585 research outputs found

    Developing Acquisition IS Integration Capabilities: The Learning Processes of Novice Acquirers

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    Existing theory suggests that to successfully integrate information systems post-acquisition, an acquiring company must leverage two capabilities; diagnosis and integration execution. This paper seeks to understand how an inexperienced acquirer can develop these capabilities in anticipation of an acquisition. It uses a case study to understand the learning processes a novice acquirer engages in as they develop them. It finds the novice acquirer, applies trial and error, experimental, and vicarious learning processes, while actively avoiding improvisational learning. The results of the study contribute to the existing acquisition IS integration literature by specifically addressing the limited understanding of how novice acquirers can learn the required IS integration capabilities

    The effect of metal type and loading on n-paraffin hydrocracking conversion and selectivity

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    Includes bibliographical references.With the continued decline in global oil reserves, there is a growing need to develop alternative sources of conventional fuels to complement the current dependence on crude oil feedstocks. Natural gas, coal and biomass have been identified for this purpose. The distinctive advantage of using natural (stranded) gas is that it is turned into a useful product, thereby increasing its value and reducing the environmental impact of simply flaring it. The value-added work up of natural gas is effected by Gas-to-Liquid conversion via the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. Long-chain hydrocarbon waxes are produced and these are subsequently hydrocracked into the required middle distillate fuels, preferably diesel, as diesel engines are more efficient than their petrol counterparts. Hydrocracking may be carried out using a bifunctional catalyst, consisting of metal and acid components. Industrially, hydrocracking is used to crack heavy crude oil fractions into the desired fuel range, however, the catalysts used are sulphided transition metals. These are less suitable for cracking Fischer-Tropsch waxes as they would introduce sulphur into a clean feedstock. Moreover, at reaction temperatures of around 250°C, transition metal sulphide catalysts display little activity. Thus, one may consider noble metals such as palladium or platinum, whilst shape selective zeolites may be used as the acid component

    Validating acquisition IS integration readiness with drills

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    To companies, mergers and acquisitions are important strategic tools, yet they often fail to deliver their expected value. Studies have shown the integration of information systems is a significant roadblock to the realisation of acquisition benefits, and for an IT department to be ready to integrate they must begin preparations many months or years in advance. While the need for preparation is well understood, there is limited understanding as to how an IT department can become ready to acquire. This paper begins to address this gap by drawing on drills (usually associated with emergencies), to understand how an IT department can use them to validate their integration plans. The paper presents a case study of two drills used to validate an IT department’s readiness to carry out acquisition IS integration, and suggests seven acquisition IS integration drill characteristics others could utilise when designing their own drills

    A Partial Least Squares Latent Variable Modeling Approach for Measuring Interaction Effects: Results from a Monte Carlo Simulation Study and Voice Mail Emotion/Adoption Study

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    The ability to detect and accurately estimate the strength of interaction effects are critical issues that are fundamental to social science research in general and IS research in particular. Within the IS discipline, a large percentage of research has been devoted to examining the conditions and contexts under which relationships may vary, often under the general umbrella of contingency theory ( McKeen, Guimaraes, and Wetherbe 1994; Weill and Olson 1989). In our survey of such studies where such moderating variables are explored, a majority fail to either detect and/or provide an estimate of the effect size. In cases where effects sizes are estimated, the numbers are generally small. These results have, in turn, led some to question the usefulnessofcontingencytheoryandtheneedtodetectinteractioneffects(e.g.,WeillandOlson1989). This paper addresses this issue by providing a new latent variable modeling approach that can give more accurate estimates of such interaction effects by accounting for the measurement error in measures which attenuates the estimated relationships. The feasibility of this approach at recovering the true effects is demonstrated in two studies: a simulated data set where the underlying true effects are known and a Voice Mail adoption data set where the emotion of enjoyment is shown to have both a substantial direct and interaction effect on adoption intention

    Panel 17 Resolved: Surveys Have Outlived Their Usefulness in IS Research

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    Surveys are still not done well. The use of survey questionnaires may be counter-productive if the conclusions drawn from them have not been rigorously established. Trends seen in the Calgary Surveys Query System through 1991 (Munro, Newsted, andHuff1994)showthatlessthan40%ofpublishedsurveysmeetevenminimumstandardsofpsychometricrigor— letalone employ appropriate modeling techniques. Pinsonneault and Kraemer (1993) have reached a similar conclusion. Selected data since 1991 will be presented to show the current level of rigor in surveys. In addition it will be argued by the panelists that surveys do not give us the whole picture or even a rich enough picture to fully understand what is happening in IS within an organization. Further, they may be a completely incorrect way to even seek such knowledge. As a way of integrating all of the panelists’ presentations, a new research area such as electronic volunteerism (which is in need of theoretical development) will be introduced at this point. All panelists will address their remarks to this area

    Proactively Building Capabilities for the Post-Acquisition Integration of Information Systems

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    To gain the strategic benefits of acquisitions, firms must successfully execute post-acquisition IS integration. Unfortunately, a key reason acquisitions regularly fail is because firms fail to successfully leverage the post-acquisition IS integration capability. This capability is not found in non-acquisitive firms. Although research has shown that this capability must be built during the years preceding an acquisition, it has not comprehensively explained what the capability is, nor how it is proactively developed. Through an engaged scholarship learning partnership, this PhD examines how Maersk, proactively built their post-acquisition IS integration capability prior to their first acquisition. By adopting the resource-based view and its extension into dynamic capabilities this PhD contributes mid-range theory that describes and explains this proactive capability building process. Firms can leverage this useful knowledge when building their own IS integration capability to become capable of executing post-acquisition IS integration

    Management information systems and performance measurement for the electronic library: eLib supporting study (MIEL2)

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