43 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Deep Hashing for Large-scale Visual Search

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    Learning based hashing plays a pivotal role in large-scale visual search. However, most existing hashing algorithms tend to learn shallow models that do not seek representative binary codes. In this paper, we propose a novel hashing approach based on unsupervised deep learning to hierarchically transform features into hash codes. Within the heterogeneous deep hashing framework, the autoencoder layers with specific constraints are considered to model the nonlinear mapping between features and binary codes. Then, a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) layer with constraints is utilized to reduce the dimension in the hamming space. Extensive experiments on the problem of visual search demonstrate the competitiveness of our proposed approach compared to state-of-the-art

    DeepFake detection based on high-frequency enhancement network for highly compressed content

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    The DeepFake, which generates synthetic content, has sparked a revolution in the fight against deception and forgery. However, most existing DeepFake detection methods mainly focus on improving detection performance with high-quality data while ignoring low-quality synthetic content that suffers from high compression. To address this issue, we propose a novel High-Frequency Enhancement framework, which leverages a learnable adaptive high-frequency enhancement network to enrich weak high-frequency information in compressed content without uncompressed data supervision. The framework consists of three branches, i.e., the Basic branch with RGB domain, the Local High-Frequency Enhancement branch with Block-wise Discrete Cosine Transform, and the Global High-Frequency Enhancement branch with Multi-level Discrete Wavelet Transform. Among them, the local branch utilizes the Discrete Cosine Transform coefficient and channel attention mechanism to indirectly achieve adaptive frequency-aware multi-spatial attention, while the global branch supplements the high-frequency information by extracting coarse-to-fine multi-scale high-frequency cues and cascade-residual-based multi-level fusion by Discrete Wavelet Transform coefficients. In addition, we design a Two-Stage Cross-Fusion module to effectively integrate all information, thereby greatly enhancing weak high-frequency information in low-quality data. Experimental results on FaceForensics++, Celeb-DF, and OpenForensics datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods and can effectively improve the detection performance of DeepFakes, especially on low-quality data. The code is available here

    Stateful Detection of Adversarial Reprogramming

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    Adversarial reprogramming allows stealing computational resources by repurposing machine learning models to perform a different task chosen by the attacker. For example, a model trained to recognize images of animals can be reprogrammed to recognize medical images by embedding an adversarial program in the images provided as inputs. This attack can be perpetrated even if the target model is a black box, supposed that the machine-learning model is provided as a service and the attacker can query the model and collect its outputs. So far, no defense has been demonstrated effective in this scenario. We show for the first time that this attack is detectable using stateful defenses, which store the queries made to the classifier and detect the abnormal cases in which they are similar. Once a malicious query is detected, the account of the user who made it can be blocked. Thus, the attacker must create many accounts to perpetrate the attack. To decrease this number, the attacker could create the adversarial program against a surrogate classifier and then fine-tune it by making few queries to the target model. In this scenario, the effectiveness of the stateful defense is reduced, but we show that it is still effective

    Why Adversarial Reprogramming Works, When It Fails, and How to Tell the Difference

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    Adversarial reprogramming allows repurposing a machine-learning model to perform a different task. For example, a model trained to recognize animals can be reprogrammed to recognize digits by embedding an adversarial program in the digit images provided as input. Recent work has shown that adversarial reprogramming may not only be used to abuse machine-learning models provided as a service, but also beneficially, to improve transfer learning when training data is scarce. However, the factors affecting its success are still largely unexplained. In this work, we develop a first-order linear model of adversarial reprogramming to show that its success inherently depends on the size of the average input gradient, which grows when input gradients are more aligned, and when inputs have higher dimensionality. The results of our experimental analysis, involving fourteen distinct reprogramming tasks, show that the above factors are correlated with the success and the failure of adversarial reprogramming

    Hardening RGB-D Object Recognition Systems against Adversarial Patch Attacks

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    RGB-D object recognition systems improve their predictive performances by fusing color and depth information, outperforming neural network architectures that rely solely on colors. While RGB-D systems are expected to be more robust to adversarial examples than RGB-only systems, they have also been proven to be highly vulnerable. Their robustness is similar even when the adversarial examples are generated by altering only the original images' colors. Different works highlighted the vulnerability of RGB-D systems; however, there is a lacking of technical explanations for this weakness. Hence, in our work, we bridge this gap by investigating the learned deep representation of RGB-D systems, discovering that color features make the function learned by the network more complex and, thus, more sensitive to small perturbations. To mitigate this problem, we propose a defense based on a detection mechanism that makes RGB-D systems more robust against adversarial examples. We empirically show that this defense improves the performances of RGB-D systems against adversarial examples even when they are computed ad-hoc to circumvent this detection mechanism, and that is also more effective than adversarial training.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Information Sciences journa

    Improving Adversarial Robustness of CNNs via Maximum Margin

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    In recent years, adversarial examples have aroused widespread research interest and raised concerns about the safety of CNNs. We study adversarial machine learning inspired by a support vector machine (SVM), where the decision boundary with maximum margin is only determined by examples close to it. From the perspective of margin, the adversarial examples are the clean examples perturbed in the margin direction and adversarial training (AT) is equivalent to a data augmentation method that moves the input toward the decision boundary, the purpose also being to increase the margin. So we propose adversarial training with supported vector machine (AT-SVM) to improve the standard AT by inserting an SVM auxiliary classifier to learn a larger margin. In addition, we select examples close to the decision boundary through the SVM auxiliary classifier and train only on these more important examples. We prove that the SVM auxiliary classifier can constrain the high-layer feature map of the original network to make its margin larger, thereby improving the inter-class separability and intra-class compactness of the network. Experiments indicate that our proposed method can effectively improve the robustness against adversarial examples