10,696 research outputs found

    Statistical switching kinetics in ferroelectrics

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    By assuming a more realistic nucleation and polarization reversal scenario we build a new statistical switching model for ferroelectrics, which is different from either the Kolmogorov-Avrami-Ishibashi (KAI) model or the Nucleation-Limited-Switching (NLS) model. After incorporating a time-dependent depolarization field this model gives a good description about the retardation behavior in polycrystalline thin films at medium or low fields, which can not be described by the traditional KAI model. This model predicts correctly n=1 for polycrystalline thin films at high Eappl or ceramic bulks in the ideal case

    Periodic and Localized Solutions of the Long Wave-Short Wave Resonance Interaction Equation

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    In this paper, we investigate the (2+1) dimensional long wave-short wave resonance interaction (LSRI) equation and show that it possess the Painlev\'e property. We then solve the LSRI equation using Painlev\'e truncation approach through which we are able to construct solution in terms of three arbitrary functions. Utilizing the arbitrary functions present in the solution, we have generated a wide class of elliptic function periodic wave solutions and exponentially localized solutions such as dromions, multidromions, instantons, multi-instantons and bounded solitary wave solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of manganese doping on the size effect of lead zirconate titanate thin films and the extrinsic nature of dead layers

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    We have investigated the size effect in lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin films with a range of manganese (Mn) doping concentrations. We found that the size effect in the conventional Pt/PZT/Pt thin-film capacitors could be systematically reduced and almost completely eliminated by increasing Mn doping concentration. The interfacial layer at the electrode-film interface appears to disappear almost entirely for the PZT films with 2% Mn doping levels, confirmed by the fits using the conventional in-series capacitor model. Our work indicates that the size effect in ferroelectrics is extrinsic in nature, supporting the work by Saad et al. Other implications of our results have also been discussed. By comparing a variety of experimental studies in the literature we propose a scenario that the dead layer between PZT (or barium strontium titanate, BST) and metal electrodes such as Pt and Au might have a defective pyrochlore/fluorite structure (possibly with a small portion of ferroelectric perovskite phase).Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Phase Separation of Bismuth Ferrite into Magnetite under Voltage Stressing

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    Micro-Raman studies show that under ~700 kV/cm of d.c. voltage stressing for a few seconds, thin-film bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 phase separates into magnetite Fe3O4. No evidence is found spectroscopically of hemite alpha-Fe2O3, maghemite gamma-Fe2O3, or of Bi2O3. This relates to the controversy regarding the magnitude of magnetization in BiFeO3.Comment: 9 pages and 2 figure

    Electrical Detection of Spin Accumulation at a Ferromagnet-Semiconductor Interface

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    We show that the accumulation of spin-polarized electrons at a forward-biased Schottky tunnel barrier between Fe and n-GaAs can be detected electrically. The spin accumulation leads to an additional voltage drop across the barrier that is suppressed by a small transverse magnetic field, which depolarizes the spins in the semiconductor. The dependence of the electrical accumulation signal on magnetic field, bias current, and temperature is in good agreement with the predictions of a drift-diffusion model for spin-polarized transport.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Vortices, circumfluence, symmetry groups and Darboux transformations of the (2+1)-dimensional Euler equation

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    The Euler equation (EE) is one of the basic equations in many physical fields such as fluids, plasmas, condensed matter, astrophysics, oceanic and atmospheric dynamics. A symmetry group theorem of the (2+1)-dimensional EE is obtained via a simple direct method which is thus utilized to find \em exact analytical \rm vortex and circumfluence solutions. A weak Darboux transformation theorem of the (2+1)-dimensional EE can be obtained for \em arbitrary spectral parameter \rm from the general symmetry group theorem. \rm Possible applications of the vortex and circumfluence solutions to tropical cyclones, especially Hurricane Katrina 2005, are demonstrated.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Coupled KdV equations derived from atmospherical dynamics

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    Some types of coupled Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equations are derived from an atmospheric dynamical system. In the derivation procedure, an unreasonable yy-average trick (which is usually adopted in literature) is removed. The derived models are classified via Painlev\'e test. Three types of τ\tau-function solutions and multiple soliton solutions of the models are explicitly given by means of the exact solutions of the usual KdV equation. It is also interesting that for a non-Painlev\'e integrable coupled KdV system there may be multiple soliton solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Metoda za optimizaciju tehničkih parametara liofilizacije

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    Vacuum freeze-drying is a technique that makes a material dehydrate at low temperature and low pressure, and it has many merits. A control system is designed and developed based on a certain area freeze-drying machine. A test by the control system is done to optimize the freeze-drying technical parameters. According to the test results, by the method of quadratic orthogonal experiment, the key parameters, including duration, temperature and vacuum of freeze-drying, are analysed and optimized. The test proves the optimized parameters valid for certain vacuum freeze-drying machines and certain bacterins. Furthermore, the optimized parameters show that the vacuum freeze-drying method is useful for any area vacuum freeze-drying machine and any bacterin.Liofilizacija u vakuumu postupak je koji dehidrira materijal pri niskoj temperaturi i niskom tlaku, što ima mnogo prednosti. Kontrolni sustav dizajniran je i razvijen za određeni uređaj za liofilizaciju. Kako bi se optimizirali tehnički parametri liofilizacije, provedeno je ispitivanje od strane nadzornog sustava. Prema rezultatima, metodom kvadratnog ortogonalnog eksperimenta, analizirani su i optimizirani ključni parametri uključujući trajanje, temperaturu i razinu vakuuma liofilizacije. Ispitivanje dokazuje da optimizirani parametri vrijede za određene uređaje za liofilizaciju i određene bakterine. Dodatno, optimizirani parametri pokazuju da je liofilizacija upotrebljiva za bilo koji uređaj za liofilizaciju u vakuumu i bilo koji bakterin

    Optical and electrical spin injection and spin transport in hybrid Fe/GaAs devices

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    We discuss methods for imaging the nonequilibrium spin polarization of electrons in Fe/GaAs spin transport devices. Both optically- and electrically-injected spin distributions are studied by scanning magneto-optical Kerr rotation microscopy. Related methods are used to demonstrate electrical spin detection of optically-injected spin polarized currents. Dynamical properties of spin transport are inferred from studies based on the Hanle effect, and the influence of strain on spin transport data in these devices is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figs. ICPS-28 proceedings (July'06, Vienna) for J. Appl. Phy