296 research outputs found

    Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing

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    This paper presents a fast and parsimonious parsing method to accurately and robustly detect a vectorized wireframe in an input image with a single forward pass. The proposed method is end-to-end trainable, consisting of three components: (i) line segment and junction proposal generation, (ii) line segment and junction matching, and (iii) line segment and junction verification. For computing line segment proposals, a novel exact dual representation is proposed which exploits a parsimonious geometric reparameterization for line segments and forms a holistic 4-dimensional attraction field map for an input image. Junctions can be treated as the "basins" in the attraction field. The proposed method is thus called Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parser (HAWP). In experiments, the proposed method is tested on two benchmarks, the Wireframe dataset, and the YorkUrban dataset. On both benchmarks, it obtains state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. For example, on the Wireframe dataset, compared to the previous state-of-the-art method L-CNN, it improves the challenging mean structural average precision (msAP) by a large margin (2.8%2.8\% absolute improvements) and achieves 29.5 FPS on single GPU (89%89\% relative improvement). A systematic ablation study is performed to further justify the proposed method.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing: From Supervised to Self-Supervised Learning

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    This article presents Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing (HAWP), a method for geometric analysis of 2D images containing wireframes formed by line segments and junctions. HAWP utilizes a parsimonious Holistic Attraction (HAT) field representation that encodes line segments using a closed-form 4D geometric vector field. The proposed HAWP consists of three sequential components empowered by end-to-end and HAT-driven designs: (1) generating a dense set of line segments from HAT fields and endpoint proposals from heatmaps, (2) binding the dense line segments to sparse endpoint proposals to produce initial wireframes, and (3) filtering false positive proposals through a novel endpoint-decoupled line-of-interest aligning (EPD LOIAlign) module that captures the co-occurrence between endpoint proposals and HAT fields for better verification. Thanks to our novel designs, HAWPv2 shows strong performance in fully supervised learning, while HAWPv3 excels in self-supervised learning, achieving superior repeatability scores and efficient training (24 GPU hours on a single GPU). Furthermore, HAWPv3 exhibits a promising potential for wireframe parsing in out-of-distribution images without providing ground truth labels of wireframes.Comment: Journal extension of arXiv:2003.01663; Accepted by IEEE TPAMI; Code is available at https://github.com/cherubicxn/haw

    Learning Regional Attraction for Line Segment Detection

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    This paper presents regional attraction of line segment maps, and hereby poses the problem of line segment detection (LSD) as a problem of region coloring. Given a line segment map, the proposed regional attraction first establishes the relationship between line segments and regions in the image lattice. Based on this, the line segment map is equivalently transformed to an attraction field map (AFM), which can be remapped to a set of line segments without loss of information. Accordingly, we develop an end-to-end framework to learn attraction field maps for raw input images, followed by a squeeze module to detect line segments. Apart from existing works, the proposed detector properly handles the local ambiguity and does not rely on the accurate identification of edge pixels. Comprehensive experiments on the Wireframe dataset and the YorkUrban dataset demonstrate the superiority of our method. In particular, we achieve an F-measure of 0.831 on the Wireframe dataset, advancing the state-of-the-art performance by 10.3 percent.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TPAMI. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1812.0212

    Deubiquitinating Enzymes Orchestrate the Cancer Stem Cell-Immunosuppressive Niche Dialogue: New Perspectives and Therapeutic Potential

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are sparks for igniting tumor recurrence and the instigators of low response to immunotherapy and drug resistance. As one of the important components of tumor microenvironment, the tumor associated immune microenvironment (TAIM) is driving force for the heterogeneity, plasticity and evolution of CSCs. CSCs create the inhibitory TAIM (ITAIM) mainly through four stemness-related signals (SRSs), including Notch-nuclear factor-ΞΊB axis, Hedgehog, Wnt and signal transducer and activator of transcription. Ubiquitination and deubiquitination in proteins related to the specific stemness of the CSCs have a profound impact on the regulation of ITAIM. In regulating the balance between ubiquitination and deubiquitination, it is crucial for deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) to cleave ubiquitin chains from substrates. Ubiquitin-specific peptidases (USPs) comprise the largest family of DUBs. Growing evidence suggests that they play novel functions in contribution of ITAIM, including regulating tumor immunogenicity, activating stem cell factors, upregulating the SRSs, stabilizing anti-inflammatory receptors, and regulating anti-inflammatory cytokines. These overactive or abnormal signaling may dampen antitumor immune responses. The inhibition of USPs could play a regulatory role in SRSs and reversing ITAIM, and also have great potential in improving immune killing ability against tumor cells, including CSCs. In this review, we focus on the USPs involved in CSCs signaling pathways and regulating ITAIM, which are promising therapeutic targets in antitumor therapy

    Arabidopsis NMD3 Is Required for Nuclear Export of 60S Ribosomal Subunits and Affects Secondary Cell Wall Thickening

