4 research outputs found

    Poultry viscera and bone meal in broiler pre-starter and starter diets

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    The use of viscera and bone meal in poultry pre-starter and starter diets and its effects on performance, digestive organ development and digestibility and nutrient retention were evaluated. In the first assay, 280-day-old Avian Cobb® chicks were allotted in four experimental groups with five replicates of 14 birds each, in the pre-starter phase; in the second assay, 280 eight-day-old Avian Cobb 48® chicks were allotted in four experimental groups with five replicates of 12 birds each. The experimental diet consisted of increasing levels of viscera and bone meal: 0% (control diet), 3%, 6% and 9% in pre-starter (Assay 1) and starter (Assay 2) diets, to meet nutritional requirements and feed composition proposed by the Brazilian Tables, all of them isonutritive and isoenergetic. A metabolic assay was developed and the total excreta collection was performed from the 4th to the 7th days in Assay 1 and from the 14th to the 17th days in Assay 2. On these days, one chick per experimental unit, representing the mean body weight of the parcel, was euthanized to perform digestive organ morphometry. Mean body weight was 45.4±0.4 on the 1st day in Assay 1 and 179.5±0.8 at 8 days of age in Assay 2. In Assay 1, a negative linear effect was observed for weight gain. Levels of viscera and bone meal influenced quadratically nitrogen digestibility index (Y = 66.0101 + 0.482425X - 0.0481086X²) and linearly the digestibility of dry matter (Y = 71.7775 - 0.615792X) and ether extract (Y = 78.3678 - 0.309136X). Morphometric measures of digestive organs were not influenced by viscera and bone meal levels. For Assay 2, negative and linear effect was observed for viscera and bone meal levels on weight gain (Y = 551.667 - 5.08341X) and feed intake (Y = 955.961 - 7.48435X). Quadratic effect was observed for ether extract digestibility (Y = 82.557 + 1.12021X - 0.150117X²) and maximum point was obtained at 3.7% viscera and bone meal inclusion for ether extract retention. Mortality was not affected by treatments in either of the assays. Viscera and bone meal can be used at 3 or 4% inclusion in broiler pre-starter and starter diets

    Desempenho de frangos caipiras alimentados com rações contendo diferentes níveis de energia metabolizável

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    Analisaram-se os efeitos da energia metabolizável (EM) e da idade de abate sobre o desempenho zootécnico, o rendimento de carcaça e de partes de frangos da linhagem Caipira Francês Exótico. Foram utilizadas 192 aves, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e quatro repetições de 16 aves cada. Os tratamentos (T) foram definidos de acordo com os níveis de energia das dietas inicial (1 a 28 dias) e final (29 a 90 dias), respectivamente, em: T1 - 3.000 e 3.100kcal de EM/kg; T2 - 3.100 e 3.200kcal de EM/kg; T3 - 3.200 e 3.300kcal de EM/kg. Os abates foram realizados aos 77, 84 e 90 dias. Na fase inicial, as aves do T2 e do T3 apresentaram maior peso médio (655,75 e 713,50g), maior ganho de peso (24,28 e 26,42g/ave) e melhor conversão alimentar (1,59 e 1,77), e não diferiram entre si (P>0,05). Quando abatidas aos 77 dias de idade, as aves que consumiram a dieta com 3.100/3.200kcal de EM/kg apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (82,20%) e de peito (24,26%), e não diferiram dos frangos alimentados com dietas contendo 3.000/3.200kcal de EM/kg, nos quais se verificaram rendimento de carcaça de 80,72% e 23,20% de rendimento de peito. Os frangos da linhagem Caipira Francês Exótico apresentaram melhores desempenho zootécnico e rendimento de carcaça quando alimentados com dietas contendo 3.100 a 3.200kcal de EM/kg na ração e abatidos aos 77 dias de idade

    Feather and blood meal in pre-starter and starter diets for broilers

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    Two experiments were carried out (pre-starter and starter phases) to evaluate the effect of feather and blood meal on performance, organ development and digestibility and retention of nutrients in broilers. In the first experiment, it was used 280 birds and in experiment 2, it was used 240 birds. The experimental diets were formulated with four levels of feather and blood meal (0%, 2%, 4% and 6%) all of them isonutritive and isoenergetic. A metabolic assay was developed on the 4th and 7th days of age in experiment 1 and on the 14th and 17th days of age in experiment 2. In these periods, one bird per experimental unit was sacrificed for determination of morphometry of the digestive organs. In experiment 1, in which it was evaluated the pre-starter phase, there was a negative linear effect of the levels of feather and blood meal on weight gain and intake in 1-21 day of age period. By using feather and blood meal in the diet, it was observed a linear effect on digestibility coefficient of dry matter, nitrogen and ether extract; there was a quadratic effect on retention of dry matter and nitrogen and linear effect on the retention of ether extract. However, performance of birds in the starter phase (experiment 2) was not affected by levels of feather and blood meal used in the diet. Coefficient of digestibility of dry matter and ether extract and retention of ether extract were affected. In both phases, mortality and morphometric data of digestive organs were not influenced by the levels of meal in the diet. Formulation of diets with up to 6% feather and blood meal for chickens in the pre-starter phase (from 1 to 7 days) is not a good alternative because it worsens performance of birds. However, from the initial phase (from 8 to 21 days), the use of feather and blood meal in the diet is viable. Feather and blood meal can be used at levels 3.0 or 4.0% for broilers in the pre-starter and starter phase