171 research outputs found

    Very Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Accumulated in Triacylglycerol Are Channeled From Phosphatidylcholine in Thraustochytrium

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    Thraustochytrium is a marine protist that can accumulate a large amount of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFA) in triacylglycerols (TAG). How these freshly synthesized VLCPUFAs are channeled into TAG remains unknown. In this study, the glycerolipid profile of Thraustochytrium at log and stationary growth stages was first analyzed by lipidomic tools, and then 14C-acetate and 14C-glycerol were used to trace the flux of fatty acids and backbone in glycerolipids. Lipidomic analysis showed that VLCPUFAs were mostly allocated to phosphatidylcholine (PC) and TAG. PC possessed a relatively stable profile of VLCPUFAs, whereas TAG carrying VLCPUFAs were significantly increased at the stationary phase. 14C-acetate labeled VLCPUFAs were predominately incorporated into PC initially but were mostly found in TAG at later time of labeling. Positional analysis showed that PC had either one VLCPUFA at its sn-2 position (PC1) or two VLCPUFAs (PC2), while TAG incorporated VLCPUFAs almost exclusively at the sn-2 position. Similarly, 14C-glycerol was more efficiently incorporated into PC1 than TAG initially but was mostly found in TAG at later time of labeling, and diacylglycerol and PC1 shared a similar incorporation pattern. These results indicate that VLCPUFAs in TAG are mainly channeled from PC likely through diacylglycerol as the intermediate

    Design of a Low-Voltage Distribution Transformer Based on Inductive Filtering

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    Adopting the connection group structure of Dd0yn11, this paper designs a novel low-voltage (LV) distribution transformer (DT) based on inductive filtering (IF), and verifies the proposed transformer through a comprehensive innovation experiment. Firstly, the functional relationship between valve-side harmonic current and grid-side current was derived according to the winding model, and the filtering features were obtained to compute the impedance between the valve- and grid-side windings. Next, the design calculation was carried out by the engineering magnetic circuit (EMC) method. After that, a three-dimensional (3D) model was established for the proposed transformer on ANSYS Maxwell. The simulation results show that the proposed transformer meets the design requirements on the relevant parameters, and eliminates the harmonic pollution in the grid. Finally, the proposed transformer was proved correct and effective through experiments, and found to stimulate studentsꞌ interest in learning and innovation

    A review for solar panel fire accident prevention in large-scale PV applications

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    Due to the wide applications of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, safe operation and maintenance of the installed solar panels become more critical as there are potential menaces such as hot spot effects and DC arcs, which may cause fire accidents to the solar panels. In order to minimize the risks of fire accidents in large scale applications of solar panels, this review focuses on the latest techniques for reducing hot spot effects and DC arcs. The risk mitigation solutions mainly focus on two aspects: structure reconfiguration and faulty diagnosis algorithm. The first is to reduce the hot spot effect by adjusting the space between two PV modules in a PV array or relocate some PV modules. The second is to detect the DC arc fault before it causes fire. There are three types of arc detection techniques, including physical analysis, neural network analysis, and wavelet detection analysis. Through these detection methods, the faulty PV cells can be found in a timely manner thereby reducing the risk of PV fire. Based on the review, some precautions to prevent solar panel related fire accidents in large-scale solar PV plants that are located adjacent to residential and commercial areas

    HiCAST: Highly Customized Arbitrary Style Transfer with Adapter Enhanced Diffusion Models

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    The goal of Arbitrary Style Transfer (AST) is injecting the artistic features of a style reference into a given image/video. Existing methods usually focus on pursuing the balance between style and content, whereas ignoring the significant demand for flexible and customized stylization results and thereby limiting their practical application. To address this critical issue, a novel AST approach namely HiCAST is proposed, which is capable of explicitly customizing the stylization results according to various source of semantic clues. In the specific, our model is constructed based on Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) and elaborately designed to absorb content and style instance as conditions of LDM. It is characterized by introducing of \textit{Style Adapter}, which allows user to flexibly manipulate the output results by aligning multi-level style information and intrinsic knowledge in LDM. Lastly, we further extend our model to perform video AST. A novel learning objective is leveraged for video diffusion model training, which significantly improve cross-frame temporal consistency in the premise of maintaining stylization strength. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons as well as comprehensive user studies demonstrate that our HiCAST outperforms the existing SoTA methods in generating visually plausible stylization results

    Graphene Quantum Dots Doped PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT) Fiber Film with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance

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    We report the fabrication of polyvinylidene fluoride (tetrabutyl titanate)/polyvinyl pyrrolidone ((tetrabutyl titanate))-graphene quantum dots [PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)-GQDs] film photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic performance. The polyvinylidene fluoride (tetrabutyl titanate)/polyvinyl pyrrolidone ((tetrabutyl titanate)) [PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)] film was first prepared with a dual-electrospinning method and then followed by attaching graphene quantum dots (GQDs) to the surface of the composite film through a hydrothermal method. Later, part of the PVP in the composite film was dissolved by a hydrothermal method. As a result, a PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)-GQDs film photocatalyst with a larger specific surface area was achieved. The photocatalytic degradation behavior of the PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)-GQDs film photocatalyst was examined by using Rhodamine B as the target contaminant. The PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)-GQDs photocatalyst showed a higher photocatalytic efficiency than PVDF(TBT)-H2O, PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)-H2O, and PVDF(TBT)-GQDs, respectively. The enhanced photocatalytic efficiency can be attributed to the broader optical response range of the PVDF(TBT)/PVP(TBT)-GQDs photocatalyst, which makes it useful as an effective photocatalyst under white light irradiation

