28 research outputs found

    Graphene-Thickness-Dependent Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    Graphene-enhanced Raman scattering (GERS), enhancing Raman signals on graphene surface, is an excellent approach to investigate the properties of graphene via the Raman enhancement effect. In the present study, we studied the graphene-thickness dependent GERS in detail. First, by keeping molecule density on few-layer graphene using vacuum thermal deposition method, GERS enhancement was found to be the same for all graphene layers (one to six layers). While adsorbing probe molecules by solution soaking, the GERS enhancing factor was different on monolayer and bilayer graphene. By soaking in low concentration solutions, the GERS intensity on bilayer graphene was stronger than that on monolayer graphene, whereas by soaking under high concentration solutions, the GERS intensity difference was much less for that on monolayer and on bilayer. Molecule density, molecular configuration, and GERS enhancing factor are further discussed for molecules on monolayer and bilayer graphene. It was finally concluded that the abnormal graphene-thickness dependence of GERS between monolayer and bilayer graphene was attributed to the different enhancement for GERS on monolayer and bilayer graphene. Monolayer and bilayer graphene have different electronic structure and then doping effect of probe molecules, which shifts the Fermi level of graphenes differently. As a result, monolayer and bilayer graphene have different energy band matching with the probe molecules, yielding different chemical enhancement

    Charge-Transfer Mechanism in Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    In the chemical enhancement mechanism for Raman scattering, the two types of charge-transfer models, the excited-state and the ground-state charge-transfer mechanisms, present the different dependence of the enhanced Raman signals on the excitation wavelength. To investigate the type of charge-transfer mechanism in graphene-enhanced Raman scattering (GERS), the Raman excitation profiles of the copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) molecule were obtained in the range of 545î—¸660 nm. The profiles in the GERS system were fitted well with the function of the ordinary resonant Raman scattering expression, where the incident and scattered resonance peaks were well-distinguished with the energy difference equaling the energy of the molecular vibrations. This result meets the prediction of ground-state charge transfer, in which model the dependence of the enhanced Raman signals on the excitation wavelength is the same as that of the ordinary Raman scattering, and rules out the prediction of the excited-state charge transfer because of no the possible charge-transfer resonance peak observed. Therefore, the GERS was proved to be a ground-state charge-transfer mechanism. Meanwhile, because the Raman excitation profiles of molecule can be obtained in the GERS system easily, which is usually difficult to obtain due to the self-absorption of the molecules, GERS opens up a new way to suppress this effect. This work contributes the deeper understanding of the graphene-enhanced Raman scattering

    Anomalous Phonon Modes in Black Phosphorus Revealed by Resonant Raman Scattering

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    Black phosphorus (BP), a layered material with puckered crystalline structure in each layer, has drawn intense interest due to its unique optical and electronic properties. In particular, the intricate Raman scattering effect in BP is intriguing and provides a platform for researchers to probe the physical properties of BP in depth. Here we report the first observation of anomalous modes with the frequency in the range of 100–900 cm<sup>–1</sup> in BP due to the resonant Raman effect. The origin and assignment of the anomalous modes are discussed based on the excitation energy- and angle-dependent Raman measurements. Density functional theory (DFT) calculated electronic band structure is used to support our understanding. The newly observed phonon modes could serve as a unique probe for the fine electronic structures and the exciton–phonon couplings, which promote a better understanding of BP for potential nanoelectronic and nanophotonic applications in the future

    Probing the Interlayer Coupling of Twisted Bilayer MoS<sub>2</sub> Using Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

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    Two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide (MoS<sub>2</sub>) is a promising material for optoelectronic devices due to its strong photoluminescence emission. In this work, the photoluminescence of twisted bilayer MoS<sub>2</sub> is investigated, revealing a tunability of the interlayer coupling of bilayer MoS<sub>2</sub>. It is found that the photoluminescence intensity ratio of the trion and exciton reaches its maximum value for the twisted angle 0° or 60°, while for the twisted angle 30° or 90° the situation is the opposite. This is mainly attributed to the change of the trion binding energy. The first-principles density functional theory analysis further confirms the change of the interlayer coupling with the twisted angle, which interprets our experimental results

    Role of the Seeding Promoter in MoS<sub>2</sub> Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    The thinnest semiconductor, molybdenum disulfide (MoS<sub>2</sub>) monolayer, exhibits promising prospects in the applications of optoelectronics and valleytronics. A uniform and highly crystalline MoS<sub>2</sub> monolayer in a large area is highly desirable for both fundamental studies and substantial applications. Here, utilizing various aromatic molecules as seeding promoters, a large-area, highly crystalline, and uniform MoS<sub>2</sub> monolayer was achieved with chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at a relatively low growth temperature (650 °C). The dependence of the growth results on the seed concentration and on the use of different seeding promoters is further investigated. It is also found that an optimized concentration of seed molecules is helpful for the nucleation of the MoS<sub>2</sub>. The newly identified seed molecules can be easily deposited on various substrates and allows the direct growth of monolayer MoS<sub>2</sub> on Au, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), and graphene to achieve various hybrid structures

