70 research outputs found

    Many-body spectral statistics of relativistic quantum billiard systems

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by NSFC under Grant Nos. 12175090, 11775101, and 12047501, and by the 111 Project under Grant No. B20063. X.C. acknowledges the financial support from the China Scholarship Council, and thanks B. Dietz for discussions and the suggestion of using Eq. (5) to interpolate between Poisson and GOE statistics. The efforts at Arizona State University were supported by the Air Force of Scientific Research through Grant No. FA9550-21-1-0186.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Cancer patients' attitudes towards Chinese medicine: a Hong Kong survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This article reports a survey conducted in Hong Kong on the cancer patients' attitudes towards Chinese medicine treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cancer patients from three Chinese medicine clinics and one oncology clinic were interviewed with a structured questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of a total of 786 participants included in the study, 42.9% used Western medicine only; 57.1% used at least one form of Chinese medicine; 5 participants used Chinese medicine only; and 56.5% used Chinese medicine before/during/after Western medicine treatment. Commonly used Western medicine and Chinese medicine treatments included chemotherapy (63.7%), radiotherapy (62.0%), surgery (57.6%), Chinese herbal medicine (53.9%) and Chinese dietary therapy (9.5%). Participants receiving chemotherapy used Chinese medicine (63.3%) more than those receiving any other Western medicine treatments. Spearman correlation coefficients showed that the selection of Chinese medicine was associated with the cancer type (r<sub>s </sub>= -1.36; <it>P </it>< 0.001), stage (r<sub>s </sub>= 0.178; <it>P </it>< 0.001), duration (r<sub>s </sub>= -0.074; <it>P </it>= 0.037), whether receiving chemotherapy (r<sub>s </sub>= 0.165; <it>P </it>< 0.001) and palliative therapy (r<sub>s </sub>= 0.087; <it>P </it>= 0.015). Nearly two-thirds of the participants (N = 274) did not tell their physicians about using Chinese medicine. Over two-thirds of all participants (68.2%) believed that integrated Chinese and Western medicine was effective.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Chinese medicine is commonly used among Hong Kong cancer patients. The interviewed cancer patients in Hong Kong considered integrative Chinese and Western medicine is an effective cancer treatment.</p

    Measurement of HbA1c and HbA2 by Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing HbA1c programme for simultaneous management of diabetes and screening for thalassemia

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    Introduction: Thalassemia could interfere with some assays for haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) measurement, therefore, it is useful to be able to screen for thalassemia while measuring HbA1c. We used Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing (Capillarys 2FP) HbA1c programme to simultaneously measure HbA1c and screen for thalassemia. Materials and methods: Samples from 498 normal controls and 175 thalassemia patients were analysed by Capillarys 2FP HbA1c programme (Sebia, France). For method comparison, HbA1c was quantified by Premier Hb9210 (Trinity Biotech, Ireland) in 98 thalassaemia patients samples. For verification, HbA1c from eight thalassaemia patients was confirmed by IFCC reference method. Results: Among 98 thalassaemia samples, Capillarys 2FP did not provide an HbA1c result in three samples with HbH due to the overlapping of HbBart’s with HbA1c fraction; for the remaining 95 thalassaemia samples, Bland-Altman plot showed 0.00 ± 0.35% absolute bias between two systems, and a significant positive bias above 7% was observed only in two HbH samples. The HbA1c values obtained by Capillarys 2FP were consistent with the IFCC targets (relative bias below ± 6%) in all of the eight samples tested by both methods. For screening samples with alpha (α-) thalassaemia silent/trait or beta (β-) thalassemia trait, the optimal HbA2 cut-off values were ≤ 2.2% and > 2.8%, respectively. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated the Capillarys 2FP HbA1c system could report an accurate HbA1c value in thalassemia silent/trait, and HbA2 value (≤ 2.2% for α-thalassaemia silent/trait and > 2.8% for β-thalassemia trait) and abnormal bands (HbH and/or HbBart’s for HbH disease, HbF for β-thalassemia) may provide valuable information for screening

    Finding Visual Saliency in Continuous Spike Stream

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    As a bio-inspired vision sensor, the spike camera emulates the operational principles of the fovea, a compact retinal region, by employing spike discharges to encode the accumulation of per-pixel luminance intensity. Leveraging its high temporal resolution and bio-inspired neuromorphic design, the spike camera holds significant promise for advancing computer vision applications. Saliency detection mimic the behavior of human beings and capture the most salient region from the scenes. In this paper, we investigate the visual saliency in the continuous spike stream for the first time. To effectively process the binary spike stream, we propose a Recurrent Spiking Transformer (RST) framework, which is based on a full spiking neural network. Our framework enables the extraction of spatio-temporal features from the continuous spatio-temporal spike stream while maintaining low power consumption. To facilitate the training and validation of our proposed model, we build a comprehensive real-world spike-based visual saliency dataset, enriched with numerous light conditions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our Recurrent Spiking Transformer framework in comparison to other spike neural network-based methods. Our framework exhibits a substantial margin of improvement in capturing and highlighting visual saliency in the spike stream, which not only provides a new perspective for spike-based saliency segmentation but also shows a new paradigm for full SNN-based transformer models. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/BIT-Vision/SVS

