22,984 research outputs found

    The qq-log-convexity of Domb's polynomials

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    In this paper, we prove the qq-log-convexity of Domb's polynomials, which was conjectured by Sun in the study of Ramanujan-Sato type series for powers of π\pi. As a result, we obtain the log-convexity of Domb's numbers. Our proof is based on the qq-log-convexity of Narayana polynomials of type BB and a criterion for determining qq-log-convexity of self-reciprocal polynomials.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1308.273

    On the qq-log-convexity conjecture of Sun

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    In his study of Ramanujan-Sato type series for 1/π1/\pi, Sun introduced a sequence of polynomials Sn(q)S_n(q) as given by Sn(q)=k=0n(nk)(2kk)(2(nk)nk)qk,S_n(q)=\sum\limits_{k=0}^n{n\choose k}{2k\choose k}{2(n-k)\choose n-k}q^k, and he conjectured that the polynomials Sn(q)S_n(q) are qq-log-convex. By imitating a result of Liu and Wang on generating new qq-log-convex sequences of polynomials from old ones, we obtain a sufficient condition for determining the qq-log-convexity of self-reciprocal polynomials. Based on this criterion, we then give an affirmative answer to Sun's conjecture

    Integer quantum Hall effect and topological phase transitions in silicene

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    We numerically investigate the effects of disorder on the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and the quantum phase transitions in silicene based on a lattice model. It is shown that for a clean sample, silicene exhibits an unconventional QHE near the band center, with plateaus developing at ν=0,±2,±6,,\nu=0,\pm2,\pm6,\ldots, and a conventional QHE near the band edges. In the presence of disorder, the Hall plateaus can be destroyed through the float-up of extended levels toward the band center, in which higher plateaus disappear first. However, the center ν=0\nu=0 Hall plateau is more sensitive to disorder and disappears at a relatively weak disorder strength. Moreover, the combination of an electric field and the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction (SOI) can lead to quantum phase transitions from a topological insulator to a band insulator at the charge neutrality point (CNP), accompanied by additional quantum Hall conductivity plateaus.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Refinement and growth enhancement of Al2Cu phase during magnetic field assisting directional solidification of hypereutectic Al-Cu alloy.

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    International audienceUnderstanding how the magnetic fields affect the formation of reinforced phase during solidification is crucial to tailor the structure and therefor the performance of metal matrix in situ composites. In this study, a hypereutectic Al-40 wt.% Cu alloy has been directionally solidified under various axial magnetic fields and the morphology of Al2Cu phase was quantified in 3D by means of high resolution synchrotron X-ray tomography. With rising magnetic fields, both increase of Al2Cu phase's total volume and decrease of each column's transverse section area were found. These results respectively indicate the growth enhancement and refinement of the primary Al2Cu phase in the magnetic field assisting directional solidification. The thermoelectric magnetic forces (TEMF) causing torque and dislocation multiplication in the faceted primary phases were thought dedicate to respectively the refinement and growth enhancement. To verify this, a real structure based 3D simulation of TEMF in Al2Cu column was carried out, and the dislocations in the Al2Cu phase obtained without and with a 10T high magnetic field were analysed by the transmission electron microscope

    Supercritical super-Brownian motion with a general branching mechanism and travelling waves

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    We consider the classical problem of existence, uniqueness and asymptotics of monotone solutions to the travelling wave equation associated to the parabolic semi-group equation of a super-Brownian motion with a general branching mechanism. Whilst we are strongly guided by the probabilistic reasoning of Kyprianou (2004) for branching Brownian motion, the current paper offers a number of new insights. Our analysis incorporates the role of Seneta-Heyde norming which, in the current setting, draws on classical work of Grey (1974). We give a pathwise explanation of Evans' immortal particle picture (the spine decomposition) which uses the Dynkin-Kuznetsov N-measure as a key ingredient. Moreover, in the spirit of Neveu's stopping lines we make repeated use of Dynkin's exit measures. Additional complications arise from the general nature of the branching mechanism. As a consequence of the analysis we also offer an exact X(log X)^2 moment dichotomy for the almost sure convergence of the so-called derivative martingale at its critical parameter to a non-trivial limit. This differs to the case of branching Brownian motion and branching random walk where a moment `gap' appears in the necessary and sufficient conditions.Comment: 34 page