    Transport of intense ion beams in plasmas: collimation and energy-loss reduction

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    We compare the transport properties of a well-characterized hydrogen plasma for low and high current ion beams. The energy-loss of low current beams can be well understood, within the framework of current stopping power models. However, for high current proton beams, significant energy-loss reduction and collimation is observed in the experiment. We have developed a new particle-in-cell code, which includes both collective electromagnetic effects and collisional interactions. Our simulations indicate that resistive magnetic fields, induced by the transport of an intense proton beam, act to collimate the proton beam and simultaneously deplete the local plasma density along the beam path. This in turn causes the energy-loss reduction detected in the experiment

    Pharmacological targeting of STK19 inhibits oncogenic NRAS driven melanomagenesis

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    黑色素瘤是由黑色素细胞恶性转化产生的恶性程度极高的皮肤癌,含有NRAS激活突变的黑色素瘤约占20-30%,但至今还未有靶向NRAS的有效黑色素瘤治疗方案。针对这一难题,波士顿大学医学中心崔儒涛教授、厦门大学生命科学学院邓贤明教授、复旦大学附属肿瘤医院王鹏教授组成的联合研究团队利用激酶组siRNA文库筛选发现新颖的丝/苏氨酸激酶STK19是NRAS的上游激活子,进一步分子机制研究揭示STK19通过磷酸化NRAS的89位丝氨酸(S89)促进了NRAS介导的黑色素细胞恶性转化。该研究揭示了一种经由新颖激酶STK19调控NRAS突变黑色素瘤的分子机制,验证了STK19有望作为NRAS介导的黑色素瘤的有效靶标,为发展新的黑色素瘤靶向药物提供了先导化合物,同时也为发展其它素有“癌基因之王---RAS”驱动的相关肿瘤靶向药物发展提供了新思路。该论文由波士顿大学医学中心、厦门大学生命科学学院、复旦大学附属肿瘤医院等单位合作完成,共同第一作者厦门大学生命科学学院博士生张婷负责了该系列化合物的设计、合成与优化,崔儒涛教授、邓贤明教授和王鹏教授为共同通讯作者。【Abstract】Activating mutations in NRAS account for 20-30% of melanoma, but despite decades of research and in contrast to BRAF, no effective anti-NRAS therapies have been forthcoming. Here we identify a previously uncharacterized serine/threonine kinase STK19 as a novel NRAS activator. STK19 phosphorylates NRAS to enhance its binding to its downstream effectors and promotes oncogenic NRAS-mediated melanocyte malignant transformation. A recurrent D89N substitution in STK19 whose alterations were identified in 25% of human melanomas represents a gain-of-function mutation that interacts better with NRAS to enhance melanocyte transformation. STK19 D89N knockin leads to skin hyperpigmentation and promotes NRAS Q61R -driven melanomagenesis in vivo. Finally, we developed ZT-12-037-01 (1a) as a specific STK19-targeted inhibitor and showed that it effectively blocks oncogenic NRAS-driven melanocyte malignant transformation and melanoma growth in vitro and in vivo. Together, our findings provide a new and viable therapeutic strategy for melanomas harboring NRAS mutations.We thank Drs. Norman Sharpless and David Fisher for kindly providing the loxP/STOP/loxP NRAS Q61R knockin (LSL-NRAS Q61R ) mice. We thank Dr. Anurag Singh for kindly sharing cell lines. We also thank Drs. X. Shirley Liu, Tao Wang, Wantao Chen, Dali Liu, Chunxiao Xu, Jianming Zhang and Junrong Zou for discussion and assistance. This work was supported by grants from Boston University (to R.C.), the National Key R&D Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 2017YFA0504504, 2016YFA0502001, 81422045, U1405223 and 81661138005 to X.D.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. 20720160064 to X.D.), and the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (111 Project, B12001).该研究得到了科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金委和中央高校基本科研业务费等的资助

    Anomalous stopping of laser-accelerated intense proton beam in dense ionized matter

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    Ultrahigh-intensity lasers (1018^{18}-1022^{22}W/cm2^{2}) have opened up new perspectives in many fields of research and application [1-5]. By irradiating a thin foil, an ultrahigh accelerating field (1012^{12} V/m) can be formed and multi-MeV ions with unprecedentedly high intensity (1010^{10}A/cm2^2) in short time scale (\simps) are produced [6-14]. Such beams provide new options in radiography [15], high-yield neutron sources [16], high-energy-density-matter generation [17], and ion fast ignition [18,19]. An accurate understanding of the nonlinear behavior of beam transport in matter is crucial for all these applications. We report here the first experimental evidence of anomalous stopping of a laser-generated high-current proton beam in well-characterized dense ionized matter. The observed stopping power is one order of magnitude higher than single-particle slowing-down theory predictions. We attribute this phenomenon to collective effects where the intense beam drives an decelerating electric field approaching 1GV/m in the dense ionized matter. This finding will have considerable impact on the future path to inertial fusion energy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure