2 research outputs found
O trabalho objetivou determinar a composição, a distribuição espacial dos ovos e das larvas e suas relaçÔes entre salinidade e temperatura na Laguna de JacarepaguĂĄ. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de março de 1990 a fevereiro de 1991 em quatro ĂĄreas da laguna. O plĂąncton foi coletado na camada superficial com uma rede cĂŽnica de 350”m. Foram coletados 172 ovo e 882 larvas. A maior quantidade de ovos ocorreu no perĂodo seco em setembro, totalizando 93.02% enquanto que as larvas foram encontradas, em março no perĂodo chuvoso, e tambĂ©m de outubro a dezembro de 1990, totalizando 86.28%. As seis espĂ©cies de larvas identificadas foram: Xenomelaniris brasiliensis, Tilapia rendallis, Poecilia vivĂpara, Phalloptychus januarius, Brevoortia pectinata e Gerres aprion, e as famĂlias Engraulidae e Sparidae. X. brasiliensis foi a mais abundante abrangendo 62.81% do total das capturas. As larvas concentraram-se nas ĂĄreas 2 e 4, no perĂodo chuvoso, em ĂĄguas mais quentes. Pequenas variaçÔes de salinidade e temperatura foram verificadas na laguna, durante o perĂodo pesquisado.ABSTRACT Composition na spatial distribution of the ichthyoplankton of the JacarepaguĂĄ lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The aim of this work was to determine the spatial distribution and composition of the eggs and larvae and theis relationships between salinity and temperature in JacarepaguĂĄ Lagoon. Mensal collects were held in the period of March 1990 to February 1991 in four stations.The plankton was collected with a 350”m conic net in the surfasse. One hundred and seventy two eggs and 882 larvae were found. The greatest number of eggs was found in September, 93.02% in the dry season. The larvae were found in March and in the period from October to December 1990, with 86.28% in the rainy season. Six spcies of larvae were identified: Xenomelaniris brasiliensis, Tilapia rendallis, Poecilia vivĂpara, Phalloptychus januarius, Brevoortia pectinata and Gerres aprion, and the families, Engraulidae and Sparidae. X. brasiliensis was the most abundant on with 62.81% of the total capture catches. The larvae stages were concentrated in the second and fourth ĂĄreas, during the rainy season and in warm water. Short variations in temperature and salinity were evidenced in the lagoon in this period