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    NMD3 is required for nuclear export of the 60S ribosomal subunit in yeast and vertebrate cells, but no corresponding function of NMD3 has been reported in plants. Here we report that Arabidopsis thaliana NMD3 (AtNMD3) showed a similar function in the nuclear export of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Interference with AtNMD3 function by overexpressing a truncated dominant negative form of the protein lacking the nuclear export signal sequence caused retainment of the 60S ribosomal subunits in the nuclei. More interestingly, the transgenic Arabidopsis with dominant negative interference of AtNMD3 function showed a striking failure of secondary cell wall thickening, consistent with the altered expression of related genes and composition of cell wall components. Observation of a significant decrease of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the differentiating interfascicular fiber cells of the transgenic plant stems suggested a link between the defective nuclear export of 60S ribosomal subunits and the abnormal formation of the secondary cell wall. These findings not only clarified the evolutionary conservation of NMD3 functions in the nuclear export of 60S ribosomal subunits in yeast, animals and plants, but also revealed a new facet of the regulatory mechanism underlying secondary cell wall thickening in Arabidopsis. This new facet is that the nuclear export of 60S ribosomal subunits and the formation of RER may play regulatory roles in coordinating protein synthesis in cytoplasm and transcription in nuclei

    The LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area (LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap I. The Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog

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    We present a spectroscopic redshift catalog from the LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area (LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap (SGC), which is designed to observe all sources (Galactic and extra-galactic) by using repeating observations with a limiting magnitude of r=18.1Β magr=18.1~mag in two 20Β deg220~deg^2 fields. The project is mainly focusing on the completeness of LAMOST ExtraGAlactic Surveys (LEGAS) in the SGC, the deficiencies of source selection methods and the basic performance parameters of LAMOST telescope. In both fields, more than 95% of galaxies have been observed. A post-processing has been applied to LAMOST 1D spectrum to remove the majority of remaining sky background residuals. More than 10,000 spectra have been visually inspected to measure the redshift by using combinations of different emission/absorption features with uncertainty of Οƒz/(1+z)<0.001\sigma_{z}/(1+z)<0.001. In total, there are 1528 redshifts (623 absorption and 905 emission line galaxies) in Field A and 1570 redshifts (569 absorption and 1001 emission line galaxies) in Field B have been measured. The results show that it is possible to derive redshift from low SNR galaxies with our post-processing and visual inspection. Our analysis also indicates that up to 1/4 of the input targets for a typical extra-galactic spectroscopic survey might be unreliable. The multi-wavelength data analysis shows that the majority of mid-infrared-detected absorption (91.3%) and emission line galaxies (93.3%) can be well separated by an empirical criterion of W2βˆ’W3=2.4W2-W3=2.4. Meanwhile, a fainter sequence paralleled to the main population of galaxies has been witnessed both in MrM_r/W2βˆ’W3W2-W3 and Mβˆ—M_*/W2βˆ’W3W2-W3 diagrams, which could be the population of luminous dwarf galaxies but contaminated by the edge-on/highly inclined galaxies (∼30%\sim30\%).Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 2 MRT, accepted by ApJ

    The LAMOST Survey of Background Quasars in the Vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies -- II. Results from the Commissioning Observations and the Pilot Surveys

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    We present new quasars discovered in the vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies with the LAMOST during the 2010 and 2011 observational seasons. Quasar candidates are selected based on the available SDSS, KPNO 4 m telescope, XSTPS optical, and WISE near infrared photometric data. We present 509 new quasars discovered in a stripe of ~135 sq. deg from M31 to M33 along the Giant Stellar Stream in the 2011 pilot survey datasets, and also 17 new quasars discovered in an area of ~100 sq. deg that covers the central region and the southeastern halo of M31 in the 2010 commissioning datasets. These 526 new quasars have i magnitudes ranging from 15.5 to 20.0, redshifts from 0.1 to 3.2. They represent a significant increase of the number of identified quasars in the vicinity of M31 and M33. There are now 26, 62 and 139 known quasars in this region of the sky with i magnitudes brighter than 17.0, 17.5 and 18.0 respectively, of which 5, 20 and 75 are newly-discovered. These bright quasars provide an invaluable collection with which to probe the kinematics and chemistry of the ISM/IGM in the Local Group of galaxies. A total of 93 quasars are now known with locations within 2.5 deg of M31, of which 73 are newly discovered. Tens of quasars are now known to be located behind the Giant Stellar Stream, and hundreds behind the extended halo and its associated substructures of M31. The much enlarged sample of known quasars in the vicinity of M31 and M33 can potentially be utilized to construct a perfect astrometric reference frame to measure the minute PMs of M31 and M33, along with the PMs of substructures associated with the Local Group of galaxies. Those PMs are some of the most fundamental properties of the Local Group.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, AJ accepte
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