7,891 research outputs found

    Non-canonical statistics of finite quantum system

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    The canonical statistics describes the statistical properties of an open system by assuming its coupling with the heat bath infinitesimal in comparison with the total energy in thermodynamic limit. In this paper, we generally derive a non-canonical distribution for the open system with a finite coupling to the heat bath, which deforms the energy shell to effectively modify the conventional canonical way. The obtained non-canonical distribution reflects the back action of system on the bath, and thus depicts the statistical correlations through energy fluctuations

    Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Topological Flat Bands with Chern Number Two

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    Recent theoretical works have demonstrated various robust Abelian and non-Abelian fractional topological phases in lattice models with topological flat bands carrying Chern number C=1. Here we study hard-core bosons and interacting fermions in a three-band triangular-lattice model with the lowest topological flat band of Chern number C=2. We find convincing numerical evidence of bosonic fractional quantum Hall effect at the ν=1/3\nu=1/3 filling characterized by three-fold quasi-degeneracy of ground states on a torus, a fractional Chern number for each ground state, a robust spectrum gap, and a gap in quasihole excitation spectrum. We also observe numerical evidence of a robust fermionic fractional quantum Hall effect for spinless fermions at the ν=1/5\nu=1/5 filling with short-range interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, with Supplementary Materia

    Preliminary Results on a New Algorithm for Blink Correction Adaptive to Inter- and Intra-Subject Variability

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    This paper presents a new preprocessing method to correct blinking artifacts in Electroencephalography (EEG) based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). This Algorithm for Blink Correction (ABC) directly corrects the signal in the time domain without the need for additional Electrooculogram (EOG) electrodes. The main idea is to automatically adapt to the blink's inter- and intra-subject variability by considering the blink's amplitude as a parameter. A simple Minimum Distance to Riemannian Mean (MDRM) is applied as the classification algorithm. Preliminary results on three subjects show a mean classification accuracy increase of 13.7% using ABC

    Adaptive real-time identification of motor unit discharges from non-stationary high-density surface electromyographic signals

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    Objective. Estimation of the discharge pattern of motor units by electromyography (EMG) decomposition has been applied for neurophysiologic investigations, clinical diagnosis, and human-machine interfacing. However, most of the methods for EMG decomposition are currently applied offline. Here, we propose an approach for high-density surface EMG decomposition in real-time. Methods. A real-time decomposition scheme including two sessions, offline training and online decomposition, is proposed based on the convolutional kernel compensation algorithm. The estimation parameters, separation vectors and the thresholds for spike extraction, are first computed during offline training, and then they are directly applied to estimate motor unit spike trains (MUSTs) during the online decomposition. The estimation parameters are updated with the identification of new discharges to adapt to non-stationary conditions. The decomposition accuracy was validated on simulated EMG signals by convolving synthetic MUSTs with motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). Moreover, the accuracy of the online decomposition was assessed from experimental signals recorded from forearm muscles using a signal-based performance metrics (pulse-to-noise ratio, PNR). Main results. The proposed algorithm yielded a high decomposition accuracy and robustness to non-stationary conditions. The accuracy of MUSTs identified from simulated EMG signals was > 80% for most conditions. From experimental EMG signals, on average, 12±2 MUSTs were identified from each electrode grid with PNR of 25.0±1.8 dB, corresponding to an estimated decomposition accuracy > 75%. Conclusion and Significance. These results indicate the feasibility of real-time identification of motor unit activities non-invasively during variable force contractions, extending the potential applications of high-density EMG as a neural interface

    Quantum phase transitions in a two-dimensional quantum XYX model: Ground-state fidelity and entanglement

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    A systematic analysis is performed for quantum phase transitions in a two-dimensional anisotropic spin 1/2 anti-ferromagnetic XYX model in an external magnetic field. With the help of an innovative tensor network algorithm, we compute the fidelity per lattice site to demonstrate that the field-induced quantum phase transition is unambiguously characterized by a pinch point on the fidelity surface, marking a continuous phase transition. We also compute an entanglement estimator, defined as a ratio between the one-tangle and the sum of squared concurrences, to identify both the factorizing field and the critical point, resulting in a quantitative agreement with quantum Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, the local order parameter is "derived" from the tensor network representation of the system's ground state wave functions.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figure
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