5,710 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of modified black holes from gravity's rainbow

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    We study the thermodynamics of modified black holes proposed in the context of gravity's rainbow. A notion of intrinsic temperature and entropy for these black holes is introduced. In particular for a specific class of modified Schwarzschild solutions, their temperature and entropy are obtained and compared with those previously obtained from modified dispersion relations in deformed special relativity. It turns out that the results of these two different strategies coincide, and this may be viewed as a support for the proposal of deformed equivalence principle.Comment: 3 pages, Revte

    Singularities and the Finale of Black Hole Evaporation

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    In this essay we argue that once quantum gravitational effects change the classical geometry of a black hole and remove the curvature singularity, the black hole would not evaporate entirely but approach a remnant. In a modified Schwarzschild spacetime characterized by a finite Kretschmann scalar, a minimal mass of the black hole is naturally bounded by the existence of the horizon rather than introduced by hand. A thermodynamical analysis discloses that the temperature, heat capacity and the luminosity are vanishing naturally when the black hole mass approaches the minimal value. This phenomenon may be attributed to the existence of the minimal length in quantum gravity. It can also be understood heuristically by connecting the generalized uncertainty principle with the running of Newton's gravitational constant.Comment: 10 page

    On C-E Translation of Public Signs

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    Public signs in English are windows of China to Foreigners. This paper discusses the linguistic and functional features of English public signs, moreover, it puts forward five approaches to dealing with the translation of the public signs in Chinese to the public signs in English. Keywords: public signs, linguistic feature, functional feature, C-E translation Résumé L’article présent analyse les caractéristiques langagières et fonctionnelles du langage d’annonce, et propose cinq techniques de traduction du langage d’annonce chinois en anglais sous l’angle de la sémiotique sociale. Mots-clés: langage d’annonce, caractéristiques langagières, caractéristiques fonctionnelles, traduction du chinois en anglais 摘 要 本文分析了英語公示語的語言特點和功能特點,並從社會符號學翻譯法的角度提出了五種公示語漢 譯英方法和技巧。關鍵詞:公示語;語言特點;功能特點;漢英翻

    On the Translation of the Legal Terms in Legal English

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    The essay aims at the study of the legal terms in legal English. From the analysis of the definition, characteristics and classification of the legal terms, the essay illustrates by a lot examples translation skills of different classifications of the legal terms. The author of this essay hopes that the essay can do much help to the learners, the researchers and the legal English dictionary compilers. Key words: legal English, legal term, translation skill Résumé Cette thèse a pour but l’étude des mots terminologiques dans l’anglais juridique. A partir de l’analyse de la définition, la différenciation et les caractéristiques, elle propose par nombreux d’exemples les moyens de traduction de différentes classifications telles que la terminologie générale, particulière, spécialisée et empruntée. L’auteur voudait fournir des moyens d’apprentissage pour des apprenants et des chercheurs dans l’apprentissage de l’anglais juridique. Mots-clés: l’anglais juridique, terminologie juridique, moyens de traduction 摘 要 本文通過對法律英語中的專門術語的概念、分類和特點進行分析,提出了對於法律英語專門術語中通用術語、特別術語、專門術語和借用術語的漢譯技巧。通過實例分析,旨在為法律英語的學習者和研究者在學 習法律英語的過程中提供一些可資借鑒的學習技巧。關鍵詞:法律英語;專門術語;翻譯技

    A 2D based Partition Strategy for Solving Ranking under Team Context (RTP)

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    In this paper, we propose a 2D based partition method for solving the problem of Ranking under Team Context(RTC) on datasets without a priori. We first map the data into 2D space using its minimum and maximum value among all dimensions. Then we construct window queries with consideration of current team context. Besides, during the query mapping procedure, we can pre-prune some tuples which are not top ranked ones. This pre-classified step will defer processing those tuples and can save cost while providing solutions for the problem. Experiments show that our algorithm performs well especially on large datasets with correctness