26 research outputs found

    TBC1D3, a Hominoid-Specific Gene, Delays IRS-1 Degradation and Promotes Insulin Signaling by Modulating p70 S6 Kinase Activity

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    Insulin/IGF-1 signaling plays a pivotal role in the regulation of cellular homeostasis through its control of glucose metabolism as well as due to its effects on cell proliferation. Aberrant regulation of insulin signaling has been repeatedly implicated in uncontrolled cell growth and malignant transformations. TBC1D3 is a hominoid specific gene previously identified as an oncogene in breast and prostate cancers. Our efforts to identify the molecular mechanisms of TBC1D3-induced oncogenesis revealed the role of TBC1D3 in insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway. We document here that TBC1D3 intensifies insulin/IGF-1-induced signal transduction through intricate, yet elegant fine-tuning of signaling mechanisms. We show that TBC1D3 expression substantially delayed ubiquitination and degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1). This effect is achieved through suppression of serine phosphorylation at S636/639, S307 and S312 of IRS-1, which are key phosphorylation sites required for IRS-1 degradation. Furthermore, we report that the effect of TBC1D3 on IRS-1:S636/639 phosphorylation is mediated through TBC1D3-induced activation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), followed by suppression of T389 phosphorylation on p70 S6 kinase (S6K). TBC1D3 specifically interacts with PP2A regulatory subunit B56γ, indicating that TBC1D3 and PP2A B56γ operate jointly to promote S6K:T389 dephosphorylation. These findings suggest that TBC1D3 plays an unanticipated and potentially unique role in the fine-tuning of insulin/IGF-1 signaling, while providing novel insights into the regulation of tumorigenesis by a hominoid-specific protein

    High-resolution structure determination of the CylR2 homodimer using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement and structure-based prediction of molecular alignment

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    Structure determination of homooligomeric proteins by NMR spectroscopy is difficult due to the lack of chemical shift perturbation data, which is very effective in restricting the binding interface in heterooligomeric systems, and the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number of intermonomer distance restraints. Here we solved the high-resolution solution structure of the 15.4 kDa homodimer CylR2, the regulator of cytolysin production from Enterococcus faecalis, which deviates by 1.1 Å from the previously determined X-ray structure. We studied the influence of different experimental information such as long-range distances derived from paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, residual dipolar couplings, symmetry restraints and intermonomer Nuclear Overhauser Effect restraints on the accuracy of the derived structure. In addition, we show that it is useful to combine experimental information with methods of ab initio docking when the available experimental data are not sufficient to obtain convergence to the correct homodimeric structure. In particular, intermonomer distances may not be required when residual dipolar couplings are compared to values predicted on the basis of the charge distribution and the shape of ab initio docking solutions

    Development of the social brain from age three to twelve years

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    Human adults recruit distinct networks of brain regions to think about the bodies and minds of others. This study characterizes the development of these networks, and tests for relationships between neural development and behavioral changes in reasoning about others' minds ('theory of mind', ToM). A large sample of children (n = 122, 3-12 years), and adults (n = 33), watched a short movie while undergoing fMRI. The movie highlights the characters' bodily sensations (often pain) and mental states (beliefs, desires, emotions), and is a feasible experiment for young children. Here we report three main findings: (1) ToM and pain networks are functionally distinct by age 3 years, (2) functional specialization increases throughout childhood, and (3) functional maturity of each network is related to increasingly anti-correlated responses between the networks. Furthermore, the most studied milestone in ToM development, passing explicit false-belief tasks, does not correspond to discontinuities in the development of the social brain.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award 1122374)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award 095518)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award R01-MH096914-05