408 research outputs found

    Using Social Network Analysis to gain insight into social creativity while designing digital mathematics books

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    Analysing the processes and products of creativity to better understand and support individuals and teams, is a difficult and elusive challenge despite years of research in creativity. In this article, we are particularly interested in social creativity in communities of interest. Building on Guilford's classic model of Divergent Thinking of fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration, we employ Social Network Analysis to model the creative design process. The creative process in the current study takes place in a technological environment called the ‘MC-squared platform’, in which members of a community of interest collaborate in a social, co-creative process for designing digital, mathematical textbooks. Both the technological environment and the methodology are exemplified through two case examples, one on the design process of a digital book about a bioclimatic amusement park and one on the design process of a digital book about fractions. We conclude that, for these examples, both the technological tool and the data analysis approach provide insight into the social creativity process of the community of interest

    Optimization of a network of compressors in parallel: Operational and maintenance planning – The air separation plant case

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    A general mathematical framework for the optimization of compressors operations in air separation plants that considers operating constraints for compressors, several types of maintenance policies and managerial aspects is presented. The proposed approach can be used in a rolling horizon scheme. The operating status, the power consumption, the startup and the shutdown costs for compressors, the compressor-to-header assignments as well as the outlet mass flow rates for compressed air and distillation products are optimized under full demand satisfaction. The power consumption in the compressors is expressed by regression functions that have been derived using technical and historical data. Several case studies of an industrial air separation plant are solved. The results demonstrate that the simultaneous optimization of maintenance and operational tasks of the compressors favor the generation of better solutions in terms of total costs

    Operational optimization of networks of compressors considering condition-based maintenance

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    The paper presents a mixed integer linear programming model which deals with the optimal operation and maintenance of networks of compressors of chemical plants. This optimization model considers condition-based maintenance which involves the degradation of the condition of the compressors. The paper focuses on online and offline washing, two different cleaning procedures which reduce the extra power used by the compressors due to fouling. The state-of-the-art has demonstrated the optimal schedule of the maintenance of a single compressor neglecting the interactions between operation and maintenance of more than one compressor. The suggested optimization model studies a compressor station with multiple compressors and provides their optimal schedule and the best decisions for their washing. Different case scenarios examine the influence of different types of washing methods on the total costs of operation and maintenance. The paper demonstrates the benefits of the optimization and demonstrates that maintenance and operation have to be examined simultaneously and not separately, in contrast to common industrial practice and previous approaches in the literature

    Wavelet analysis of the LF radio signals collected by the European VLF/LF network from July 2009 to April 2011

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    In 2008, a radio receiver that works in very low frequency (VLF; 20-60 kHz) and LF (150-300 kHz) bands was developed by an Italian factory. The receiver can monitor 10 frequencies distributed in these bands, with the measurement for each of them of the electric field intensity. Since 2009, to date, six of these radio receivers have been installed throughout Europe to establish a ‘European VLF/LF Network’. At present, two of these are into operation in Italy, and the remaining four are located in Greece, Turkey, Portugal and Romania. For the present study, the LF radio data collected over about two years were analysed. At first, the day-time data and the night-time data were separated for each radio signal. Taking into account that the LF signals are characterized by ground-wave and sky-wave propagation modes, the day-time data are related to the ground wave and the night-time data to the sky wave. In this framework, the effects of solar activity and storm activity were defined in the different trends. Then, the earthquakes with M ≥5.0 that occurred over the same period were selected, as those located in a 300-km radius around each receiver/transmitter and within the 5th Fresnel zone related to each transmitter-receiver path. Where possible, the wavelet analysis was applied on the time series of the radio signal intensity, and some anomalies related to previous earthquakes were revealed. Except for some doubt in one case, success appears to have been obtained in all of the cases related to the 300 km circles in for the ground waves and the sky waves. For the Fresnel cases, success in two cases and one failure were seen in analysing the sky waves. The failure occurred in August/September, and might be related to the disturbed conditions of the ionosphere in summer

    Anomalies Observed in VLF and LF Radio Signals on the Occasion of the Western Turkey Earthquake (Mw = 5.7) on May 19, 2011

