16,633 research outputs found

    Boosted Dark Matter in IceCube and at the Galactic Center

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    We show that the event excess observed by the IceCube collaboration at TeV--PeV energies, usually interpreted as evidence for astrophysical neutrinos, can be explained alternatively by the scattering of highly boosted dark matter particles. Specifically, we consider a scenario where a ∼4\sim 4 PeV scalar dark matter particle ϕ\phi can decay to a much lighter dark fermion χ\chi, which in turn scatters off nuclei in the IceCube detector. Besides these events, which are exclusively shower-like, the model also predicts a secondary population of events at O(100TeV)\mathcal{O}(100 \text{TeV}) originating from the 3-body decay ϕ→χχˉa\phi \to \chi \bar\chi a, where aa is a pseudoscalar which mediates dark matter--Standard Model interactions and whose decay products include neutrinos. This secondary population also includes track-like events, and both populations together provide an excellent fit to the IceCube data. We then argue that a relic abundance of light Dark Matter particles χ\chi, which may constitute a subdominant component of the Dark Matter in the Universe, can have exactly the right properties to explain the observed excess in GeV gamma rays from the galactic center region. Our boosted Dark Matter scenario also predicts fluxes of O(10)\mathcal{O}(10) TeV positrons and O(100TeV)\mathcal{O}(100 \text{TeV}) photons from 3-body cascade decays of the heavy Dark Matter particle ϕ\phi, and we show how these can be used to constrain parts of the viable parameter space of the model. Direct detection limits are weak due to the pseudoscalar couplings of χ\chi. Accelerator constraints on the pseudoscalar mediator aa lead to the conclusion that the preferred mass of aa is ≳10\gtrsim 10 GeV and that large coupling to bb quarks but suppressed or vanishing coupling to leptons are preferred.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. v2: References added, matches version to be published in JHEP. v3: Acknowledgement adde

    Analytical Solution for the SU(2) Hedgehog Skyrmion and Static Properties of Nucleons

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    An analytical solution for symmetric Skyrmion was proposed for the SU(2) Skyrme model, which take the form of the hybrid form of a kink-like solution and that given by the instanton method. The static properties of nucleons was then computed within the framework of collective quantization of the Skyrme model, with a good agreement with that given by the exact numeric solution. The comparisons with the previous results as well as the experimental values are also given.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submited to Phys.Lett.

    A Tale of Two Portals: Testing Light, Hidden New Physics at Future e+e−e^+ e^- Colliders

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    We investigate the prospects for producing new, light, hidden states at a future e+e−e^+ e^- collider in a Higgsed dark U(1)DU(1)_D model, which we call the Double Dark Portal model. The simultaneous presence of both vector and scalar portal couplings immediately modifies the Standard Model Higgsstrahlung channel, e+e−→Zhe^+ e^- \to Zh, at leading order in each coupling. In addition, each portal leads to complementary signals which can be probed at direct and indirect detection dark matter experiments. After accounting for current constraints from LEP and LHC, we demonstrate that a future e+e−e^+ e^- Higgs factory will have unique and leading sensitivity to the two portal couplings by studying a host of new production, decay, and radiative return processes. Besides the possibility of exotic Higgs decays, we highlight the importance of direct dark vector and dark scalar production at e+e−e^+ e^- machines, whose invisible decays can be tagged from the recoil mass method.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. v2: references added, version matched to JHE

    O(100GeV)\mathscr{O}(100 GeV) Deci-weak W′/Z′W^\prime/Z^\prime at Tevatron and LHC

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    Recently Tevatron released their measurements on invariant mass spectrum of electron/positron, as well as the di-jet arising from WW+WZ production with one W leptonically decay. Though the statistics is not significant, there are two bumps around 240 GeV and 120-160 GeV respectively. We proposed that the two bumps correspond to the extra light gauge bosons Z′Z^\prime and W′W^\prime, which couple with quarks with the deci-weak strength. In this brief report, we also simulated di-jet invariant mass distribution at the current running LHC.Comment: 8 pages, 3 EPS figures, ref added, figures update

    New Color-Octet Vector Boson Revisit

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    Motivated by CDF recent measurements on di-jet invariant mass spectrum where di-jet is associated production with charged leptons (e/μe/\mu) and missing energy, we re-examine the previous proposed massive color-octet axial-vector-like boson ZcZ_c. Our simulation showed that the di-jet bump around 120-160 GeV can be induced by ZcZ_c with effective coupling gZcqqˉ=0.2gsg_{Z_c q \bar q} =0.2 g_s (q represents the quark other than top and gsg_s is the strong coupling constant). Moreover our numerical investigation indicated that the top quark forward-backward asymmetry AFBtA_{FB}^t can be reproduced without distorting shape of differential cross section dσ/dMttˉd\sigma/d M_{t\bar t}, provided that the ZcZ_c and top quark coupling is appropriately chosen (gZcttˉ≃4.5gZcqqˉg_{Z_c t \bar t} \simeq 4.5 g_{Z_c q \bar q}). Our results also showed that the theoretical AFBtA_{FB}^t as functions of Δy\Delta y and MttˉM_{t\bar t} can be consistent with data within 1σ1\sigma and 1.8σ1.8\sigma respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 3 EPS figure

    Seeking for sterile neutrinos with displaced leptons at the LHC

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    We study the signal of long-lived sterile neutrino at the LHC produced through the decay of the WW boson. It decays into charged lepton and jets. The characteristic signature is a hard prompt lepton and a lepton from the displaced decay of the sterile neutrino, which leads to a bundle of displaced tracks with large transverse impact parameter. Different from other studies, we neither reconstruct the displaced vertex nor place requirement on its invariant mass to maintain sensitivity for low sterile neutrino masses. Instead, we focus on the displaced track from the lepton. A difficulty for low mass sterile neutrino study is that the displaced lepton is usually \textit{non-isolated}. Therefore, leptons from heavy flavor quark is the major source of background. We closely follow a search for displaced electron plus muon search at CMS and study their control regions, which is related to our signal regions, in great detail to develop a robust estimation of the background for our signals. After further optimization on the signal limiting the number of jets, low HTH_T and large lepton displacement d0d_0 to suppress SM background, we reach an exclusion sensitivity of about 10−810^{-8} (10−510^{-5}) for the mixing angle square at 10 (2) GeV sterile neutrino mass respectively. The strategy we propose can cover the light sterile masses complimentary to beam dump and forward detector experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; v2: matched to Journal version

    A light complex scalar for the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments

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    The anomalous magnetic moments of the electron and the muon are interesting observables, since they can be measured with great precision and their values can be computed with excellent accuracy within the Standard Model (SM). The current experimental measurement of this quantities show a deviation of a few standard deviations with respect to the SM prediction, which may be a hint of new physics. The fact that the electron and the muon masses differ by two orders of magnitude and the deviations have opposite signs makes it difficult to find a common origin of these anomalies. In this work we introduce a complex singlet scalar charged under a Peccei-Quinn-like (PQ) global symmetry together with the electron transforming chirally under the same symmetry. In this realization, the CP-odd scalar couples to electron only, while the CP-even part can couple to muons and electrons simultaneously. In addition, the CP-odd scalar can naturally be much lighter than the CP-even scalar, as a pseudo-Goldstone boson of the PQ-like symmetry, leading to an explanation of the suppression of the electron anomalous magnetic moment with respect to the SM prediction due to the CP-odd Higgs effect dominance, as well as an enhancement of the muon one induced by the CP-even component.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. v2: version matched to JHE
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