. To reveal a role of the vaginal flora in HPV persistence and clearance, 90 patients with HPV infection and 45 healthy individuals were enrolled in this study and their vaginal flora were analyzed. Women with HPV infection were treated with Lactobacillus in the vaginal environment as a supplement to interferon therapy. Our results indicated that patients with high risk HPV (Hr-HPV) 16/18 infection had a significantly higher alpha diversity compared with the healthy control (p 0.05). Patients with multiple HPV infection had insignificantly higher alpha diversity compared with single HPV infection (p > 0.05). The vaginal flora of patients with HPV infection exhibited different compositions when compared to the healthy controls. The dominant bacteria with the highest prevalence in HPV-positive group were Lactobacillus iners (n = 49, 54.44%), and the top 3 dominant bacteria in the HPV-persistent group were Lactobacillus iners (n = 34, 53.13%), Sneathia amnii (n = 9, 14.06%), and Lactobacillus delbrueckii (n = 3, 4.69%). Patients with HPV clearance had significantly lower alpha diversity, and the flora pattern was also different between groups displaying HPV clearance vs. persistence. The patients with persistent HPV infection had significantly higher levels of Bacteroidaceae, Erysipelotrichaceae, Helicobacteraceae, Neisseriaceae, Streptococcaceae (family level), and Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Neisseria, and Helicobacter (genus level) than patients who had cleared HPV (p ImportanceOur study revealed differences in vaginal flora patterns are associated with HPV persistence and its clearance. Interferon plus probiotics can greatly improve virus clearance in some patients. Distinguishing bacterial features associated with HPV clearance in patients would be helpful for early intervention and reverse persistent infection.</p