    Research on shipborne aided navigation system based on enhanced traffic environment perception

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    The traditional shipborne navigation system uses a two-dimensional electronic chart as a platform to integrate and control a variety of electronic navigation equipment information. It cannot intuitively restore the actual traffic environment or fundamentally improve the perception ability of the crew in poor visibility conditions. This paper proposes integrating three-dimensional simulations and real ship driving systems and presents research on "virtual-real" and "dynamic-static" ship navigation technology and equipment. In the proposed method, the hydrologic factors, topographic features, waterways, traffic dynamics, and ship driving information are effectively integrated, with a focus on achieving key advancements such as the integration of simulations and real ship driving as well as multi-source information fusion. A multi-angle, all-around, multi-level visual display for water traffic environments in poor visibility conditions is provided to enhance the ability of crews to perceive their traffic environments and thereby to provide auxiliary navigation for ships in complex weather conditions.</p

    Residue analysis of a CTL epitope of SARS-CoV spike protein by IFN-gamma production and bioinformatics prediction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV. The T cell epitopes of the SARS CoV spike protein are well known, but no systematic evaluation of the functional and structural roles of each residue has been reported for these antigenic epitopes. Analysis of the functional importance of side-chains by mutational study may exaggerate the effect by imposing a structural disturbance or an unusual steric, electrostatic or hydrophobic interaction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrated that N50 could induce significant IFN-gamma response from SARS-CoV S DNA immunized mice splenocytes by the means of ELISA, ELISPOT and FACS. Moreover, S366-374 was predicted to be an optimal epitope by bioinformatics tools: ANN, SMM, ARB and BIMAS, and confirmed by IFN-gamma response induced by a series of S358-374-derived peptides. Furthermore, each of S366-374 was replaced by alanine (A), lysine (K) or aspartic acid (D), respectively. ANN was used to estimate the binding affinity of single S366-374 mutants to H-2 Kd. Y367 and L374 were predicated to possess the most important role in peptide binding. Additionally, these one residue mutated peptides were synthesized, and IFN-gamma production induced by G368, V369, A371, T372 and K373 mutated S366-374 were decreased obviously.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrated that S366-374 is an optimal H-2 Kd CTL epitope in the SARS CoV S protein. Moreover, Y367, S370, and L374 are anchors in the epitope, while C366, G368, V369, A371, T372, and K373 may directly interact with TCR on the surface of CD8-T cells.</p

    Identification of two integration sites in favor of transgene expression in Trichoderma reesei

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    Abstract Background The ascomycete fungus Trichoderma reesei was widely used as a biotechnological workhorse for production of cellulases and recombinant proteins due to its large capacity of protein secretion. Transgenesis by random integration of a gene of interest (GOI) into the genome of T. reesei can generate series of strains that express different levels of the indicated transgene. The insertion site of the GOI plays an important role in the ultimate production of the targeted proteins. However, so far no systematic studies have been made to identify transgene integration loci for optimal expression of the GOI in T. reesei. Currently, only the locus of exocellobiohydrolases I encoding gene (cbh1) is widely used as a promising integration site to lead to high expression level of the GOI. No additional sites associated with efficient gene expression have been characterized. Results To search for gene integration sites that benefit for the secreted expression of GOI, the food-and-mouth disease virus 2A protein was applied for co-expression of an Aspergillus niger lipA gene and Discosoma sp. DsRed1 gene in T. reesei, by random integration of the expression cassette into the genome. We demonstrated that the fluorescent intensity of RFP (red fluorescent protein) inside of the cell was well correlated with the secreted lipase yields, based on which, we successfully developed a high-throughput screening method to screen strains with relatively higher secreted expression of the GOI (in this study, lipase). The copy number and the insertion sites of the transgene were investigated among the selected highly expressed strains. Eventually, in addition to cbh1 gene locus, two other genome insertion loci that efficiently facilitate gene expression in T. reesei were identified. Conclusions We have successfully developed a high-throughput screening method to screen strains with optimal expression of the indicated secreted proteins in T. reesei. Moreover, we identified two optimal genome loci for transgene expression, which could provide new approach to modulate gene expression levels while retaining the indicated promoter and culture conditions

    World Decarbonization through Global Electricity Interconnections

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    The challenge of worldwide energy decarbonization is crucial to ensure sustainable development. The achievement of decarbonization encompasses not only a considerable exploitation of renewable energy sources, but also a paradigm shift in final energy uses towards their massive electrification. Electrification based on Global Energy Interconnections (GEI) is one of the possible pathways towards decarbonization in energy systems. In this paper, we critically discuss the idea of decarbonization through global interconnections in an &lsquo;electricity based&rsquo; world, contrasting it against the typically desirable attributes for energy in terms of security, efficiency, sustainability, and affordability. We provide a comparative analysis of global interconnection with other internationally proposed visions of future energy scenarios. The analysis shows that the GEI option could be particularly beneficial from an environmental point of view; however, it requests deep and relevant modifications in the energy markets and regulations, in which a common framework based on the cooperation among different countries is needed