23,907 research outputs found

    Transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution/fragmentation functions at an electron-ion collider

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    We present a summary of a recent workshop held at Duke University on Partonic Transverse Momentum in Hadrons: Quark Spin-Orbit Correlations and Quark-Gluon Interactions. The transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs), parton-to-hadron fragmentation functions, and multi-parton correlation functions, were discussed extensively at the Duke workshop. In this paper, we summarize first the theoretical issues concerning the study of partonic structure of hadrons at a future electron-ion collider (EIC) with emphasis on the TMDs. We then present simulation results on experimental studies of TMDs through measurements of single-spin asymmetries (SSA) from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) processes with an EIC, and discuss the requirement of the detector for SIDIS measurements. The dynamics of parton correlations in the nucleon is further explored via a study of SSA in D (D production at large transverse momenta with the aim of accessing the unexplored tri-gluon correlation functions. The workshop participants identified the SSA measurements in SIDIS as a golden program to study TMDs in both the sea and valence quark regions and to study the role of gluons, with the Sivers asymmetry measurements as examples. Such measurements will lead to major advancement in our understanding of TMDs in the valence quark region, and more importantly also allow for the investigation of TMDs in the unexplored sea quark region along with a study of their evolution

    Measurements of d_2^n and A_1^n: Probing the neutron spin structure

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    We report on the results of the E06-014 experiment performed at Jefferson Lab in Hall A, where a precision measurement of the twist-3 matrix element d_2 of the neutron (d^n_2) was conducted. The quantity dn_2 represents the average color Lorentz force a struck quark experiences in a deep inelastic electron scattering event off a neutron due to its interaction with the hadronizing remnants. This color force was determined from a linear combination of the third moments of the ^3He spin structure functions, g_1 and g_2, after nuclear corrections had been applied to these moments. The structure functions were obtained from a measurement of the unpolarized cross section and of double-spin asymmetries in the scattering of a longitudinally polarized electron beam from a transversely and a longitudinally polarized ^3He target. The measurement kinematics included two average Q^2 bins of 3.2  GeV^2 and 4.3  GeV^2, and Bjorken-x 0.25≤ x ≤0.90 covering the deep inelastic and resonance regions. We have found that d^n_2 is small and negative for ⟨Q^2⟩=3.2  GeV^2, and even smaller for ⟨Q^2⟩=4.3  GeV^2, consistent with the results of a lattice QCD calculation. The twist-4 matrix element f^n_2 was extracted by combining our measured d^n_2 with the world data on the first moment in x of g^n_1, Γ^n_1. We found f^n_2 to be roughly an order of magnitude larger than dn2. Utilizing the extracted d^n_2 and f^n_2 data, we separated the Lorentz color force into its electric and magnetic components, F^(y,n)_E and F^(y,n)_B, and found them to be equal and opposite in magnitude, in agreement with the predictions from an instanton model but not with those from QCD sum rules. Furthermore, using the measured double-spin asymmetries, we have extracted the virtual photon-nucleon asymmetry on the neutron A^n_1, the structure function ratio g^n_1/F^n_1, and the quark ratios (Δu+Δu)/(u+u) and (Δd+Δd)/(d+d). These results were found to be consistent with deep-inelastic scattering world data and with the prediction of the constituent quark model but at odds with the perturbative quantum chromodynamics predictions at large x

    Mass Hierarchy Resolution in Reactor Anti-neutrino Experiments: Parameter Degeneracies and Detector Energy Response

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    Determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy using a reactor neutrino experiment at ∼\sim60 km is analyzed. Such a measurement is challenging due to the finite detector resolution, the absolute energy scale calibration, as well as the degeneracies caused by current experimental uncertainty of ∣Δm322∣|\Delta m^2_{32}|. The standard χ2\chi^2 method is compared with a proposed Fourier transformation method. In addition, we show that for such a measurement to succeed, one must understand the non-linearity of the detector energy scale at the level of a few tenths of percent.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by PR