    Molecular Selectivity of Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    Graphene-enhanced Raman scattering (GERS) is a recently discovered Raman enhancement phenomenon that uses graphene as the substrate for Raman enhancement and can produce clean and reproducible Raman signals of molecules with increased signal intensity. Compared to conventional Raman enhancement techniques, such as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS), in which the Raman enhancement is essentially due to the electromagnetic mechanism, GERS mainly relies on a chemical mechanism and therefore shows unique molecular selectivity. In this paper, we report graphene-enhanced Raman scattering of a variety of different molecules with different molecular properties. We report a strong molecular selectivity for the GERS effect with enhancement factors varying by as much as 2 orders of magnitude for different molecules. Selection rules are discussed with reference to two main features of the molecule, namely its molecular energy levels and molecular structures. In particular, the enhancement factor involving molecular energy levels requires the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energies to be within a suitable range with respect to graphene’s Fermi level, and this enhancement effect can be explained by the time-dependent perturbation theory of Raman scattering. The enhancement factor involving the choice of molecular structures indicates that molecular symmetry and substituents similar to that of the graphene structure are found to be favorable for GERS enhancement. The effectiveness of these factors can be explained by group theory and the charge-transfer interaction between molecules and graphene. Both factors, involving the molecular energy levels and structural symmetry of the molecules, suggest that a remarkable GERS enhancement requires strong molecule–graphene coupling and thus effective charge transfer between the molecules and graphene. These conclusions are further experimentally supported by the change of the UV–visible absorption spectra of molecules when in contact with graphene and these conclusions are theoretically corroborated by first-principles calculations. These research findings are important for gaining fundamental insights into the graphene–molecule interaction and the chemical mechanism in Raman enhancement, as well as for advancing the role of such understanding both in guiding chemical and molecule detection applications and in medical and biological technology developments

    Observation of Low-Frequency Combination and Overtone Raman Modes in Misoriented Graphene

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    Stacking disorder will significantly modify the optical properties and interlayer coupling stretch of few-layer graphene. Here, we report the observation of the Raman breathing modes in the low-frequency range of 100–200 cm<sup>–1</sup> in misoriented few-layer graphene on a SiO<sub>2</sub>/Si substrate. Two dominant Raman modes are identified. The one at ∼120 cm<sup>–1</sup> is assigned as the E<sub>g</sub> + ZO′ combination mode of the in-plane shear and the out-of-plane interlayer optical phonon breathing modes. Another peak at ∼182 cm<sup>–1</sup> is identified as the overtone mode 2ZO′. The appearance of these Raman modes for different twist angles indicates that stacking disorder in few-layer graphene significantly alters the Raman feature, especially for those combination modes containing the interlayer breathing mode. Further investigation shows that the two Raman vibrational modes (∼120 and ∼182 cm<sup>–1</sup>) are strongly coupled to the excitation laser energy, but their frequencies are independent of the number of graphene layers before folding. The present work provides a sensitive way to study the phonon dispersion, electron–phonon interaction, and electronic band structure of misoriented graphene layers

    Induction of DNA Damage and G<sub>2</sub> Cell Cycle Arrest by Diepoxybutane through the Activation of the Chk1-Dependent Pathway in Mouse Germ Cells

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    1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane (DEB) is a major carcinogenic metabolite of 1,3-butadiene (BD), which has been shown to cause DNA strand breaks in cells through its potential genotoxicity. The adverse effect of DEB on male reproductive cells in response to DNA damage has not been thoroughly studied, and the related mechanism is yet to be elucidated. Using mouse spermatocyte-derived GC-2 cells, we demonstrated in the present study that DEB caused the proliferation inhibition and marked cell cycle arrest at the G<sub>2</sub> phase but not apoptosis. DEB also induced DNA damage as evidenced by γ-H2AX expression, the comet assay, and the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. Meanwhile, DEB triggered the Chk1/Cdc25c/Cdc2 signal pathway, which could be abated in the presence of UCN-01 or Chk1 siRNA. GC-2 cells exposed to DEB experienced ROS generation and pretreatment of <i>N</i>-acetyl-l-cysteine, partly attenuated DEB-induced DNA damage, and G<sub>2</sub> arrest. Furthermore, measurement of testicular cells showed an increased proportion of tetraploid cells in mice administrated with DEB, alongside the enhanced expression of p-Chk1. Also, the defective reproductive phenotypes, including reduced sperm motility, increased sperm malformation, and histological abnormality of testes, were observed. In conclusion, these results suggest DEB induces DNA damage and G<sub>2</sub> cell cycle arrest by activating the Chk1-dependent pathway, while oxidative stress may be associated with eliciting toxicity in male reproductive cells

    Enhanced Raman Scattering on In-Plane Anisotropic Layered Materials

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) on two-dimensional (2D) layered materials has provided a unique platform to study the chemical mechanism (CM) of the enhancement due to its natural separation from electromagnetic enhancement. The CM stems from the charge interactions between the substrate and molecules. Despite the extensive studies of the energy alignment between 2D materials and molecules, an understanding of how the electronic properties of the substrate are explicitly involved in the charge interaction is still unclear. Lately, a new group of 2D layered materials with anisotropic structures, including orthorhombic black phosphorus (BP) and triclinic rhenium disulfide (ReS<sub>2</sub>), has attracted great interest due to their unique anisotropic electrical and optical properties. Herein, we report a unique anisotropic Raman enhancement on few-layered BP and ReS<sub>2</sub> using copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) molecules as a Raman probe, which is absent on isotropic graphene and h-BN. According to detailed Raman tensor analysis and density functional theory calculations, anisotropic charge interactions between the 2D materials and molecules are responsible for the angular dependence of the Raman enhancement. Our findings not only provide new insights into the CM process in SERS, but also open up new avenues for the exploration and application of the electronic properties of anisotropic 2D layered materials