13 research outputs found

    Environmental Effects Dominate the Folding of Oligocholates in Solution, Surfactant Micelles, and Lipid Membranes

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    Oligocholate foldamers with different numbers and locations of guanidinium−carboxylate salt bridges were synthesized. The salt bridges were introduced by incorporating arginine and glutamic acid residues into the foldamer sequence. The conformations of these foldamers were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy in homogeneous solution, anionic and nonionic micelles, and lipid bilayers. Environmental effects instead of inherent foldability were found to dominate the folding. As different noncovalent forces become involved in the conformations of the molecules, the best folder in one environment could turn into the worst in another. Preferential solvation was the main driving force for the folding of oligocholates in solution. The molecules behaved very differently in micelles and lipid bilayers, with the most critical factors controlling the folding−unfolding equilibrium being the solvation of ionic groups and the abilities of the surfactants/lipids to compete for the salt bridge. Because of their ability to fold into helices with a nonpolar exterior and a polar interior, the oligocholates could transport large hydrophilic molecules such as carboxyfluorescein across lipid bilayers. Both the conformational properties of the oligocholates and their binding with the guest were important to the transport efficiency.Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010): 9890, doi:10.1021/ja103694p. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.</p

    Unexpected tricovalent binding mode of boronic acids within the active site of a penicillin binding protein.

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    Boronic acids bearing appropriate side chains are good inhibitors of serine amidohydrolases. The boron usually adopts a tetrahedral conformation, bound to the nucleophilic serine of the active site and mimicking the transition state of the enzymatic reaction. We have solved the structures of complexes of a penicillin-binding protein, the DD-peptidase from Actinomadura sp. R39, with four amidomethylboronic acids (2,6 dimethoxybenzamidomethylboronic acid, phenylacetamidomethylboronic acid, 2-chlorobenzamidomethylboronic acid, and 2-nitrobenzamidomethylboronic acid) and the pinacol ester derived from phenylacetamidomethylboronic acid. We found that, in each case, the boron forms a tricovalent adduct with Ogamma of Ser49, Ser298, and the terminal amine group of Lys410, three key residues involved in the catalytic mechanism of penicillin-binding proteins. This represents the first tricovalent enzyme-inhibitor adducts observed by crystallography. In two of the five R39-boronate structures, the boronic acid is found as a tricovalent adduct in two monomers of the asymmetric unit and as a monocovalent adduct with the active serine in the two remaining monomers of the asymmetric unit. Formation of the tricovalent complex from a classical monocovalent complex may involve rotation around the Ser49 Calpha-Cbeta bond to place the boron in a position to interact with Ser298 and Lys410, and a twisting of the side chain amide such that its carbonyl oxygen is able to hydrogen bond to the oxyanion hole NH of Thr413. Biphasic kinetics were observed in three of the five cases and details of the reaction between R39 and 2,6-dimethoxybenzamidomethylboronic acid were studied. Observation of biphasic kinetics was not, however, thought to be correlated to formation of tricovalent complexes, assuming that the latter do form in solution. Based on the crystallographic and kinetic results, a reaction scheme for this unexpected inhibition by boronic acids is proposed

    New beta-strand templates constrained by Huisgen cycloaddition

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    New peptidic templates constrained into a β-strand geometry by linking acetylene and azide containing P(1) and P(3) residues of a tripeptide by Huisgen cycloaddition are presented. The conformations of the macrocycles are defined by NMR studies and those that best define a β-strand are shown to be potent inhibitors of the protease calpain. The β-strand templates presented and defined here are prepared under optimized conditions that should be suitable for targeting a range of proteases and other applications requiring such a geometry.Ashok D. Pehere and Andrew D. Abel