    Precision measurements of A^n_1 in the deep inelastic regime

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    We have performed precision measurements of the double-spin virtual-photon asymmetry A_1 on the neutron in the deep inelastic scattering regime, using an open-geometry, large-acceptance spectrometer and a longitudinally and transversely polarized ^3He target. Our data cover a wide kinematic range 0.277 ≤ x ≤0.548 at an average Q^2 value of 3.078 (GeV/c)^2, doubling the available high-precision neutron data in this x range. We have combined our results with world data on proton targets to make a leading-order extraction of the ratio of polarized-to-unpolarized parton distribution functions for up quarks and for down quarks in the same kinematic range. Our data are consistent with a previous observation of an A_1^n zero crossing near x=0.5. We find no evidence of a transition to a positive slope in (Δd+Δd)/(d+d) up to x=0.548x=0.548

    A Lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of liquid-vapor thermal flows

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    We present a novel lattice Boltzmann method that has a capability of simulating thermodynamic multiphase flows. This approach is fully thermodynamically consistent at the macroscopic level. Using this new method, a liquid-vapor boiling process, including liquid-vapor formation and coalescence together with a full coupling of temperature, is simulated for the first time.Comment: one gzipped tar file, 19 pages, 4 figure

    Galilean invariance of lattice Boltzmann models

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    It is well-known that the original lattice Boltzmann (LB) equation deviates from the Navier-Stokes equations due to an unphysical velocity dependent viscosity. This unphysical dependency violates the Galilean invariance and limits the validation domain of the LB method to near incompressible flows. As previously shown, recovery of correct transport phenomena in kinetic equations depends on the higher hydrodynamic moments. In this Letter, we give specific criteria for recovery of various transport coefficients. The Galilean invariance of a general class of LB models is demonstrated via numerical experiments

    Exotic mesons from quantum chromodynamics with improved gluon and quark actions on the anisotropic lattice

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    Hybrid (exotic) mesons, which are important predictions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), are states of quarks and anti-quarks bound by excited gluons. First principle lattice study of such states would help us understand the role of ``dynamical'' color in low energy QCD and provide valuable information for experimental search for these new particles. In this paper, we apply both improved gluon and quark actions to the hybrid mesons, which might be much more efficient than the previous works in reducing lattice spacing error and finite volume effect. Quenched simulations were done at β=2.6\beta=2.6 and on a ξ=3\xi=3 anisotropic 123×3612^3\times36 lattice using our PC cluster. We obtain 2013±26±712013 \pm 26 \pm 71 MeV for the mass of the 1−+1^{-+} hybrid meson qˉqg{\bar q}qg in the light quark sector, and 4369±37±994369 \pm 37 \pm 99Mev in the charm quark sector; the mass splitting between the 1−+1^{-+} hybrid meson cˉcg{\bar c}c g in the charm quark sector and the spin averaged S-wave charmonium mass is estimated to be 1302±37±991302 \pm 37 \pm 99 MeV. As a byproduct, we obtain 1438±32±571438 \pm 32 \pm 57 MeV for the mass of a P-wave 1++1^{++} uˉu{\bar u}u or dˉd{\bar d}d meson and 1499±28±651499 \pm 28 \pm 65 MeV for the mass of a P-wave 1++1^{++} sˉs{\bar s}s meson, which are comparable to their experimental value 1426 MeV for the f1(1420)f_1(1420) meson. The first error is statistical, and the second one is systematical. The mixing of the hybrid meson with a four quark state is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    A key management architecture and protocols for secure smart grid communications

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    Providing encrypted communications among power grid components is expected to be a basic requirement of smart grid systems in the future. Here, we propose a key management architecture and associated protocols tailored to support encrypted smart grid communications. The architecture consists of two levels structured around the grid control system hierarchy. At the top level, which consist of control centers and regional coordinators, a bottom-up key structure is adopted using hash chaining and a logical key hierarchy. The lower level of the architecture consists of the regional coordinators (i.e., substations and distribution systems) and remote ends (e.g., meters and pole-top sensors) and utilizes a top-down key management approach built on an inverse element method. The proposed key management schema supports the hierarchical structure of the smart grid control mechanisms, and it takes the resource and electronic/physical security differences of the control levels into account. We define a set of protocols utilizing the architecture to provide secure unicast, multicast, and broadcast communications. Furthermore, we illustrate how the architecture is flexible enough to easily handle power grid nodes joining and leaving the system at the different levels. Lastly, we compare the proposed schema with existing ones and show that our architecture can achieve efficient key management to provide secure communications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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