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    VLF radio signals lie in the 10 - 60 kHz frequency band. These radio signals are used for worldwide navigation support, time signals and for military purposes. They are propagated in the earth-ionosphere wave-guide mode along great circle propagation paths. So, their propaga-tion is strongly affected by the ionosphere conditions. LF signals lie in 150 - 300 kHz frequency band. They are used for long way broadcasting by the few (this type of broadcasting is going into disuse) transmitters located in the world. These radio signals are characterized by the ground wave and the sky wave propagation modes [1]. The first generates a stable signal that propagates in the channel Earth-troposphere and is affected by the surface ground and troposphere condition. The second instead gives rise to a signal which varies greatly between day and night, and between summer and winter, and which propagates using the lower ionosphere as a reflector; its propagation is mainly affected by the ionosphere condi-tion, particularly in the zone located in the middle of the transmitter-receiver path. The propagation of the VLF/LF radio signals is affected by different factors such as the meteorological condition, the solar bursts and the geo-magnetic activity. At the same time, variations of some parameters in the ground, in the atmosphere and in the ionosphere occurring during the preparatory phase of earthquakes can produce disturbances in the above men-tioned signals. As already reported by many previous studies [2-18] the disturbances are classified as anoma-lies and different methods of analysis as the residual dA/ dP [15], the terminator time TT [9], the Wavelet spectra and the Principal Component Analysis have been used [6,7]. Here the analysis carried out on LF and VLF radio signals using three different methods on the occasion of a strong earthquake occurred recently in Turkey is pre-sented

    Learning Programming with Educational Robotics: Towards an Integrated Approach

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    Despite the fact that it has been a few years since robotics entered the school and offered new learning opportunities, educational robotics usually is offered in the context of extra-curricular activity (e.g. a “club”) which addresses a limited number of students and participation is based on student personal interest. In this paper we explore the potential of ER when it is integrated in the typical school curriculum. In the study we report here, we integrated ER in the computer science curriculum and all students of a 9th grade class engaged with robotics activities. The rationale underlying the study is that robotics can be used as a medium to motivate students in engaging with programming and support them to negotiate real life problems. Analysis of the data collected, indicate that ER when integrated with the computer science curriculum, can create a rich learning environment where programming is contextualized and students are highly motivated to engage and negotiate important STEM concepts

    The European Network for studying the radio precursors of earthquakes: the case of the May 19, 2011 Turkey earthquake (Mw=5.7)

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    Since 2009 a network of VLF (20-60 kHz) and LF (150-300 kHz) radio receivers was put into operation in Europe in order to study the disturbances produced by the earthquakes on the propagation of these signals. In 2011 the network was formed by nine receivers located three in Italy and one in Austria, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Russia and Turkey. On May 19, 2001 an earthquake with Mw=5.7 occurred in western Turkey, that is inside the “sensitive” area of the network. The radio data collected during April-May 2011 were studied using three different methods of analysis which are the wavelet spectra, the principal component technique and the standard deviation trends. Clear anomalies were revealed both in the signals broadcasted by the TRT transmitter (180 kHz) located near Ankara and in some VLF signals coming from transmitters located in western Europe and collected by the receiver TUR of the network located in eastern Turkey. Evident precursors phases were pointed out. Some difference in the efficiency of the methods of analysis were revealed

    Two-Stage, 90-GHz, Low-Noise Amplifier

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    A device has been developed for coherent detection of the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). A two-stage amplifier has been designed that covers 75-110 GHz. The device uses the emerging 35-nm InP HEMT technology recently developed at Northrop Grumman Corporation primarily for use at higher frequencies. The amplifier has more than 18 dB gain and less than 35 K noise figure across the band. These devices have noise less than 30 K at 100 GHz. The development started with design activities at JPL, as well as characterization of multichip modules using existing InP. Following processing, a test campaign was carried out using single-chip modules at 100 GHz. Successful development of the chips will lead to development of multichip modules, with simultaneous Q and U Stokes parameter detection. This MMIC (monolithic microwave integrated circuit) amplifier takes advantage of performance improvements intended for higher frequencies, but in this innovation are applied at 90 GHz. The large amount of available gain ultimately leads to lower possible noise performance at 90 GHz