16 research outputs found

    Oxidação da pirita e seus efeitos em argamassas de cimento Portland sujeitas ao ataque por sulfatos de origem interna

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    RESUMO O ataque por sulfatos de origem interna é resultante da reação química entre os íons Fe2+ e SO4 2-, provenientes da oxidação de agregados sulfetados, e os compostos da pasta cimentícia, e tende a promover a degradação do concreto devido formação de produtos expansivos que geram fissuração e desagregação do material. Neste trabalho, a morfologia da pirita, presente em alguns tipos de agregado, foi avaliada. O mineral foi utilizado em substituição parcial à areia (10%, em massa) na dosagem de argamassas, para estudo das modificações microestruturais e da variação dimensional linear sob envelhecimento natural durante 42 dias. A caracterização microestrutural foi executada em equipamento FEG/SEM com sonda analítica de EDS. Verificou-se, na superfície da pirita oxidada, a formação de óxidos de ferro, os quais afetaram a interface entre a pasta de cimento e o agregado nos materiais produzidos com a pirita. Quanto a variação dimensional, a argamassa apresentou apenas contrações durante o período de estudo. Verificou-se a ocorrência de fissuração e a predominância na formação de cristais aciculares de etringita aos 42 dias enquanto aos 90 dias a presença de gipsita predomina. Óxidos de ferro oriundos da oxidação da pirita são evidentes nas argamassas aos 90 dias

    Geometrical Analysis of the Frame Pillars of the Cathedral of Orleans Resulting from 3D Survey

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    Orthoimages of the outer walls and towers of the château de Chambord

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    The château de Chambord is one of the most famous castles in the world as it is an emblem of French Renaissance architecture. It was built at the beginning of the 16th century and has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1981. The monitoring of such a monument involves the organization and visualization of data sets such as archive documents, survey data, scientific documentation, restoration reports, meteorological data, etc. This process requires the realization of a support for documentation which may be an orthoimage. A photogrammetric survey was recently performed, in the framework of the traditional fieldwork of the students in the PPMD master's degree (Specialized Master’s in Positionning, Photogrammetry and Deformation Measurement) at the French National School of Geographic Sciences (ENSG). High resolution images were taken from the ground level, using two off-the-shelf reflex cameras, equipped with a 35 mm, a 100 mm and a 200 mm focal length lens according to the needs. The MicMac software was used for the bundle adjustment, the georeferencing and the dense correlation procedures, including orthoimage calculation. Added to plane-based orthoimages, cylinder-based orthoimages were generated for the 2D representation of the outer walls of the château de Chambord including façades and towers. Fitting the 2D projection to the mean characteristics of the geometry has a promising documentation potential for GIS applications in heritage studies

    Quality or Quantity. The Role of Representation in Archaeological Architecture

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    Documentation of archaeological structures encompasses a multidisciplinary approach that enables analysis and interpretation from many fields. Nowadays, the representation of the archaeological-architectural survey is one of the most dynamic areas thanks to the development of systems for the acquisition and alignment of data describing the geometry, appearance and context of objects. The construction of models is in fact the starting point for all those activities aiming at the knowledge of archaeological heritage. Different operations - from cataloguing to preservation, from designing to restoration and valorization - begin to show the enormous potentialities connected with models obtained through 3D surveys