7 research outputs found

    Ghost Map: Proving Software Correctness Using Games

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    A large amount of intellectual effort is expended every day in the play of on-line games. It would be extremely valuable if one could create a system to harness this intellectual effort for practical purposes. In this paper, we discuss a new crowd-sourced, on-line game, called Ghost Map that presents players with arcade-style puzzles to solve. The puzzles in Ghost Map are generated from a formal analysis of the correctness of a software program. In our approach, a puzzle is generated for each potential flaw in the software and the crowd can produce a formal proof of the software\u27s correctness by solving all the corresponding puzzles. Creating a crowdsourced game entails many challenges, and we introduce some of the lessons we learned in designing and deploying our game, with an emphasis on the challenges in producing real-time client gameplay that interacts with a server-based verification engine. Finally, we discuss our planned next steps, including extending Ghost Map\u27s ability to handle more complex software and improving the game mechanics to enable players to bring additional skills and intuitions to bear on those more complex problems

    An Architecture for Semi-Automated Radar Image Exploitation An Architecture for Semi-Automated Radar Image Exploitation

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    IMINT (image intelligence) Processing (SAIP) system as part of an advancedconcept technology demonstration. The SAIP system accepts radar images in real time, distributes them to a number of algorithms for automated analysis, and organizes the images and algorithmic results for display to image analysts. The SAIP software infrastructure, which mediates between the operating system and the application code of the individual components, supports message passing between those components and allows the system to operate as a pipeline of parallel computation modules. In this article, we describe the design considerations of the overall system architecture. We also discuss how the component systems are organized and how the software allows many components from different organizations to work together. The advent of low-cost, wide-area sensor platforms on unmanned air vehicles (UAV) will generate a profusion of data that dramatically increases the demands on image analysts. For example