1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1 of Dissecting transcription of the 8q24-MYC locus in prostate cancer recognizes the equilibration between androgen receptor direct and indirect dual-functions

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    Additional file 1. Fig.S1. 3C analyses of the chromosomal interactions between MYC promoter and P10 in VCaP cells. Fig.S2. Annotation of MYC-Pro and P10 sites with 3C assay features. Fig.S3. DNA-Seq validation of DHT-induced MYC-Pro-P10 looping. Fig.S4. PCR and DNA-Seq validation of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genomic KO of P10, P11 and P4 sites. Fig.S5. Annotation of the P10 site with CRISPR/Cas9 test features and DNA-Seq validation of genome-editing outcome in the P10-KO stable pool. Fig.S6. Annotation of the P11 site with CRISPR/Cas9 test features and DNA-Seq validation of genome-editing outcome in the P11-KO stable pool. Fig.S7. Annotation of the P4 site with CRISPR/Cas9 test features and DNA-Seq validation of genome-editing outcome in the P4-KO stable pool. Fig.S8. Alignment H3K27ac occupancy in the 8q24-MYC gene locus of typical PCa cells. Fig.S9. Annotate 8q24-MYC gene locus with prostate cancer risk SNP. Fig.S10. Re-annotate Fig.6A datasets based on the Hg38 reference. Fig.S11. Bioinformatics analyses of global androgen effects on distribution of AR, H3K27ac, FoxA1 and HoxB13 in VCaP cells. Fig.S12. FoxA1 and HoxB13 manipulation in AR(+) PCa cells impacted 8q24-MYC gene locus activities and MYC gene expression. Additional information on materials and method